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Welcome to the first issue of the Joy2MeU Journal.One of the primary purposes of this Journal is to publish in installments Robert's next 2 books.
The first two installment of The Dance of Wounded Souls Trilogy are in this issue. The publication of Wounded Souls Dancing in The Light will begin in the next issue of the Joy2MeU Journal. In this issue you will find: Newsletter Part I and Part II of The Dance of Wounded Souls Trilogy Book I "In The Beginning . . . . " (Part I was previously published on Robert's Web Site. Part II is published here for the first time.)
The first in a series of stories about Robert's Spiritual path. This series, which is called "The Path of One Recovering Codependent ~ the dance of one wounded soul" begins with the story of where the name of Robert's company originated. The Story of "Joy to You & Me"The Inner Children that need BoundariesRobert's Daily Prayers & Affirmations
If you have any questions or comments, or would like to be on the Joy2MeU e-mailing list please e-mail: Robert@Joy2MeU.com ![]() (Your privacy is of utmost importance. We keep a mailing list only for the purpose of sending out announcements about this web site. Your name and e-mail address is never traded, sold or used in any way whatsoever except for that purpose.) |