Prayer rock   In September of 2017 I am updating my (almost) daily Prayers and Affirmations to what they have evolved into over the years.  I just got moved back to Cambria and I am so grateful to be here.  I am feeling very blessed - and as I was doing my prayers and affirmations on the Ranch the last couple of days, the idea of updating this page and sharing my newer version came up several times.  Just this week, I have seen whales and dolphins and deer repeatedly, also turkeys and otters. I am Truly feeling very blessed!
May 2021 I have updated this page to add a picture of the rock that I sit on while doing my daily prayers and affirmations.  I also wanted to add a link to this article that I wrote for Mother's Day 2002 in which I talk about the space I call the Ranch - which is now the Fiscalini Ranch Preserve.

Cover Journal Robert's Daily Prayers and Affirmations
God, Goddess, Great Spirit, Bubba.*  Holy Mother Source Energy.* All my guides and totems and angels.  My friend and brother Jesus.
Thank you for helping me to access:
The Serenity and Faith to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage and willingness to change the things I can,
and the wisdom and clarity to know the difference.
Thy will not my will be done.
Thank you for allowing my will to serve thy will.
Thank you for helping me to align my will with thy will.
Thank you for helping me to quit smoking
Thank you for helping me to change my life style, get my blood sugar under control, and continue to lose weight.
Thank you for helping me pick out a car that is going to be safe and reliable for years to come.
Thank you for helping me get back to Cambria and to stay here for the foreseeable future. (As of 7/12/21, thank you for 4 years living in Cambria in a place I Loved - it was a miracle and a gift and a blessing - and then it was time to move on. Now I am learning to Love living in Cayucos.  Into The Forest - and out of Cambria)
(*reference comes from my Trilogy where my Higher Self irritated me by calling me Bucko and I retaliate with Bubba - in that Trilogy I refer to my Higher Power as The Holy Mother Source Energy)

On 8/23/22 I am adding the section of my prayers and affirmations that have to do with my grandson Darien - not sure why I hadn't included it originally, but adding it now.

Please help Darien have a deep, abiding, and grounded sense of self worth. Of knowing that he is worthy and Lovable - that he is inherently worthy and Lovable because he is connected to the ONENESS of everything;  Because he is a Magnificent Spiritual Being full of Light and Love.  He is part of the Great Spirit.  And that even if he has done shameful things - he is not a shameful being.  Help him to know in his gut that he is worthy and Lovable

Help him go make good choices.  To make choices out of delayed gratification so that he can be responsible in his life.  So that he can do his homework before playing or chatting or chilling.  So that he gets good effects.  He gets good consequences.  So that he gets rewarded and he feels good about being responsible in his life.  Help him to be responsible in his life and to feel good about being responsible in his life.

Help him to know it is good to have boundaries.  It is healthy to have boundaries.  It is important to have boundaries.  Help him to have boundaries with other people, including grandpa and grandma, _____ & ______ & his friends.  And help him to have boundaries with himself so that he doesn't engage in self sabotaging or self destructive behaviors.

Help him to not take other people's attitudes and behaviors personally.  Help him not to set himself up.  Help him to learn to live the Serenity Prayer in his life.  Help him to ask for what he wants - and to talk about what he needs.  Help him to keep reaching out to me when he needs to vent.  When he is scared or sad or hurt or angry or upset or confused or conflicted or happy or joyous or excited.  Help him to share his feelings with me - and help me to help him with his emotional stuff.

Guide him, lead him, show him the way.  Protect him!  Take care of him!!  Help him to be and become all that he can be.  Help him to get in touch with the Light within and to shine it into the world - but also to know how to protect himself for the Light stealers, from the emotional vampires  from the mad dogs and the skunks.
God, Goddess, Great Spirit, Bubba.  Holy Mother Source Energy. All my guides and totems and angels.  My friend and brother Jesus.
I offer myself to thee, to build with me and do with me as thou wilt.  Please relieve me of the bondage of ego-self that I may better do thy will.
Thank you for taking away my difficulties that victory over them may bear witness to those I would help of thy Power, thy Glory, and thy way of Life.
May I do thy will always.

Thank you for Guiding me, Leading me and Showing me The Way.
Thank you for helping me to Know, Love, Serve, enJoy,  express, embrace, accept, forgive and forget, be grateful for.
Thank you of letting me be:
a Channel of thy Truth,
an Instrument of thy Peace,
a Tool of thy Will.
A Manifestation of thy Joy,
a Celebration of thy Love,
and a Shining Example of thy Abundance.
I AM a Magnificent and Powerful Spiritual Being full of Light and Love.
I AM radiantly beautiful, vibrantly healthy, Joyously Alive, and Abundantly Prosperous.

I don't have to worry about what I say or what I do because you who sent me will direct me.
I AM always in the right place and the right time correctly engaged in the right activity.

I now have enough time, money, wisdom, and energy to accomplish all of my desires.
Financial Abundance is flowing into my life easily and effortlessly, freely and abundantly.
Large, rich, lavish, opulent, financial surprises are now manifesting in my life and I AM grateful.
A sum in the hundreds of dollars, the thousands of dollars, the tens of thousands of dollars, perhaps the hundreds of thousands, maybe even the millions has, or is about to, manifest into my life to support my healing, my journey to self-Love, my work and my mission, my parenting and relating to (I name about 2 dozen people at this point.)

I want $1,144,000 - or some such sum - to manifest in my life to support my healing, my journey to self-Love, my work and my mission, my ability to be comfortable and secure in my 70s.
so that I can Be and Become all that I can be,
so I am able to take Loving care of my self and my family,
pay off all of my debts, and carry a message of Joy and Love to the World.

I am unconditionally Loved right in this very moment, I always have been and always will be.
I am perfectly where I am supposed to be on my Spiritual Path, and I am being guided Home.
Thank you!
I ask for blessings for a whole list of specific people in my life in the last part of my prayers.
There are special offers for the Joy2MeU Journal subscription area of my site and my other subscription area on this page. - RB 9/16/17 4:08 pm - going to walk on Ranch now. :-)

These are the Prayers and Affirmations that I posted here in 1999 - and last updated in 2008.

My Daily Prayers and Affirmations

I have been asked about what daily prayers and affirmations I do quite often so I thought that I would include them in this first issue.  I don't do these every day, but there are days when I do them more than once.

This first prayer is an adapted version of the Serenity Prayer.  The reference to Bubba comes from my Trilogy and is addressing my Higher Self.  Since we are all part of the God-Force it is denial of our True Self to ask God to grant us serenity or anything else for that matter - it is closer to the Truth in my belief to thank the Powers That Be for helping me to remember who I AM and how to access the serenity and faith.

God, Goddess, Great Spirit, Bubba.   Holy Mother Source Energy. 
All my guides and totems and angels.  My friend and brother Jesus.

Thank you for helping me to access:

The Serenity and Faith to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage and willingness to change the things I can,
and the wisdom and clarity to know the difference.

Thy will not my will be done.

Thank you for allowing my will to serve thy will.
Thank you for helping me to align my will with thy will.

This next is an adaptation of the third step prayer from the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous.  I do the whole "In the name of, in alignment with  . . ." about half the time these days - the rest of the time I just use the salutation that I use for the Serenity Prayer.

In the name of, and in alignment with: God; the God-Force; The Goddess; Goddess Energy; The Great Spirit, and All of My Relations; 

In the name of, and in alignment with: Love, Light, Joy, Truth and Beauty.

In the name of, and in alignment with: All that is good, Holy, Sacred, Blessed and Divine.

In the name of, and in alignment with: The Holy Mother Source Energy.

In the name of, and in alignment with: Jesus Christ and all of the Master Teachers.

In the name of, and in alignment with: The Energy of ALL THAT IS vibrating in ONENESS at the frequency of Absolute Harmony which is LOVE.

I offer myself to thee, to build with me and do with me as thou wilt.  Please relieve me of the bondage of ego-self that I may better do thy will. 

Please take away, and Thank you for taking away, my difficulties that victory over them may bear witness to those I would help of thy Power, thy Glory, and thy way of Life.

May I do thy will always.

My prayers for guidance and my Affirmations have grown over the years - the more self Loving ones that I have added in recent years are in red.

Guide me, Lead me and Show me The Way. 

Help me to Know, Love, Serve, enJoy, express, and embrace.

Thank you of letting me be:

a Channel of thy Truth,

an Instrument of thy Peace,

a Tool of thy Will.

A Manifestation of thy Joy,

a Celebration of thy Love,

and a Shining Example of thy Abundance.

I AM a Spiritual Being full of Light and Love.

I AM radiantly beautiful, vibrantly healthy, Joyously Alive, and Abundantly Prosperous. (at this point I often sing "Zippidee do dah"*)

I don't have to worry about what I say or what I do because you who sent me will direct me.

I AM always in the right place and the right time correctly engaged in the right activity.

I now have enough time, money, wisdom, and energy to accomplish all of my desires.

Financial Abundance is flowing into my life easily and effortlessly, freely and abundantly.

Large, rich, lavish, opulent, financial surprises are now manifesting in my life and I AM grateful.**

A sum in the tens of thousands of dollars, perhaps the hundreds of thousands, maybe the millions has, or is about to, manifest into my life to support my work and my journey to self-Love and I AM very grateful.

Good things are happening in my life on all levels:

Including Healing and health.  I AM healing my body and my relationship with my body easily and effortlessly, freely and abundantly.

Success and Prosperity.  Success for my book and money to publish my next books and to lead a comfortable life is manifesting in my life easily and effortlessly, freely and abundantly.

Friendship, Love, emotional support are manifesting in my life easily and effortlessly, freely and abundantly.

Touch, affection, sexual fulfillment - perhaps in a relationship with my Twin Soul - are manifesting in my life in a balanced, harmonious, Loving way - easily and effortlessly, freely and abundantly.

* "Zippidee do dah, Zippidee ay.  My, Oh my, what a wonderful day. 
Plenty of sunshine coming my way.   Zippidee do dah, Zippidee ay. 
Mr. Blue Bird on my shoulder it's a fact - it's actual, it's really satisfactual. 
Zippidee do dah, Zippidee ay.  My, Oh my, what a wonderful day. 
Plenty of Love, Light, and money coming my way.   Zippidee do dah, Zippidee ay." 

(My apologies to the songwriter - I have no idea if these words are anywhere close to accurate - this is my version.  The spelling is my attempt also.)

**I added the extra ones about money when I realized that I had a deeply held belief that having money would corrupt me.  So I had to add new affirmations to help remove any blocks to abundance that I might be subconsciously putting up.  This is the first time I have typed these up in some years - and they have changed over the years as new ones have been added.  I realized that it is probably a bit incongruous to say what I did at the top of the page about not asking God to grant - and then turning around and saying "thy" will so often.  I will have to contemplate that one.  What I know is that adding "Thy will not my will be done" to the serenity prayer 12 years ago (as I talk about in my article on Joy to You & Me) had a very powerful and profound effect on my process.  It was a surrender that was vital to me being where I am today so I am not inclined to change it just now - maybe someday.

Cover Journal

Journal Issue 1 Home


The Story of "Joy to You & Me"

Cute 3d graphic of Joy2MeU.
Serenity Prayer by Reinhold Niebuhr

Some of the Positive Affirmations are from Shakti Gawain - others were inspired by her work.

Although my book and articles make reference to Alcoholics Anonymous, the principles and Twelve Step program of A.A., this does not mean that A.A. has reviewed or approved the contents of this writing, nor that A.A. agrees with the views expressed herein. A.A. is a program of recovery from alcoholism only - use of this material in connection with programs and activities which are patterned after A.A., but address other problems, or in any other non-A.A. context, does not imply otherwise.

Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls by Robert Burney is copyright 1995.  Material on Joy2MeU web site (except where otherwise noted) is copyright 1996 thru 2022 by Robert Burney PO Box 1028 Cambria CA 93428.