"Codependence causes us to have a distorted and repressed emotional process, and the only way out is through the feelings. Codependence gives us a scrambled mind, a reversed dysfunctional way of looking at ourselves and the world, and we have to be able to use the wonderful tool that is our mind while changing our attitudes and reprogramming our thinking.It seems awfully complicated, doesn't it?
That is because it is!
On another level it is also very simple. It is a Spiritual Dis-ease. It can only be healed through a Spiritual Cure."
*** "Everything is unfolding perfectly from a Cosmic Perspective! There are no accidents, no coincidences, no mistakes! You are perfectly where you are supposed to be on your Path. You always have been and always will be!The God-Force is powerful enough to get us to where we are supposed to be with or without our help! We do not have the power to screw up the Great Spirits plan."
*** "Part of the reason for being here was to experience being human. We have all lived multiple lifetimes. We have all experienced every facet of being human. We are now, not just healing our wounds from this lifetime, we are doing Karmic settlement - on a massive scale, at a very accelerated rate."
to a page of Joy2MeU The Web Site of Spiritual Teacher, codependence counselor, grief therapist, author, Robert Burney and Joy to You & Me Enterprises![]() Go to Home Page
Robert is the author of the Joyously inspirational bookThe Dance of Wounded Souls ![]()
These are some excerpts from
Codependence:The Dance of Wounded Souls on Spirituality. A Cosmic Perspective - the Kinder, Gentler Way"Codependence causes us to have a distorted and repressed emotional process, and the only way out is through the feelings. Codependence gives us a scrambled mind, a reversed dysfunctional way of looking at ourselves and the world, and we have to be able to use the wonderful tool that is our mind while changing our attitudes and reprogramming our thinking. "Everything is unfolding perfectly from a Cosmic Perspective! There are no accidents, no coincidences, no mistakes! You are perfectly where you are supposed to be on your Path. You always have been and always will be! "So what I am saying is not that you are doing something wrong if you are not happy with your life. I am saying, "Hey, this is the reason that doing life the way we were taught doesn't work - it is not our fault!" I am saying, "Hey, there are answers, there is hope. We have new tools now - and they work! Isn't that great news?" "Part of the reason for being here was to experience being human. We have all lived multiple lifetimes. We have all experienced every facet of being human. We are now, not just healing our wounds from this lifetime, we are doing Karmic settlement - on a massive scale, at a very accelerated rate." "Karma is the Loving, wonderful law of energy interaction which governs human interaction. Like the other levels of Universal Law, it is about cause and effect. In this case, "what you sow, you reap. Karmic Law dictates that every action of cause on the Physical Plane is paid for with a consequence of effect on the Physical Plane. In other words, no one can end up in the hole, or in some hell in an afterlife. (Hell is here on earth, and we have all experienced it already.)" "This is not home. This is also not a prison. This is boarding school and we are getting ready for graduation. And it is all a perfect part of the Divine Script. "A "state of Grace" is the condition of being Loved unconditionally by our Creator without having to earn that Love. We are Loved unconditionally by the Great Spirit. What we need to do is to learn to accept that state of Grace. The way we do that is to change the attitudes and beliefs within us that tell us that we are not Lovable." "One of the ironies of this whole business is something that physicists have learned from quantum physics. They have learned that the physical world is made up of energy fields that are temporary manifestations of energy interactions. All of the energy fields of the physical world are temporary. Some last for fractions of a second, some last for billions of years - but they are all temporary illusions. |