New May 24th, 2018 - a Mobile friendly site index page with links to my articles on mobile friendly sites.

Inner Child Healing, Abundant Spirituality, codependency recovery, dysfunctional relationships, emotional healing, Spiritual Transformation, 12 steps, New Age Metaphysics, Twelve Step Principles, twin souls, Enlightenment, codependent dynamics, karmic settlement, grief process therapy, Christ Consciousness, dysfunctional families, early childhood trauma, co-dependence, hundredth monkey principle, True Love, fear of intimacy, emotional abuse, toxic shame, vibrational frequency, mystic, child within, setting boundaries, Kindred Spirit, healthy romantic relationships, toxic love, codependence counselor, Goddess Energy, quantum physics, telephone counseling, recovering alcoholic, molecular biology, Karma, mystical Truth, Co-Dependents Anonymous, alcoholism, Great Spirit, Adult Children of Alcoholic syndrome, addictive / compulsive behavior, empowered co-creation, soul mate, The Dance of Wounded Souls, positive affirmations, personal empowerment, Loving Higher Power, inner peace, serenity, freedom, Joy to Me and You, Life changing workshop, Spiritual Integration Training, Empowerment & Inner Peace

 This is the Site Index Page of the Web Site

On this page are links to the pages of - the web site of Robert Burney and his self publishing company Joy to You & Me Enterprises.  Robert is a codependency counselor, grief therapist, inner child healing pioneer, Spiritual teacher, and author of the Joyously inspirational Spiritual book:  Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls

Check out our new Landing Site that is user friendly on mobile devices for an overview of the work of Codependency Recovery / Inner Child Healing Pioneer Robert Burney - including links to his articles on websites that are also user friendly on mobile devices.

To skip announcements and go to index of pages click here.

Welcome to

Logo of Joy2MeU web site of codependency counselor/inner child therapist/Spiritual teacher
Check out the New page - with the latest additions to and news of Joy2MeU

Site Search Engine

Metaphysical Law: Giving and Receiving ~ Donations / Love Offerings

click here for Update Newsletters

New June 3rd 2011

Announcing a recording of my Intensive Training Day Workshop is available as an MP3 download along with a 42 page pdf Companion Guide.
The following "new" sites are Mobile Friendly
New October 30th, 2008
New web sites:
Robert Burney

Now available an MP3 download for Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls
Available as Amazon Kindle e-book

I am now posting quotes & news regularly on my Facebook page.
*Newest* June 28, 2024:
New & News: New Intensive Workshop dates on Zoom in July.

New & News: Today is my 38th CoDA birthday!  It is the anniversary of my conscious commitment to codependency recovery. I cried today from Joy and Gratitude for my recovery when I read the story about how that unfolded.  
“I date my codependence recovery as starting on June 3 1986.”- The Story of "Joy to You & Me"

New & News:
New Intensive Workshop dates on Zoom in February.  Update om ASKing for Help Update ASKing for Help 1/17/24

New & News October 2, 2023: I posted an Update to my ASKing for Help page that I published a couple of months ago - and am posting a new one today: Update ASKing for Help 10/1/23.

New & News March: A New Intensive Workshop date on Zoom in May in addition to the one in April.

New & News January 3rd, 2023: 39 years clean & sober today: MY SOBRIETY DATE: JANUARY 3RD, 1984

New & News December 20th, 2022: I added a second Intensive Workshop on Zoom in January 2023.

New & News December 11th, 2022: Special Holidsay Sale of Robert's Books Holiday Sale for 2022 and an Intensive Workshop on Zoom January 1st 2023 - great way to start the new year!

New & News November 20th, 2022: Announcing for the first time, an app of my recording of The Dance of Wounded Souls.  Also, a Holiday Sale for 2022 - give your loved ones a gift that will help them to be healthier and more loving to them self.
App ad

New & News: Two Intensive Workshops on Zoom in December.

New & News September 18th: Two Intensive Workshops on Zoom in October.

New & News July 5: Intensive Workshops on Zoom in September & October - and I have updated the page that I share my Daily Prayers & Affirmations to include a section of my prayers for my grandson Darien.

New & News June 2nd, 2022:  Tomorrow is my CoDA birthday!  It is the anniversary of my conscious commitment to codependency recovery. I cried today from Joy and Gratitude for my recovery when I read the story about how that unfolded.  
“I date my codependence recovery as starting on June 3 1986.”- The Story of "Joy to You & Me"

New & News May 16th, 2022:  Intensive Workshops on Zoom in June & July.

New & News January 3rd, 2022: 38 years clean & sober today: MY SOBRIETY DATE: JANUARY 3RD, 1984  A New Intensive Workshop date on Zoom in February.

New & News: Intensive Workshops on Zoom in September and October - and going forward for the foreseeable future. This website - - is designed in a program that is obselete (Netscape) - which is why I started a new Mobile Friendly site a couple of years ago -  I keep an old computer to work on it, because it doesn’t work with any operating system from X on.  It is probably not going to work one of these days, as it has been giving me more and more problems.  I am putting this notice up here to let you know that very soon I may not be able to update this site,  and it will be good to go to for the latest news.  I am in the process of writing an Update Newletter to cover the last 2  1/2 years since my last Update Newsletter -  Valentine's Update-February 2019  - and hope to get it published before the end of November.

New & News: A new article Into The Forest - and out of Cambria, a new phone number 805-900-5237, and Intensive Workshops on Zoom in August.

New & News May 17th: Announcing a new special offer page for phone / Zoom / Skype counseling and Zoom Workshops in June & July.
"My goal in working with people is to empower them to be in-dependent. To teach people how to have internal boundaries so that they can separate the messages coming from the old tapes and old wounds from the messages of intuitive Truth from their Spirit - so that they can start learning how to relax and trust their Spirit to guide them. . . . The telephone / Zoom / Skype counseling has proven a wonderful venue for being able to help individuals to see where they are at on their own personal path with some clarity and compassion - from people who are just starting recovery to people who have been on a healing, recovery, spiritual path for many years.” - Robert Burney

New & News: Announcing a new article: Acceptance is the Answer and 2 Zoom Workshops in May.

New & News: Announcing Zoom Workshops in April & May.
Robert Burney posted on Facebook March 17, 2016  "When I was a kid I used to feel sorry for my mother because she was only half Irish and I was 100% Irish.  Not sure where that came from but Happy St. Paddy's Day."

New & News February 9th, 2021: Announcing Zoom Workshops in February and March.  Be Loving to your self on Valentine's Day 2021!

"It is very sad that so many of us have had to shut down our hearts and locked the romantic part of us away in a deep dark place within us.

It is very sad - but it is truly tragic that we blame ourselves.  We have been victimized by societies dysfunctional programming and we beat up on the victim of those forces that we were powerless over.

We do deserve Love in our lives.  We deserve companionship and support and friendship.  We deserve touch and affection and sexual fulfillment.

We all do! . . . Make this Valentine's Day a True celebration of Love by choosing to Love and have compassion for your wounded self (own the emotional pain) at the same time you are allowing your Spiritual Self to nurture (tell yourself Spiritual Truth) and protect you (tell the critical parent voice to shut up.)” - Romantic Relationships ~ The Greatest Arena for Spiritual & Emotional Growth Chapter 16 - A Valentine's Day Prayer

“My next Zoom Workshop will start on January 3rd, 2021.  My sobriety birthday.  I have been clean and sober since January 3rd, 1984.  It will probably be quite emotional for me to do Part 1 of this workshop on my 37th Sobriety Anniversary. 

I started doing my Life-Changing Workshop in May of 2020 because of the pandemic. A major reason that I decided to do my workshop on Zoom, is to leave more of a record of my work in case I should end up being taken out by the virus.  I am in the susceptible Boomer group, so anything is possible. (I haven't gotten covid but I did have a minor stroke and some other physical issues this year - getting old isn't for sissies.)  I believe that the approach to inner child / emotional healing that I share in the workshop is the missing piece - the missing perspective - of the puzzle of life that so many people have been seeking.  It is a formula for integrating intellectual knowledge and spiritual Truth into one's emotional relationship with life.   It is the key to learning how to be more Loving to your self - and to turning life into an adventure to be experienced instead of an ordeal of suffering to be endured.  Zoom has proven to be a good vehicle for sharing this formula with people around the world.

It will be very interesting to me to do my workshop on my sobriety birthday - makes me emotional just to think about it.  As I say again and again in the article below, I am sooooo grateful for my recovery - and the life that it has given me for the last 37 years.  Here is the link to the Zoom Workshop for anyone who wants to join me.  Such a blessed and Joyfilled life I have been gifted with because of being willing to follow where I was led in my recovery.”  - MY SOBRIETY DATE: JANUARY 3RD, 1984

New & News: Announcing Zoom Workshops in November & December - a new article for 2020: Standing up to evil - and Accepting the Divine Plan and New web address: 

New & News Sepember 18th: Announcing A Zoom Workshop in October.

New & News August 17th: Announcing 2 Zoom Workshops in September - and an interview that I did in June.

New & News July 20th: Announcing a Zoom Workshop in August - and a new blog post "My Terror of Intimacy"

New & News July 4th: Announcing 2 Zoom Workshops for July.

New & News June 18th: Announcing Morro Bay workshop for June 28th is canceled and Zoom Workshop for Australia and New Zealand (and people in Pacific Time Zone) is moved back a week - now starting on June 25th. Also new blog: Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in the Light   Book 2: A Dysfunctional Relationship with Life   Chapter 3: Emotional honesty

New & News May 28th: Announcing the scheduling of online Workshops using Zoom in June

New & News April 23rd: Announcing the cancelation of the Intensive Training Workshop in Morro Bay CA on April 26th 2020 and the scheduling of online Workshops using Zoom.

New & News: I set new dates for workshops in Morro Bay on April 26th & June 28th - and added the testimonials from the last workshop in Morro Bay in March to the Intensive Testimonial Page.

New & News February 2nd: I set a new date for a workshop in Morro Bay on March 15th - and added the testimonials from the last workshop in Morro Bay in January to the Intensive Testimonial Page.

New & News January 2, 2020: Tomorrow is my sobriety birthday:  MY SOBRIETY DATE: JANUARY 3RD, 1984

New & News December 7th, 2019: I set a new date for a workshop in Morro Bay on January 26th, published a new blog "deep dive into my fear of intimacy issues" - and added the testimonials from the last workshop in Morro Bay in December to the Intensive Testimonial Page.

New & News Sept 5th, 2019: A new blog "easier to be a channel for Love to flow through than a receptacle for Love to flow into."

New & News July 2nd, 2019: I set a new date for a workshop in Morro Bay on Sept. 29th.  I extended the Sale page with special offer for PDF of Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls for only $5. I updated my Working the Third Step page with the latest of my car adventures of late - and added the testimonials from the last workshop in Morro Bay in June to the Intensive Testimonial Page.

New & News June 3rd, 2019:  Today is the 33rd anniversary of my conscious commitment to codependency recovery - The Story of "Joy to You & Me"

New & News April 4th, 2019: Announcing a change in date for Workshop in Morro Bay to June 16th

New & News March 27tin h, 2019: Announcing a new date for Workshop Morro Bay on May 26th, testimonials from March Morro Bay workshop available on Intensive Testimonial Page, and the latest blog: There are times when life events feel emotionally battering.  

New & News Febrary 14th, 2019: Announcing a Valentine's Update: Joy to You & Me, Joy2MeU, and Joy2MeU2 Update Newsletter.

New & News August 13th: Announcing Links to video & audio versions of interview Robert did for the online event: Overcoming Codependency.  Also special offer for Life Changing Telephone / Skype Counseling.

New & News July 30th: Email received on 7/29/18 that I just have to add here - it is so cool. ;-)
"Hello Robert,

I hope this finds you well. You and I had a few phone sessions over a year ago. Since that time, I have stopped drinking, focused on living in abundance and have allowed the universe to guide my life. That being said, my income has doubled and is still climbing, my relationship has improved, abundance has filled my life and I find that I am much happier person. I am more confident than I've ever been and am actually excited about the future. These days, I look forward to each day and all of the possibilities that are available to me.

I was compelled to send you a gift today to express my gratitude for being such a beacon of inspiration. I am grateful for you and the gifts you have enabled me to receive and I send you joy and blessings for being a such a spiritual being.

Joy, wisdom & harmony." - in response to page I posted for my 70th birthday on July 23rd, 2018.
New & News July 9th: Announcing a Special Birthday Sale page to help my finances here as I approach my 70th birthday. Egad!  :-(  I never thought I would make 30.

New & News June 17th: Announcing that I have posted my first Update Newsletter in more than 6 years - with announcements about the new website, an appearance on an online recovery conference, what's happening in my life, and special offers for books, phone counseling, and upcoming workshop.  I also recently updated my page: Training for Counselors / Therapists / Coaches  / Healers in Robert Burney's Inner Healing Formula.

New & News May 30th:  Happy Codependency Recovery Birthday to me!  Sunday will mark the 32nd Anniversary of day I made a conscious commitment to codependency recovery June 3rd 1986!  

New & News May 24, 2018: Announcing a new website with links to my articles on mobile friendly sites: - and a siteindex page that on your phone will present you with most of my articles on mobile friendly sites (around 170.)

New & News January 4th, 2018: Two new blogs: My Sobriety Date: January 3rd, 1984 and Illusions “The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah.”

New & News September 10, 2017: I have moved back to Cambria - hurrah!  I have updated my Darien page to explain what has happened and why - and in the course of doing that I published a blog with some things I had written on that page: The Age of Reason - Darien and the Tooth Fairy.

New & News August 14, 2017: Announcing that I am moving back to Cambria next week.  Here is an Update Newsletter in which I talk about my feelings for Cambria as I was accepting that I might have to leave there in 2005 - and includes the story of the miracles that led me to Cambria in the first place.   This is a story I wrote for Mother's Day in 2003 in which I talk about some of the things I love about Cambria.  I have added the testimonials from the August workshop in Encinitas to the Intensive Testimonials page.  I do not plan on offering any more Workshops in San Diego once I am not living there.  

New & News July 22nd, 2017:  Announcing that I have posted a page with a message from the past and one from the present as a way of honoring the 30th Anniversary of my 39th Birthday.

New & News July 12th, 2017:  Announcing that I am changing the date for the next Intensive Training Day in Encinitas to August 6th.  Now that I have my grandson Darien living with me I wanted to create the possibility that we might be able to move back to the Central Coast of California. (I updated my Darien page for the first time in 5 years - and included some links to pages where I talk about my relationship with the Central Coast.)  I lived in Cambria for many years and loved it - and always wanted to move back up there.  I have stayed in San Diego however to be close to Darien in case he needed me.  Now he needs me, but since he is living with me, we can move together - and it seems the schools there are a lot better than down here.  It is more likely we will move to Morro Bay than Cambria - because it is a bit more affordable, but it will be expensive to move and I am not sure if we will be able to do it this summer.  It is possible we will need to stay where we are for another school year.  If we do move this will probably be the last Intensive Training Workshop that I will do in San Diego.  I would put the odds at about 75% we stay, and 25% we move at the moment - but if I had left the date on the 20th it would have been the day before school starts up there, so am making the change to open up possibilities.

New & News June 3, 2017:  Today is the 31st anniversary of my conscious commitment to codependency recovery - The Story of "Joy to You & Me"

New & News January 23rd, 2017:  New Blog: "I don’t have to know that today.  I don’t have to decide that today.  I can let that go for today."
New & News January 3, 2017:  Today is my sobriety birthday - I am 33 years clean and sober today!  Here are a couple pages where I talk about my recovery: "I feel that my life Truly began on January 3rd, 1984." -  A Higher Power of my own understanding 2 - the beginning of empowerment & "I have been reflecting back on what an incredible miracle my life has been since January 3rd, 1984" - Joy2MeU & Joy to You & Me Update Newsletter February 2012

New & News February 3rd, 2016:
Announcing I have published Kobo ereader versions of my next 3 eBooks Romantic Relationships ~ The Greatest Arena for Spiritual & Emotional Growth eBook 2 Deeper Within (emotionally) & Further Out (metaphysically) From Fear of Intimacy to Twin Souls, The Law of Attraction - Misunderstood & Misinterpreted, and The Metaphysics of Emotions - emotional energy is real.

New & News January 11th, 2016: The Intensive in British Columbia was a great success - and we are starting to plan for another one in this coming summer (when it will be a little warmer.;-) I have added the testimonials from that workshop to the Intensive Testimonials page.

January 3rd, 2016:  Also announcing that I have published Kobo ereader versions of my first 3 eBooks (and will have the rest done soon) Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls, Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in The Light Book 1 Empowerment, Freedom, and Inner Peace through Inner Child Healing, and Romantic Relationships ~ The Greatest Arena for Spiritual & Emotional Growth eBook 1 Codependent Dysfunctional Relationship Dynamics & Healthy Relationship Behavior.   
New & News January 3rd, 2016: Today is my sobriety birthday.  I have been clean and sober since January 3rd,1984 - an amazing 32 years.  On this page of my website I talk about early recovery - and include quotes from different articles in which I talk about getting sober.

“Twelve step recovery is a program of empowerment.  Many people erroneously assume that the fact that first step involves admitting powerlessness means that 12 step recovery disempowers people. The Truth is exactly the opposite.

It was only when I admitted that I was powerless to control my drinking that I gained the power to stop drinking.  As long as I was trying to control my drinking out of ego and will power, I was powerless to stop drinking alcoholically.  It was when I opened up to getting help from a power greater than myself that I gained the power to transform my life.” - A Higher Power of my own understanding 2 - the beginning of empowerment

New & News April 13, 2015: Announcing the publication of an Audiobook of Robert Burney’s eBook The Law of Attraction - Misunderstood & Misinterpreted A Larger Spiritual Paradigm now available on Audible, Amazon, and iTunes. (The Law of Attraction - Misunderstood & Misinterpreted is available as an ebook in Amazon Kindle format as well as Barnes & Noble Nook format.) The next 12 people who send me a request can get a free complimentary copy of this Audiobook.  Go to this News page for the info.
New & News September 15, 2014: Announcing that an audiobook of Romantic Relationships ~ The Greatest Arena for Spiritual & Emotional Growth eBook 1: Codependent Dysfunctional Relationship Dynamics & Healthy Relationship Behavior (the first 20 chapters of the hard copy book) is now available on Audible, Amazon, and iTunes.  My latest blog includes excerpts from my eBook The Metaphysics of Emotions - emotional energy is real (which is the follow up to my eBook The Law of Attraction - Misunderstood & Misinterpreted.)

New & News February 15th:
Announcing there is now a Korean Language version of Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls.  Other languages it is available in include: A German Translation that is available through the publishers website or through Amazon; there is a Dutch Translation that is offered as a free download;  an Italian eBook version that is available through Amazon; and a French translation should be coming soon.

Cover ebook New & News February 26th, 2013: Announcing the publication of Robert’s newest eBook: The Metaphysics of Emotions - emotional energy is real.  This ebook is the follow up to The Law of Attraction - Misunderstood & Misinterpreted - and the two ebooks will be combined in one hard copy book.  The Metaphysics of Emotions - emotional energy is real is available in Amazon Kindle format.  

Law of Attraction cover
New & News January 7th, 2013:  Announcing the publication of Robert’s newest eBook: The Law of Attraction - Misunderstood & Misinterpreted. This eBook is available now in Amazon Kindle format.

This eBook is the first of two that will be combined and published as a hard copy book in February. In this one I am talking about what I see as misinterpretations and misunderstandings in the way the Law of Attraction is being taught that actually feed into people’s codependency.  Here is a quote from the eBook about why I wrote it.

"I am publishing this book because I believe that the way the Law of Attraction is being taught by most people who are teaching it today is not ultimately Loving.  I believe it is being taught in a way that makes many of the people hearing it feel ashamed;  in a way that causes people to focus on reaching a destination at the expense of being present in the now;  in a way that reinforces the delusion that there is something inherently wrong with being human, with human beings.  It is also being taught by most spiritual teachers in a way that discounts and devalues emotions and emotional healing."

I address the emotional component in the second eBook - The Metaphysics of Emotions - which could be done this month but more likely February. I will then be publishing both ebooks in one paperback book: The Law of Attraction - Misunderstood & Misinterpreted A Larger Spiritual Paradigm - including The Metaphysics of Emotions.

New & News December 30th 2012:
Announcing that a new audio version of Codependence The Dance of Wounded Souls A Cosmic Perspective of Codependence and thenew audio Human Condition is now available on  This is a literal audio book with another narrator - not the audio that I did myself which was slightly abridged.  I think that the narrator did a good job - but of course it doesn't have the passion and the points of emphasis that the one I did has.  As one person's feedback stated:

"The audio version is absolutely a mind-blowing audio spiritual experience! You rock, man!! It's one thing to read the articles on the clinically electric computer screen and completely another level of involvement hearing the man himself utter his own words of wisdom and spiritual alchemy. One can tell that you aren't just mumbling through a book you've written; while listening it becomes certain that the message truly is your spiritual truth and not just some neatly packaged intellectual mind job disguising itself in spiritual language. An enormous THANK YOU for sharing your story and perspective for all the world to see, I truly appreciate it, man!"  

The version that I did is for sale right now as an MP3 download.

Romantic Relationship cover New & News September 2012: Announcing the publication of Romantic Relationships ~  The Greatest Arena for Spiritual & Emotional Growth Codependent Dysfunctional Relationship Dynamics & Healthy Relationship Behavior

Also available as two e-Books Amazon Kindle format eBook 1 & eBook 2 and Barnes & Noble Nook format eBook 1 & eBook 2

book cover New & News July 23rd, 2011: Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in The Light Book 1: Empowerment, Freedom, and Inner Peace through Inner Child Healing (aka A Formula for Spiritual Integration and Emotional Balance) is now published and I will receive the first copies on July 27th.

Also available eBook format: Amazon Kindle Book also Amazon UK and Amazon Germany and Barnes & Noble Nook

Additions and announcements above ~ Site Index below
Ordering information for Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls
Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls "An Audio Spiritual Experience" as MP3 download
Special Offers page with offers for Telephone Counseling, Intensive workshop, subscription areas of site - as well as various combination of these with my books.
Telephone Counseling with Robert Burney 
Choosing a counselor or therapist with Discernment
Intensive Training Day workshop
Assignments for Jump Starting Codependency Recovery

Logo of Joy to You & Me Enterprises, publisher of Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls Codependence Pages

The condition of Codependency / Codependence

What is codependency / codependence ?

Codependence - Defined

The evolution of the term "Codependence"

Codependence vs Interdependence

Codependence as Delayed Stress Syndrome

The codependent three step - A Dance of Shame, Suffering, & Self-Abuse

The Codependency Recovery Process

Emotional abuse is Heart and Soul Mutilation

Emotional Honesty and Emotional Responsibility Part 1

Emotional Honesty and Emotional Responsibility Part 2

Setting Personal Boundaries Part 3

Emotional Honesty and Emotional Responsibility Part 4

Emotional Honesty and Emotional Responsibility Part 5

Logo of Joy to You & Me Enterprises, publisher of Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls Spiritual Belief System Pages

Mystical Metaphysical Spirituality

A Kinder, Gentler, Cosmic Spirituality

Truth vs emotional truth

Loving and Nurturing self

Powerlessness & Empowerment

The Twelve Steps

The Twelve Steps, different interpretations
Spirituality for Agnostics and Atheists

spiritual integration

Serenity Prayer series

Discernment - The Wisdom to Know the Difference

Serenity - Accepting the things we cannot change

Intellectual Discernment - focused within

Emotional Discernment - taking power away from the fear

Intellectual Discernment - shutting up the critical voice

Emotional Discernment - Watch how you speak

Intellectual Discernment - "have to" and the Holiday Season

Emotional Discernment - disarming the emotional mine field within

Intellectual Discernment - Choices, not "shoulds"

Logo of Joy to You & Me Enterprises, publisher of Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls Alcoholism Pages

The Death of an Alcoholic

Questions about Alcoholism

Grave Emotional and Mental Disorders

Expectations & Serenity


To Parents of Alcoholics / Addicts

Enabling & Rescuing vs Tough Love

The Miracle of The Twelve Step Recovery Process:

A formula for integration and balance

The first three steps:  1, 2, 3, and a 1, 2, 3

4 thru 9 "The Clean Up Steps." - Step 4 inventory

4 thru 9 - the "house cleaning" steps

10 thru 12 - The Maintenance Steps

Logo of Joy to You & Me Enterprises, publisher of Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls Metaphysical Pages

The New Age

Old Souls & Karma

Jesus & Christ Consciousness

Jesus & Mary Magdalene - Jesus, sexuality, & the Bible

My Spiritual Belief System and the New Millennium

New Age Misinterpretations of Metaphysical Truth

Abundant Spirituality in the New Age

The Law of Attraction - Misunderstood & Misinterpreted

The Metaphysics of Emotions - emotional energy is real

Metaphysical Law: Giving and Receiving ~ Donations / Love Offerings

Logo of Joy to You & Me Enterprises, publisher of Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls Inner Child Healing Pages

Inner child healing - How to begin

Inner child healing - Why do it?

Learning to Love our self

Loving the Wounded Child Within

Feeling the Feelings

Co-Creation: Owning your Power to Manifest Love

Grief, Love, & Fear of Intimacy

Fear of Intimacy

Reprogramming our dysfunctional ego defenses

Internal Boundaries - the key to balance

Internal Boundaries

Inner Child Paradigm

Inner Awareness - Internal Census

Union Within

Union Within - 5 years later

Inner Child Healing

Setting Boundaries with inner children

The Inner Children that need Boundaries

Sanctuary Trauma ~ memories and emotional honesty

Common Emotional Defenses

Positive Affirmations

More on Positive Affirmations

Recovery from Codependency

The Grief Process

Grieving - examples of how the process works

The Recovery Process for inner child healing:

Sharing experience, strength, and hope, taking action

spiritual integration

through the fear

a dance of balance

The Process of Processing

Processing 2

Choosing a counselor or therapist

Assignments for Jump Starting Codependency Recovery

Emotional Incest Issues

Codependency Recovery: 
Wounded Souls Dancing in The Light
Book 2 A Dysfunctional Relationship with Life
Codependency Recovery: Author's Foreword

The codependency movement is NOT ruining marriages!

codependency movement 2  Love & Romance, Marriage and Divorce

Codependency Recovery Chapter 3 Emotional Honesty

Codependency Recovery Chapter 4 false self image

Codependency Recovery Ch. 5 Codependency = conditioned programming

Codependency Recovery Ch. 6 ego strength and self worth

Codependency Recovery Ch. 7 Multiple levels of selfishness

Codependency Recovery Ch. 8 Codependents as Emotional Vampires

Codependency Recovery Ch. 9 Codependency = Emotional Anorexia

Codependency Recovery Ch. 10 Normal Families are Dysfunctional

Codependency Recovery Ch. 11  Codependent Counselors Therapists

Codependency Recovery Ch. 12 Codependency in New Age Movement

Codependency Recovery Ch. 13  The Music of Love is not shaming

Codependency Recovery Ch. 14  Spiritual Manifesto

Codependency Recovery Ch. 15  Masculine and Feminine

Dancing in Light
In September 2005 I created this new section of my site. It includes 28 pages that were formerly on that are now in this password protected pay to view section of the site - including the last 13 chapters of Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in The Light Book 2 A Dysfunctional Relationship with Life, 10 Chapters from the online book: Attack on America - A Spiritual Healing Perspective and Call for Higher Consciousness and the final 4 articles of the series of articles on The True Nature of Love.

Some helpful handouts

Ten Commandments of Self-Esteem + The Rules for Being Human +

Serenity Prayer + Characteristics of Adults Shamed in Childhood +

Twisted Codependent Thinking + Growth Process/Spiral +

Am I Codependent? - patterns and characteristics
Logo of Joy to You & Me Enterprises, publisher of Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls Miscellaneous Topics Pages


Self Worth

Emotional Incest

Emotional Defenses

Emotional Defenses 2

Stinking Thinking

Emotional Release Techniques

Roles In Dysfunctional Families

Holidays, Anniversaries, and Birthdays

Wounded Parents



The True Nature of Love - Part 1, what Love is not

The True Nature of Love - Part 2, Love as Freedom

The True Nature of Love - Part 3, Love as a Vibrational Frequency

The True Nature of Love - Part 4, Energetic Clarity

The True Nature of Love - Part 5, Romantic Relationships 

The True Nature of Love - Part 6, Twin Souls, Souls Mates, Kindred Spirits

Buddha, Buddhism, and Japanese cultural dysfunction

Buddhism II and Communicating Clearly

Attack on America - A Spiritual Healing Perspective - 9/23/01

Attack on America - contents of online book

Logo of Joy to You & Me Enterprises, publisher of Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls Romantic Relationships Pages

Toxic Love

Romantic Relationships and Valentine's Day

Wedding Prayer/Meditation on Romantic Commitment

The Heartbreak of Romantic Relationships

Part 2 of Heartbreak

Part 3 of Heartbreak

The Emotional Dynamics of Dysfunctional Relationships

Part 2 of Emotional Dynamics

Codependent Relationships Dynamics - part 1

Codependent Relationships Dynamics -part 2

Codependent Relationships Dynamics - part 3

Codependent Relationships Dynamics - part 4

Healthy Romantic Relationships - Interdependent, not codependent

Healthy Romantic Relationships - part 2

Healthy Romantic Relationships - part 3

Healthy Romantic Relationships - part 4

Healthy Romantic Relationships - part 5

Healthy Romantic Relationships - part 6

Healthy Romantic Relationships - part 7

Healthy Romantic Relationships - part 8

Healthy Romantic Relationships - part 9 

An Adventure in Romance - Loving & Losing Successfully

The following articles are some that were originally published on my Suite101 directory topic page Inner Child/Codependency Recovery.  For information about those articles (which I stopped writing in October 2005) see Suite101 Articles page
Letting Go of Unavailable People

Obsession / Obsessive Thinking Part 1

Obsession / Obsessive Thinking Part 2

To Parents of Alcoholics / Addicts

Enabling & Rescuing vs Tough Love

Suite101 Discussion Q & A

Q & A + Random thoughts on Parenting

A series of articles about Robert's Spiritual Beliefs:

A Higher Power of my own understanding

A Higher Power of my own understanding 2 - the beginning of empowerment

Spirituality - a broader perspective

Inspiration from the Big Book of Alcoholic Anonymous

God the Father, and my father 

Quantum Physics - expanding my Spiritual paradigm

Vibrational Dance - Universe = Dance of Energy

Love as a vibrational frequency

Balance on the horizontal, Integration of the vertical

Higher Power of my own understanding - final word

A series of articles which are focused upon issues involving gender, sexuality, romantic relationships which evolved into articles focused on fear of intimacy:
Men and Women are from the same planet

The Maiden and the Horndog

Old tapes / traditional beliefs and gender roles

Monogamy - A Spiritual Teachers Perspective

Setting Internal Boundaries in relationship to Romantic, Sexual Relationships

Taking self worth out of the equation in Romantic Relationships

Falling in love as a choice

Homosexuality - and the Bible

The Crippling Shame of Incest / Sexual Abuse

Sexuality Abuse

Emotional Incest = Sexuality Abuse

Energetic Attraction - emotional familiarity or Karmic connection?

 Emotional Intimacy = in to me see

Fear of Intimacy -  Relationship Phobia

Codependent Defenses - Part 1 The Gatekeeper

Codependent Defenses - Part 2 disassociation vs healthy detachment

Codependent Defenses - Part 3 My Gatekeeper

Cover of Joy2MeU Journal of Codependence counselor/Spiritual teacher. Logo of Joy to You & Me Enterprises. Joy2MeU JournalInformation on the Joy2MeU Journal - a body of work in a password protected part of the site where Robert is publishing the story of his Spiritual Path, a ongoing personal recovery journal, and portions of his Trilogy and Attack on America books not available on regular Joy2MeU site.
Testimonials for Journal

Contents page of Joy2MeU Journal

Leap of Faith ~ Publishing The Dance - 8/14/08

Logo of Joy to You & Me Enterprises. Premier Preview Issue of Journal includes: 

Newsletter - Birth of the Journal

The Story of "Joy to You & Me"

Robert's Daily Prayers & Affirmations

The Dance of the Wounded Souls Trilogy Book 1 - "In The Beginning . . ."  A Magical, Mystical, Spiritual Fable

Logo of Joy to You & Me Enterprises, publisher of Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls Information Pages Index
This is an index page of pages that are primarily informational while those above are content.
Book Ordering information


Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls "An Audio Spiritual Experience" on CDs

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Author's Foreword to Book

Author's Biographical info Updated 5/18 

Book Info page

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Global Priority Overseas offers

Book Stores stocking The Dance

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Phone Counseling Testimonials

Intensive Training Day workshop

Intensive Training Day Testimonials

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Counselor Training Program
The links below are to Update Newsletters - some of which contain quite a bit of content about Robert's process in addition to announcements about what has been added to Joy2MeU and news of Joy to You & Me.
Update November 1999

Update December 1999

Update February 2000

Update March 2000

Update May 2000

Update July 2000  &  News

Update October 2000  &  Part 2

Update January 2001

Update March 2001

Update May 2001 & 3 Newsletters

Update_August 2001

Update October 2001

Update January 2002 & 2 Newsletters 

April 2002 Update Newsletter

August 2002 Update Newsletter

November 2002 Update Newsletter

February 2003 Update Newsletter

June 2003 Update Newsletter + 2 Newsletters

September 2003 Update Newsletter

December 2003 Update Newsletter

March 2004 Update Newsletter + Newsletter + addendum 

August 2004 Update Newsletter
December 2004 Update Newsletter

  March 2005 Update Newsletter

June 2005 Update Newsletter

October 2005 Update Newsletter

January 2006 Update Newsletter

March 2006 Update Newsletter + Newsletter

June 2006 Update Newsletter

August 2006 Update Newsletter

November 2006 Update Newsletter

March 2007 Update Newsletter + addendum

August 2007 Update Newsletter

December 2007 Update Newsletter

April 2008 Update Newsletter

November 2008 Update Newsletter

Special Update Announcement (Darien) 1/09  

April 2009 Update Newsletter

August 2009 Update Newsletter

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January 2011 Update Newsletter

February 2012 Update Newsletter

(Darien) 1/09  the latests updates are on this page as of 9/17

June 2018 Update Newsletter

February 2019 Update Newsletter
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