Codependence: The Dance of Wounded
Souls "An Audio Spiritual Experience" on Compact Disc
Announcing that a new audio version of Codependence The Dance of Wounded Souls A Cosmic Perspective of Codependence and the Human Condition is now available on![]()
This is a literal audio book with another narrator - not the audio that I did myself which was slightly abridged. I think that the narrator did a good job - but of course it doesn't have the passion and the points of emphasis that the one I did has. As one person's feedback stated:
"The audio version is absolutely a mind-blowing audio spiritual experience! You rock, man!! It's one thing to read the articles on the clinically electric computer screen and completely another level of involvement hearing the man himself utter his own words of wisdom and spiritual alchemy. One can tell that you aren't just mumbling through a book you've written; while listening it becomes certain that the message truly is your spiritual truth and not just some neatly packaged intellectual mind job disguising itself in spiritual language. An enormous THANK YOU for sharing your story and perspective for all the world to see, I truly appreciate it, man!"
This audio book can be synched with the eBook from Amazon Kindle Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls![]()
The version that I did is for sale right now as an MP3 download along with the recording of my Spiritual Integration Workshop
I won't actually have the CDs for about a week to ten days - but I am going to start preselling them today in honor of my 25th birthday. I will update this page when I have them in stock, and add options to purchase the Book and CDs together or the Book, Booklet, and CDs. For now, I am just going to offer the CDs individually to people who want to get the first sets when they come in. I originally recorded and released "An Audio Spiritual Experience" on Cassette Tapes - and then later had a "work in progress" version on CDs (thus the testimonials below for CDs) - but this is the first time that the digitally remastered quality of the original recording is available in a CD set.
7/10/11 There have been complications and problems - including with the first 2 sets of CDs I received. I have sent the ones I could to people who have already purchased - but haven't been able to fill all the orders so far. Hopefully I will have more within a week to 10 days.
7/19/11 I am going to suspend sales of the CD for the present time. I haven't yet got enough sets to fill the orders that have already come in - and am not sure when I will have more in stock.
10/18/11 I still don't have the CDs in stock, but we are burning them one set at a time. So, they are available but it may take a few days before I can ship them after the order comes in.
"I have devoured your website quite thoroughly in little over a year, that I've been on the strenuous but, oh, so rewarding path of recovery. It was now the time for me to buy the book . . . from which it all started sprawling. I've read the material of the book in citations on the articles on your site several times, but I wanted now the full and original version of the book that has had such an impact on me and had created such shivering resonance in my Soul. The CDs are absolutely a mind-blowing audio spiritual experience! You rock, man!! It's one thing to read the articles on the clinically electric computer screen and completely another level of involvement hearing the man himself utter his own words of wisdom and spiritual alchemy. One can tell that you aren't just mumbling through a book you've written; while listening it becomes certain that the message truly is your spiritual truth and not just some neatly packaged intellectual mind job disguising itself in spiritual language. An enormous THANK YOU for sharing your story and perspective for all the world to see, I truly appreciate it, man!"
"We've listened and loved your CD version, and now want the book to go along with it. We are both very active AA members."
"It is not unusual for me to drive 200 to 400 miles a day. Needless-to-say, I listened to your 3 CD's in 2 days. What a wonderful experience!!!!"
"I just wanted you to know that it makes me feel better knowing that I am not alone in this struggle. By the way, I loved your CD's."
"I listen to your CD's every morning and evening, as I take the NYC subways to and from work. It is helping to change my life immensely. God bless you for putting out this beautiful, so desperately-needed work."
"I stumbled upon your website by chance some years ago. I ordered the book and then the tapes. I listened to the tapes so many times that your voice put me to sleep night after night after night. I wore the tapes out and ordered the CD. Your work is remarkable and can help many people if they were aware of it."
"LOVE the audio cds!!! God Bless amigo."
"I received your CDs a couple of days ago, and I am remembering my Truth in listening to your words. The CDs are invaluable to me."
"WOW!!! Your book and CD's arrived, and I literally can not stop listening to them, as I drive my car, and lay down to rest. It has struck as Truth with me, and just affirms all that I have come to accept as my path, in the program of Alcoholics Anonymous. I am sure you are used to receiving emails of this nature, but I would me amiss if I did not thank you for your words. They have assisted in transforming me to another level of living, I think you may understand what I am trying to convey. I was yearning for a boost in my program, and this was it. I work with many young women and this has given me new information that I feel is most helpful, for many. Thank you for sharing. If I keep doing what I have been doing, I will have 9 years of sobriety this July 8th."
"I received your CDs a couple of days ago, and I am remembering my Truth in listening to your words. The CDs are invaluable to me."
"I am recently blessed by the high vibration and accuracy of your cd set."
"A friend of mind shared the her CD's with me. There was so many words and ideas that resonated with me that I decided to have my own copy plus the book so I can go at my own pace to digest all the concepts that validate what I have been thinking for many years. You have a gifted way of presenting that material. Thank-you for sharing your gift with those of us who need to hear the message."
"Thank you Robert. I am in receipt of your CDs. They are in alignment with my beliefs and a wonderful tool for assisting in reprogramming negative patterns. You are extremely articulate here and I will recommend your CDs/book to my clients and Yoga students."
I have received thousands of beautiful and touching testimonials over the years about how my book, tapes, CDs, and website have changed peoples lives for the better but I think that the one that moved me the most is this one about the tape set that I shared in my Update Newsletter in October 2000 - it still brings me to tears to read it.
"On Sunday, before the reward of reminding people of Truth and Love in the workshop, I got a couple extra gifts. One had to do with someone I had never met . . .
The person I had never met, was a man who passed on a couple of years ago. The woman who had been married to him came to my workshop. I knew her because she contacted me several years ago to get a copy of the audio tape set of my book - and had later come to a workshop or two. It has probably been a year or so since I had seen her last. She made a point of telling me several times something that she had told me previously - something that obviously meant a great deal to her.
What she wanted to reiterate to me, was how important my tapes had been to her husband while he was dying. She had bought the tapes for him because he had a terminal illness. She told me again how important those tapes were to him, and how he had listened to them over and over again in the last months of his life. She said they were the only thing he wanted to listen to - and again expressed her gratitude to me for how much my words had helped her husband find peace and serenity while he was in the process of dying.
What a gift! What an affirmation! What Joy to be able to be of that kind of service to another human being and his Loved ones.
She had told me this previously, as I mentioned - and in many ways I had felt the same reaction to her words as I did on Sunday. I was profoundly grateful for the gift of such positively affirming feedback. I felt a deep and awesome humility for the gift I have been given of being able to be a channel of Truth and an instrument of Love that can so profoundly touch the lives of other human beings. I felt a great pride in the fact that I have been willing to do the work and follow my path in such a way as to be available for this kind of service. I also felt a great deal of Joy.
My reaction to her gratitude was also different in some interesting and subtle ways. Perhaps because of my growth over the last few years, or maybe because of the intensity and passion with which she conveyed her gratitude, I was conscious in a whole new way, on a much deeper level, of the gift those tapes had been to her.
Watching a Loved one go through any intense experience - and dying certainly qualifies as an intense experience - can in many ways be harder for the one who is observing, than for the person actually going through the experience. I had not really been fully conscious previously, of how great a gift it must have been for her to have her husband accept and relax into his dying process. How that must have helped her to flow with the process with a degree of serenity and peace. I had always previously accepted that she was telling me what a gift my tapes were to her husband - I had never been fully conscious of what she was saying about what a gift they were to her." Joy2MeU Update Newsletter October 2000
Codependence: The Dance of Wounded
Souls "An Audio Spiritual Experience"
A slightly abridged version
of the book spoken by the author.
This is an audio recording of the
book Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls ISBN: 0964838311
by Robert Burney. Spoken by the author and originally released as
cassette tape set: Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls "An Audio
Spiritual Experience" ISBN 0-964838303.
This CD set Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls "An Audio Spiritual
Experience" ISBN 978-0964838338 is a digitally remastered version
of the original recording. CD set produced by David Hussey.
Digital Remastering by Jeff Sohler. Tape set cover design by Ann
Keith. Recording originally produced by Michael Mandrell & edited
by Jerry Cornwell.
ISBN 978-0964838338
~ four hour, 4 CD Set
Retail Price: $34.95
"Codependence is being at war with ourselves - which makes it impossible to trust and Love ourselves. Codependence is denying parts of ourselves so that we do not know who we are.
Recovery from the disease of Codependence involves stopping the war within so that we can get in touch with our True Self, so that we can start to Love and trust ourselves."
"We are transcendent Spiritual Beings who are part of the ONENESS that is the God-Force. We always have been and always will be. . . We have been trying to do human perfect according to a false belief system in order to get Spiritual. It does not work. It's dysfunctional."
(Quotations in this color are from Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls - image at left is original Cassette Tape Case)