The series of 11 articles on my Spiritual Path ended up being called: The Path of One Recovering Codependent ~ the dance of one wounded soul. That series covers my early recovery up through going to treatment for codependency in 1988 in my fifth year of sobriety - and also includes 3 articles that are about the miracles that led to writing and being able to publish Codependence: Dance of the Wounded Souls.There are also other articles in the Journal - as you can see by looking at the Contents page - many of which were later added to the regular website, often in expanded versions.
The personal journal includes 58 web pages (probably close to a million words) and started with sharing my "April Fool's Day Lesson" in the Newsletter of the Premiere issue of the Journal. It was also called The Path of One Recovering Codependent ~ the dance of one wounded soul. As I say in the story of the evolution of this Journal lower on the page, "it is . . . part of an autobiography, but one that only exists in this Journal and may never be published elsewhere . . " In writing those pages I faced and processed through multiple facets and levels of my fear of intimacy issues and two relationship opportunities for growth. There are a lot of stories from my life and recovery - and examples of applying recovery in the processing through various issues and situations - along with some pretty self indulgent writing.;-) I think anyone who appreciates my work and style of writing would find this journal within the Journal very valuable.
The Trilogy is the first writing I did starting in the fall of 1988. It is a Magical, Mystical, Spiritual Fable which includes a history of the Universe unlike any which has ever been written. In this book, my Higher Self appears to me as a Unicorn that gallops off of a picture on the desk of my casita in Taos New Mexico one snowy evening in January 1989. We then go on an adventure through time and space, exploring the meaning and purpose of life. The book is divided into 8 sections of 3 parts - 2 chapters of the narrative story line and one segment of The History of the Universe (although it is only complete through 6 1/2 sections - and may never be completed beyond that.) Writing this work helped me build and refine the foundation for my spiritual Belief system - and later spawned my book: Codependence: Dance of the Wounded Souls.
"In the spring of 1991, Robert Burney was asked to speak in several different venues on the subject of Codependence. In the course of those speaking engagements he heard himself making statements to a general audience that he had never considered saying in public because of their controversial nature. To his surprise he found that the practical process level tools and techniques that he utilized in his private therapy practice were merging with mystical and magical knowledge he had acquired writing a book that was an adult fable about the history of the Universe - the first book of a trilogy. . . .The Attack on America online book is one I started publishing online on September 22, 2001. In early 2002 I moved it from my regular website to this Journal in part because of hate email I was receiving because of the controversial nature of my writing - and because it had become intensely personal and revealing. I didn't want anyone to miss out on the value of reading my articles on codependency recovery and inner child healing because they were distracted by the discussions of historical and cultural international manifestations of codependency - or by the personal revelations - that I shared in this online book. I later did also add this online book to the newer subscription area of Joy2MeU Dancing in Light.
. . . . The Joy2MeU Journal includes the first book of the Trilogy mentioned above (a book that will probably never be finished), the story of Robert's recovery through 1988 when he went to treatment for codependency in his fifth year of sobriety, and a personal journal of his growth process and recovery from 1999 thru 2004." - Biography page
Joy2MeU Journal (normally $33.00) =
now $24.95
Dancing in the Light (normally 24.95) + Joy2MeU Journal (now $24.95) = 49.90 now $37.95 |
If you have reached this page without
going through the Joy2MeU Web Site please
check it out - since this Journal is for people who appreciate the
web site and want more.
Joy2MeU Newest:
I have not added any new writings to
this Journal since November 2004 - except to add an excerpt from
my Joy2MeU Update March 2005 to Dance
43. I do not anticipate adding any more pages any time soon.
~ RB August 14, 2008
**Some special offers - for subscription
to this section in combination with my book Codependence:
Dance of the Wounded Souls and/or the audio tapes of the book, and
the Dancing
in Light pay to view section of the Joy2MeU - are
available on the Holiday
Season Offers page. One new page added to the journal
within the Journal on November 7, 2004.
One new page added to the journal
within the Journal on October 12, 2004.
Four pages added to journal
within Journal on September 29,
2004. Nine pages added to journal
within Journal on June 3, 2004. One new installment to my journal
posted on February 19, 2004. I added two new installments
to my journal processing on January
20, 2004. I added a new installment of
My Unfolding Dance on December 23, 2003. I added two new installments
of my journal processing on November
24, 2003. I added another installment
of my journal processing on November
14, 2003. I added another page on November 6, 2003.
I added 5 pages to the Journal
on October 29, 2003. I added 2 pages to the Journal
on July 20, 2003. The story of the miracles that made it possible for
me to publish Codependence: The Dance of Wounded
Souls. A new page with testimonials for the
Joy2MeU Journal. I added 4 pages to the Journal
on November 8, 2002.
I added 1 page and two pictures
of me to the Journal on October
5, 2002. I added 7 pages to the Journal
on July 9, 2002.
The Update below about the
evolution of the Journal was added March 14, 2002
I felt Joy. I felt empowered and excited
about life. I felt as if I had achieved a level of closure
and acceptance about the relationship that was over and that
I had some energy and focus to create some really good things in
my life. Thus the idea to publish my next two books in installments
came up while walking on the beach." It has turned out that this Journal has been
about much more than just the publication of those books.
Those books are: The Dance of the
Wounded Souls Trilogy - Book I "In The Beginning . . ." and Wounded Souls Dancing
in The Light. A brief description of
the first, and an explanation of the status of the second is below.
First however I want to explain a little about what this Journal
has become. When I originally started publishing these
articles in the Joy2MeU Journal, it was because I thought I
would need to create enough content to make the Journal attractive
to potential subscribers. The Journal has turned into something
quite different from my original vision of it, and because the story
of my recovery and Spiritual journey expanded to include a personal
intimate journal about my process over the last 3 years, there is
plenty of content in that Journal for people who resonate strongly
with my writing. Thus, moving this series of articles (which has
been expanded from 4 to 6 articles) to Joy2MeU to make them available
to the public as a whole makes sense. As I wrote in February of 2001: The Journal also includes special articles,
a series of articles on the 12 steps, a page where I share my
daily prayers and affirmations, and even a short story that I
wrote years ago. It has grown into a great deal more writing
that I had envisioned - as well as taking a lot longer to complete than
I thought in the beginning. In other words, it has been an
adventure full of surprises - not unlike my life since I started recovery.
Anyone who finds my writing helpful and enjoyable,
will get their money's worth from this Journal. At least that is what
I feel. ;-) My concept of this book has been in transition. In a short
note to Journal subscribers in February 2002, I stated:
I started to write that process (how to) level book about my
approach to the inner child healing work over 2 and a half years
ago, and then became stalled. I wasn't actually stalled
so much as I didn't have a clear vision of how it was going to come
together. In retrospect I know now, that I needed to write the
Recovery Process for inner child
healing and Emotional Honesty and
Emotional Responsibility series of articles, as well as other
individual articles and the pages for the Journal, in order for my
personal recovery to go through a tremendous transformational period,
and to facilitate a deeper understanding of the process.
It was also very important for me to learn some important lessons
from doing telephone counseling (which I started in March 2000)
that are going to impact the structure and approach of that book.
As usual, more will be revealed to me when it is time for me to know.
to a page of
The Web Site of Spiritual Teacher, codependence
counselor, grief therapist, author, Robert Burney
and Joy to You & Me Enterprises
Go to Home Page
Robert is the author of the Joyously inspirational
The Dance of Wounded Souls.
Joy to You & Me Enterprises is offering
a series of Intensive Training
Days with Spiritual Teacher,
inner child healing pioneer Robert Burney.
Learn his innovative Spiritual Integration Formula
for Inner Healing. For the locations and dates of upcoming
appearances go to Day of Intensive Training.
" . . . It was quite surprising when
I woke up the next morning feeling great and remembering the
dreams. The dreams were not of a symbolic or literally significant
nature as important dreams sometimes are - rather they were
about two ideas that I will probably never pursue. The
dreams them self were not important - what was important is how
I felt when I woke up from them.
Publishing those two
books was the primary purpose and reason for the creation
of this Journal as I understood it in the beginning. I was at
a time when I needed desperately to bring in some more income and
in taking inventory to see what assets I had, realized that people
were always asking about those next two books and when they would
be published. Since I did not have the financing, or any publishing
company interested, to get them published - I started publishing them
in the only place I could, online.
Current situation
"I have not at this time, made any changes to the Journals
Index page. As I mention above, the periodical issues
paradigm I originally envisioned for this Journal has been pretty
much out the window for a while now. I am really not paying
much attention to that perspective of this body of work any more.
If for instance, I end up finishing up the 30 Days in the Desert
series (which is now taking 5 parts to get me to the completion of
treatment instead of 4) and get to the confrontation in Sedona article
prior to me getting back to some other aspects of the Journal - I
will publish it when it is done rather than withhold it until the
last issue of this Journal as it was scheduled for. I don't at
this time, even think in terms of a last issue of this Journal.
I will keep writing here for as long as it is serving my process - so
it is a probability that this is a never ending story. At least
until my life changes dramatically in some way."
I am removing any mention
of how many issues there are to this Journal from this page now,
because I no longer see this body of work as being finite.
I don't see it as infinite either - but it will last as long as it
is working to support my recovery and growth. I also do not
envision raising the subscription rate even if there ends up being
much more material published here than originally envisioned.
In fact, there is more published here now than I originally thought
possible. Here is a quote from a page that I am posting on my
web site today, the first article of a series.
This is the first of 6 (possibly 7)
articles about the Twelve Steps. In March of 2002 as I was preparing
to move the bulk of the book I wrote and published online about
the September 11th Attack on America to my Joy2MeU Journal
(as I forewarned in my January 2002 Update) I decided to move this series
of articles to the regular Joy2MeU web site.
I realized that - though the foundation of my work is the ancient
Spiritual Principles and process that I learned by working a twelve
step program, and I talk about those principles and that process to
some extent in all of my writing - I did not have very much written
here on my regular web site that actually talks about the steps themselves.
As I say in this quote, I thought I needed
to create extra content for this Journal. Besides the
two future books, I also knew in the beginning that I would tell
the story of my recovery / Spiritual path.
The surprise for me - that has provided a great deal of content
I wasn't planning on - was that I ended up also writing a personal,
intimate journal of my recovery process since the start of this
Journal. It has turned out to be an invaluable part of my personal
growth process.
There are now 75 content pages in this Journal
(minus the ones in the First Journal Issue, the Attack chapters
still available on Joy2MeU, and 2 others that have been added
to the regular web site, that means 57 are only available in the
password protected site.) How many more will come is unknown
- but I would be not be surprised if there were not a couple of dozen.
So, yes I do believe it is a body of work that has value to someone who
resonates strongly with my writing. I know it has been very valuable
to me - and will continue to be. A perfect part of my unfolding
path. ~ Robert 3/14/02" . . . I will tell it all - or
at least a large chunk of it. My Spiritual Journey for
the last 15 years. But I will not tell it all in this issue.
What I will share in this issue is a somewhat fleshed out outline of
the milestones along my path. It will be fleshed out enough to
touch on the relevant information that is needed for telling the story
of how "Joy to You & Me" came about. It will provide a framework
for the telling of the other stories - the leaps of faith, the incredible
miracles, the breakthroughs and breakdowns, the exquisite Joy and
the incredible pain - that have been a part of my path. In effect,
I guess I will be doing a partial autobiography in installments in
this Journal also. The Path of a Mystic Messenger - or something
like that."
The series of articles
on my Spiritual Path ended up being called: The Path of One
Recovering Codependent ~ the dance of one wounded soul.
In the course of writing the first six issues of this Journal,
that series has grown and expanded greatly. It now includes
not only the story of my Spiritual Path over the 15 years prior to
my beginning this Journal - but also a personal intimate journal
of my process over the almost 2 years since the Journal begin.
It ended up being a lot more personal and intimate than I had envisioned
when I started writing, but then these last two years turned out a
lot different than I ever imagined - and most likely will be part of
an autobiography one day. (Actually, it is already part of an autobiography,
but one that only exists in this Journal and may never be published elsewhere
- as I like to say, More Will Be Revealed.)
The Dance of the Wounded Souls Trilogy
- Book I "In The Beginning . . ."
A magical, mystical, Spiritual fable
which includes a history of the Universe unlike any which
has ever been written. In this book, my Higher Self appears
to me as a Unicorn that gallops off of a picture on the desk of my
casita in Taos New Mexico one snowy evening in January 1989.
We then go on an adventure through time and space, exploring the meaning
and purpose of life. The book is divided into 8 sections of 3 parts
- 2 chapters of the narrative story line and one segment of The History
of the Universe. The first free issue includes 2 sections of
this book. This will be publication of my final draft version
of the book (final draft meaning before my editor gets her hands on
Wounded Souls Dancing
in The Light
"Empowerment through Internal Boundaries"
This is a process level ('how to') book that I began publishing
in the second issue. The innovative, powerful, and life-changing
formula that I have developed, through my own recovery and in
my therapy practice, shares a process for learning how to have
internal boundaries that can enable one to start Truly Loving self.
This book will detail the ABC's of the tools and techniques that an
individual can follow to change their relationship with self and life
into one that empowers the individual to be able to stop being a victim
and learn how to relax and enJoy life as a Great and Exciting Adventure
rather than a punishment to be endured. As I stated in the
beginning of this Journal: this will be a raw, first draft version
of this book - and it will probably not be completed by the final
issue of this Journal.
January 2004 -
I realized that I had not added the latest development to the
saga of this book to this page. Here it is, and I think it
is self explanatory.
The chapters of this book were written
in 1999 - and my concept of this book has been evolving since that time.
The material here will still be a part of this process book when it is ever
finished evolving - but I think the structure and point of view may be different.
There is writing in these pages that is exclusive to this version.
Most of it however, is probably something that is part of various web pages
of my site.
In my January 2002 Update,
I talk about the online book I had just completed about the
Attack on America, and note that it feels to me as if I will be
combining that online book and Dancing in the Light in some way.
What feels more likely right now, is that I will be combining
much of what I wrote here with what I have been thinking of
as my next book: Codependency Recovery: Wounded
Souls Dancing in the Light.
I am not sure how this
book is going to evolve at this point. I have now moved
the book I published online Attack on America - A Spiritual
Healing Perspective to this Journal and only the first three
chapters are available on the Joy2MeU site. There is actually
now the equivalent of a book and a half on the Journal site that
will probably end up becoming this process level book in combination
with material from articles on my web site. I have no idea when
I will be focusing on this book again.
Book 2: A Dysfunctional Relationship
with Life Authors
Journal is available only online. It would cost more to print
out the pages in this Journal to hard copy than the subscription
price - to say nothing of what it would cost to ship that many printed
pages. To subscribe you may mail a check or money order in US
dollars to Joy to You & Me PO Box 235401 Encinitas
CA 92023 but you can only access it by being on the internet.
**Some special offers
- for subscription to this section in combination with my book
Codependence: Dance of the Wounded Souls
and/or the audio tapes of the book, and the Dancing in Light pay to view section
of the Joy2MeU - are available on the Special Offers page.
to Premier Issue of Joy2MeU Journal
(This is the magnificent
cover that was designed for me as a gift in appreciation of my
web site by an obviously very talented designer who wishes to remain
anonymous - but has since then been revealed on my links page.)