Books on codependence recovery, inner child healing, Spiritual enlightenment, Metaphysical Truth, emotional healing, tools for Spiritual Seekers - recommended by Codependency therapist, Spiritual teacher, pioneering inner child therapist Robert Burney - the author of the Joyously inspirational book of Mystical Spirituality
Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls

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Richard Bach - Melody Beattie - Claudia Black - John Bradshaw - Pia Mellody - Charles Whitfield -
Lucia Capacchione - Julia Cameron - Sharon Wegsheider-Cruse - Janet Geringer Woititz - Robert Bly - Clarissa Pinkola Estes - Robin Norwood - Sam Keen - Robert L. Moore & Douglas Gillette - John Lee - Ellen Bass & Laura Davis - Fritjof Capra - Gary Zukav - Michael Talbot - Jamie Sams & David Carson - Shakti Gawain - Ralph Blum

On this page Robert shares the books that have been important to him in his recovery, on his Spiritual, healing path - and makes recommendations about authors whose work he respects and has found valuable.

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Recommended Books

There are now so many books out there dealing with codependence, inner child healing, Spiritual enlightenment, Metaphysical Truth, etc. - that it is both good news and bad news (as everything in life is, of course.)  The good news is that there are so many books out there about healing and Spirituality that it is sure evidence of the Healing Transformational Movement that is taking place on the planet.  The bad news is that there are so many books out there that it must be very confusing for anyone going to buy a book. 

One of the things I learned along my path was to pay attention to what got my attention.  The Universe is fully capable of sending me messages at any place and any time.  My job is to be as conscious as I can be in the moment so that I can allow the Spirit to guide me.  One of the things I did in the early years of my process was to go into a book store and page through the various books - when I read something that caused my gut to react I figured that my inner child, my Spirit, was telling me I needed that book.  (I would usually buy it with more than a little apprehension - wondering what was going to be revealed next.)  So, even though you cannot pick these books up and leaf through them you can go to the description page and read about them.  If something grabs your attention, maybe it is the Universe sending a message. 

In this book store I recommend the books that were important to my process and also list the books of authors whose work I respect.  I have listed multiple titles by these authors even though I have not read all of them - because I know the value of their work and trust the Spirit to guide you to the ones you need.  That an author is not listed here is certainly no comment on the value of their work - this is simply a short list of the people whose work I know and trust.  (And at this stage in my Recovery it is only proper that I list my book first - I am very proud of it.)

With Wishes of Joy to Me & You  ~   Robert Burney
July 16, 2012 - Updating this page (at least in reference to my books) for the first time in quite a few years.  Hopefully by the end of this month I can add the hard copy information for my new book on Romantic Relationships.  The first row is hard copies, the second Kindle e-books.
(If you buy the hard copies from me, you do get them personally autographed. :-)

Announcing the publication of my newest book - or at least the Kindle e-book version (hopefully the hard copy by the end of the month - and will add that info here when available) Romantic Relationships ~ The Greatest Arena for Spiritual & Emotional Growth Codependent Dysfunctional Relationship Dynamics & Healthy Relationship Behavior.
There are free Kindle Apps for your computer (Windows or Mac), for Tablets iPad or Android, for Smartphones iPhone & iPod Touch, Android, Windows Phone 7, or Blackberry.

There are free Kindle Apps for your computer (Windows or Mac), for Tablets iPad or Android, for Smartphones iPhone & iPod Touch, Android, Windows Phone 7, or Blackberry.

Romantic Relationships book cover Romantic Relationships ~ The Greatest Arena for Spiritual & Emotional Growth (Codependent Dysfunctional Relationship Dynamics & Healthy Relationship Behavior)

There are free Kindle Apps for your computer (Windows or Mac), for Tablets iPad or Android, for Smartphones iPhone & iPod Touch, Android, Windows Phone 7, or Blackberry

Robert is the author of the Joyously inspirational book

Cover of Joyously Inspirational Spiritual book Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls

". . . a book that shines a brilliant new light on this human dance we are all doing. . . . this book is different in some special ways. . . . He not only explains the big picture of how we are all ONE, part of one Cosmic energy interaction that is unfolding perfectly, he also explains how the individual being can lovingly change their relationship with self and life in order to start enjoying human experience more. . . . This book is full of love and joy."  - New Thought Magazine
(For more reviews and quotes click on book cover.)

For special offers on signed copies of the book and tape set directly from Joy to You & Me go to the ordering information page.

Clicking on the book cover or the link in the book title below will take you to the page with information about that book.  I have been associated with for going on 5 years now and have found them an honorable and admirable partner.  They offer discounts on most of the books listed below.  They also offer gift-wrapping, let people add gift messages, and will ship anywhere in the world.  A search engine for their entire catalog is available at the bottom of the page - as is a new feature with recommendations for books.
Cover of hardcover edition of Pay It Forward.
11-9-2000 - For the first time I am adding a book here that is fiction.  The author is a personal friend of mine - and is in fact, referred to in my book.  On page 124 of Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls,  Catherine was the friend who told me the joke about God's perspective on time at a crucial point in June of 1991 just before I gave the talk that evolved into my book.  Her book is now a blockbuster movie, and the theme of it is certainly recovery related.
Pay It Forward : A Novel by Catherine Ryan Hyde
Pay It Forward  (paper back)
Cover of paperback edition of Pay It Forward.

Richard Bach

The one book that impacted my healing path more than any other was Richard Bach's Illusions.  Great mind expanding story which appeared at a perfect time in my journey.
Illusions : The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah 
The Bridge Across Forever is a love story about Richard finding his soul mate.  It touched me deeply.  It was also amusing to see him go from the magnificent intellectual exercise that was Illusions to be confronted with his fear of intimacy and emotional turmoil in this book.
The Bridge Across Forever   by Richard Bach
New August 2004: Messiah's Handbook: Reminders for the Advanced Soul by Richard Bach

In Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah, Richard Bach met Donald Shimoda, a fellow pilot with the keys to the universe who barnstormed the Midwest in a Travel Air biplane.

Part of Shimoda's secret was a small book, bound in what looked like suede: Messiah's Handbook, Reminders for the Advanced Soul.  "Open it," he said, "and whatever you need to know is there."

Lost for decades and rediscovered, here it is in print at last—reminders for those who have outgrown cynicism and doubt.

"Where do you learn all this stuff, Don? You know so much, or maybe I just think you do. No. You do know a lot. Is it all practice?  Don't you get any formal training to be a Master?"

"They give you a book to read."

Melody Beattie's work has changed millions of lives.

The Language of Letting Go  A Great Daily Meditation Book - full of Love. Everyone needs a copy. A great Christmas Gift. I prefer this one to her more recent one (below.)

Journey to the Heart : Daily Meditations on the Path to Freeing Your Soul 

In my opinion, Codependent No More is still the best basic book for anyone new to the concept of Codependence.  Codependent No More : How to Stop Controlling Others and Start Caring for Yourself ~ Beyond Codependency was her second best selling book.  You can now get them both in one book
Spanish Language version:  Ya No Seas Codependiente
Melody's guide to working the Twelve Steps is the best that I have seen for Codependents. Codependents' Guide to the 12 Steps

Other Books by Melody Beattie:
Finding Your Way Home : A Soul Survival Kit 
Beyond Codependency : And Getting Better All the Time
The Lessons of Love : Rediscovering Our Passion for Life When It All Seems Too Hard to Take 
Talk, Trust, and Feel : Keeping Codependency Out of Your Life

Claudia Black

It Will Never Happen To Me by Claudia Black ~ One of the people who defined Adult Child Syndrome, Claudia had a great personal impact on my recovery.  I attended several of her workshops and saw her at an ACA convention.  Her presence and validation in our interactions was very powerful for me.  I will always be grateful to her for being herself. 

Some of Claudia's books are special order through Amazon - it might be easier to obtain them directly from her publishing company's web site - which also offers video and audio tapes.

John Bradshaw                                             Pia Mellody

John Bradshaw's PBS series on the family was a true breakthrough in cultural consciousness. 
Homecoming : Reclaiming and Championing Your Inner Child - includes great affirmations for different developmental stages. 
Other books by John Bradshaw:  Family Secrets : The Path to Self-Acceptance and Reunion,  Bradshaw on : The Family: A New Way of Creating Solid-SelfEsteem,  Creating Love/the Next Great Stage of Growth,  Healing the Shame That Binds YouBradshaw on Eating Disorders
Pia Mellody was one of the people who helped define the concept of codependence. To me some of her most important work has been in the area of love addiction. Facing love addiction : Giving yourself the power to change the way you love 
Other books by Pia Mellody: Facing codependence : What it is. Where it comes from. How it sabotages our lives,  Breaking Free : A Recovery Workbook for Facing Codependence

Charles Whitfield          Lucia Capacchione        Julia Cameron

Healing the Child Within was a very important part of my inner child journey.  I have great respect for Charles Whitfield's work. 
Healing the Child Within : Discovery and Recovery for Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families 
Other books by Charles L. Whitfield
A Gift to Myself : A Personal Workbook and Guide to Healing My Child Within,   Boundaries and Relationships : Knowing, Protecting, and Enjoying the Self, Co-Dependence : Healing the Human Condition : The New Paradigm for Helping Professionals and People in Recovery 
Lucia Capacchione very effectively uses art therapy to help you get in touch with your inner child.  One of the first things I did when I wanted to start getting in touch with my inner child was to get BIG crayons for small hands.  Later collages were an important part of my process.
Recovery of Your Inner Child
Other books by Lucia Capacchione: 
The Creative Journal : The Art of Finding Yourself 
The Power of Your Other Hand : A Course in Channeling the Inner Wisdom of the Right Brain
Though not a book specifically for inner child work Julia Cameron's book is great for helping you get in touch with feelings because the doorway to our creativity is through the child within.  Do her writing exercise every day for a couple of weeks and you will get in touch with some of the feelings of your inner child. 
The Artist's Way : A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity   by Julia Cameron 
Other books by Julia Cameron 
The Artist's Way Morning Pages Journal : A Companion Volume to the Artist's Way 
The Vein of Gold : A Journey to Your Creative Heart 
The Money Drunk : 90 Days to Financial Freedom with Mark Bryan

Two Pioneers: Janet Geringer Woititz                Sharon Wegsheider-Cruse

Sometimes called the mother of the ACoA movement Janet Woititz broke new ground in the understanding of the Adult Child of an alcoholic by listing the characteristics that ACoAs share. 
Adult Children of Alcoholics
Other books by Janet Woititz:  Healthy Parenting: An Empowering Guide for Adult Children,  The Intimacy Struggle
Choicemaking : For Co-Dependents, Adult Children and Spirituality Seekers by Sharon Wegschieder Cruse was another of the real pioneering works in the field. 
Other books by her include:  Understanding Co-DependencyCoupleship : How to Build a Relationship,  Learning to Love Yourself : Finding Your Self-Worth,  Life After Divorce : Create a New Beginning,  Girl Talk : Daily Reflections for Women of All Ages

Books for Men (& women who want to understand men)     Books for Women  (& men who want to understand women)

I spent many years healing my inner child and my feminine without even considering that I needed to heal my masculine. This book was an important part of my path. 
Iron John : A book about men  ~ Robert Bly
An important and empowering book for women. 
Women Who Run With the Wolves : Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype  ~ Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Other men's books that I used were: 
King, Warrior, Magician, Lover : Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine ~ Robert L. Moore, Douglas Gillette
Flying Boy : Healing the Wounded Man ~John Lee
Fire in the Belly  : On Being a Man ~ Sam Keen
One of the really important groundbreaking books that served as a wake up call for a lot of women. 
Women who love too much  ~  Robin Norwood

The Dance of Quantum Physics ~ Both "The Tao" & "Wu Li" were mind expanding for me.

Beyond the Quantum by Michael Talbot is a book that was very helpful to me.  It is now out of print but you can probably find it in most used book stores.  Other books by Michael Talbot 
The Holographic Universe      ~~   Mysticism and the New Physics
The Tao of Physics : An Exploration of the Parallels Between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism  by Fritjof Capra

Also by Fritjof Capra: 
The Turning Point : Science, Society, and the Rising Culture

The Dancing Wu Li Masters : An Overview of the New Physics   by Gary Zukav 

Other books by Gary Zukav:  The Seat of the SoulThoughts from the Seat of the Soul : Meditations for Souls in Process 

Tools for Spiritual Seekers

The Medicine Cards and Book have been a very important tool in my recovery and are still right where I can pick them up anytime. Medicine Cards : The Discovery of Power Through the Ways of Animals/Book and Cards by Jamie Sams & David Carson, Angela C. Werneke (Illustrator) 
Also:  Sacred Path Cards : The Discovery of Self Through Native Teachings  ~ Jamie Sams, Linda Childers (Illustrator),  The Sacred Path Workbook : New Teachings and Tools to Illuminate Your Personal Journey  ~ Jamie Sams

The Rune Stones are another tool that has been very helpful to me. 
The Book of Runes : A Handbook for the Use of an Ancient Oracle by Ralph Blum

Also by Ralph Blum:  The Rune Cards : Ancient Wisdom for the New Millennium,  The Book of Runecards : Sacred Play for Self-Discovery,  Rune Play : A Seasonal Record Book With Twelve New Techniques for Rune Casting
Positive affirmations are absolutely vital to the process in my opinion - as I talk about on my page about positive affirmations.  I think Shakti Gawain is the best in this area.  At two different periods in my Recovery, I made myself a tape of positive affirmations that I would play as I went to sleep at night - to quiet my mind and get them working subliminally.
Creative Visualization  by Shakti Gawain 

Other Books and tapes by Shakti Gawain: 
The Creative Visualization Workbook : Use the Power of Your Imagination to Create What You Want in You Life 
Living in the Light : A Guide to Personal and Planetary Transformation 
  Creating True Prosperity ~  Audio Cassette,  Creating True ProsperityThe Creating True Prosperity Workbook

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Text is Copyright 1998 thru 2012 by Robert Burney   PO Box 235401, Encinitas CA 92023
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