Check out our new Landing Site for a brief overview of the work of Codependency Recovery Inner Child Healing Pioneer Robert Burney - including links to his articles on websites that are user friendly on mobile devices.
This is an index page of informational pages (as opposed to content - except for the ones that do have content, like the Update Newsletters and the preview issue of Joy2MeU Journal) of codependency counselor/Spiritual teacher Robert Burney's web site Joy2MeU. There is information about the inspirational Spiritual book Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls: ordering page; authors Foreword to book; authors bio; reviews; investment opportunity. Other info pages include: Joy2MeU recommended links; awards of Joy2MeU; testimonials for the web site; Joy2MeU Journal; Joy to You & Me links; referral to local therapists page. Also on this page are: links to past update newsletters; two site search engines; and Let 'em know among other things.
Joy to You & Me Enterprises is now offering a series of Intensive Training Days with Spiritual Teacher, inner child healing pioneer Robert Burney. Learn his innovative Spiritual Integration Formula for Inner Healing. To find out the locations and dates for upcoming appearances go to Day of Intensive Training. |
to a page of Joy2MeU The Web Site of Spiritual Teacher, codependence counselor, grief therapist, author, Robert Burney and Joy to You & Me Enterprises.![]() Go to Home Page Robert is the author of the Joyously inspirational bookThe Dance of Wounded Souls ![]()
Other informational pages.
October 30,
2008: Announcing the launch of two new web sites: Robert Burney
and Wounded
For the first time Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls is available in e-book form through the new sites - and a digitally remastered MP3 download Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls "An Audio Spiritual Experience" is also available for the first time. Also Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls is now available through Kindle books program. 8/23/17 - I just moved back to Cambria and am updating all the pages that have the old phone number on them - which also means updating the information on pages like this which I haven't looked at for years. It is possible to get personally autographed copies of my books from my website or You can get Books, eBooks, and Audiobooks through Amazon or eBooks thru Kobo. We have now launched 6 more new web sites: Links to past Joy2MeU Update Newsletters:
(All of the above Updates are linked together so you can go from one to the next in order.) The following two excerpts from the New & News page list content of some of the Update Newsletters that may be of interest: February 3, 2009 New & news: I just updated the copyright notice on 27 of my Update Newsletter pages - up through June 2003. I also removed the code that blocked search engines from indexing those pages. I had blocked them at the time because there was some very personal processing I was doing in some of those Newsletters. There is some valuable sharing that I do in many of them that you might want to check out - especially: October 2000 + Part 2; May 2001 + 3 newsletter pages; January 2002 + 2 newsletter pages; August 2002: November 2002: June 2003 + 2 newsletter pages. All of the Updates are listed at the bottom of the site index page and anyone who wanted to trace the evolution of this site - as well as my personal recovery process over those years - would find reading them through interesting and valuable. I continued a process I started in February of removing blocking html code and updating copyright notice on my Update Newsletter pages (something I explained in my April 2009 Update which also includes the story of my April Fools Day lesson in falling in love and a report about attending the wedding of two people who announced at the reception that without doing my grief group together they wouldn't be getting married) - and am listing some of them here that have particularly interesting content: Update Newsletter December 2003 I talk about how hard it can be to let go; Update March 2004 - plus 2 additional pages - intense personal processing about learning to open to love and metaphysical aspects of the growth process; August 2004 challening the Universe to bring on whatever lessons I needed to learn to have a relationship; December 2004 sharing my views Christmas, Jesus, and Christianity; October 2005 includes The story of some incredible Miracles in my recovery; January 2006 review of 2005, a year of huge change for me; March 2007 sharing about the Medicine Cards and Masculine & Feminine with an additional page of processing about my fear of intimacy; and April 2008 in which I talk about the kind of wounding and deprivation feelings that drive relationship addiction. Links to Joy to You & Me Update Newsletters from 1998 on original site:
If you would like to be on my e-mail list please drop me a
line. We keep a mailing list only for the purpose of
sending out periodic (once a year now) announcements about newly posted
Update Newsletters for this web site. Your name and e-mail address is
never traded, sold or used in any way whatsoever except for that purpose.~
Robert Burney Joy2MeU Web Site @ - Launched 2-4-99 Joy to You & Me Web Site @ - Launched 2-28-98 Joy to You & Me Enterprises
PO Box 1028 Cambria Ca. 93428 805-203-5875
(as of 7/12/21 805-900-5237) |
Site Index
Ordering information
Links page
Joy2MeU Journal
New & news page
The site search engine that I formerly used did me the service of starting to charge an outrageous price for their formerly free service. This led me to investigating free site search engines. I ended up adding two that are both better than the former one.
Google, the search engine developed by Stanford University, is a great search engine - the best search engine on the web. It indexes phrases, so that a search can be made for example, for "Robert Burney" (the quotation marks tell Google that you are looking only for that phrase) and it will return the pages that contain that phrase. Other search engines will return results from every page that has the word Robert and the word Burney - so if you are searching the web, you will get lots of pages with Robert and lots of pages of genealogy that have Burney on them. The only detriment with Google is that I have no input into how often they index the site - so it may be weeks before any new pages that I post are added to the data base. As of March 11, 2001 as I am adding Google to my site they have 105 pages indexed for Joy2MeU (in October 2002 over 170) - which is pretty close to all of them that are available to be indexed, except for latest page on Metaphysical Truth. Google is preset to search the web, so that in order to search my site you will need to click on the button next to search
I have also added FreeFind (on the left.) FreeFind offers several advantages: I am able to update the indexing at any time - which means as soon as I post a new page, I can get it added to the site data base immediately - and it indexes the pages that other search engines are blocked from indexing, which includes the Update Newsletters. FreeFind also generates a site map, in three different versions - but all three are basically just list of the pages, so the site index page is a better bet for site map purposes. FreeFind results pages will include a banner advertisement on the top of the page and a shopping search at the bottom.