Check out our new Landing Site for a brief overview of the work of Codependency Recovery Inner Child Healing Pioneer Robert Burney - including links to his articles on websites that are user friendly on mobile devices.
This is a page of links to web sites recommended by Spiritual teacher, codependence counselor, inner child healing pioneer Robert Burney. Included are links to web sites that deal with Spirituality, codependence / codependency, twelve step recovery, emotional/inner child healing, enlightenment, and New Age Metaphysics. Generally related educational, humanitarian, and/or entertaining sites are now being included also. Additionally, there are connections to some related web rings.
"Codependence deals with the core issues of the human dilemma. Codependence has grown out of the cause from which all symptoms arise. That cause is Spiritual dis-ease: not being at ease, at one with Spiritual Self.""We are not sinful, shameful human creatures who have to somehow earn Spirituality. We are Spiritual Beings having a human experience." - Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls by Robert Burney
to a page of Joy2MeU The Web Site of Spiritual Teacher, codependence counselor, grief therapist, author, Robert Burney and Joy to You & Me Enterprises.![]() Go to Home Page
The following are Joy2MeU recommended links. There is a ton of information out there, and some sites have links to hundreds of other sites. I am going to try to keep this page to a reasonable size and am only adding a handful of links every 3 months or so now (now about every 6 months - RB 11/12/07 - I just added some for the first time in over two years.) I recommend these sites because I believe they have value - and in some case because they offer interesting alternative perspectives. I do not necessarily endorse or agree with the views they express. I tend to avoid highly commercialized sites and those with such high tech graphics that are not suited for dial up connections. I add only a small percentage of the sites which request link exchanges with me, and often add sites that do not link to mine - in an attempt to provide a diverse, eclectic collection of interesting resources. (All of the links to external sites open in a new browser window so that you can explore and when you collapse the window you will be back at this page.) New Links: *added 12-1-2013* CodependencyRecoveryExpert My new Blog on Earth Institute "SANCTUARY - Nature, Soul & Spiritual Emergence. Nourish, deepen and discover your soul life to recreate yourself, your sense of the sacred & your natural way in life." A friend strongly recommended this site. Narcissistic Abuse Recovery This one was recommended by a friend also: Melanie Tonia Evans, a Narcissistic Recovery and Relationships Expert. Being Nobody, Going Nowhere: Meditations on the Buddhist Path This is a book that one of my phone clients found very helpful - thought I would include it. Wisdom Commons A site with quotes, poems, proverbs, stories, essays - including some of my quotes. ToughLove South Africa "A loving solution for families in crisis." whatiscodependency The site of Darlene Lancer whose books include Codependency for Dummies. All Treatment "is a drug rehab referral center and substance abuse information resource, and our main goal is to educate and inform the public about the dangers of alcohol and drug addiction." "we are dedicated to providing people with information on drug treatment, intervention, prevention, and other related subject matter. If you or a loved one need help, you can rely on us for high quality information and assistance." AddictionLibrary "We put together a brief guide about the dangers of alcoholism." 333connect "was established in 2005 for the purpose of sharing holistic alternatives. We want practitioners and like minded individuals To be able to easily find each other." 100 Fantastic Family Health Resources "With the daily challenges that families face on a normal basis, it can be a challenge at times to communicate, eat right, and do activities that bind as a family. That is why I made a list of the most fun and informative blogs covering family health, exercise, communication, and overall aging together. All info that anyone with a family would find useful." Drug Dangers "Drug Dangers is committed to providing the latest information on a range of medications and medical devices that have serious complications." I have a separate page for webrings (sites with common topics that are interconnected) webring page. On my Resource Page for Finding Co-Dependents Anonymous and Adult Children of Alcoholics meetings are a number of links to web sites with meeting information. I also have a page with referrals to counselors and therapist Referral to local resources page and a page designed to help people make good choices about who to see: Choosing a therapist or counselor with discernment |
Dr Irene's Get With The Program Self-Help & Info Resource - Wonderful site with lots of great info - "Understand the workings of verbal abuse, abusive, addictive and codependent relationships and how to fix them. Bulletin Board, Email questions, and more!Co-Dependents Anonymous - The official web site of CoDA. Includes a search for local meetings feature.
AL-ANON ALATEEN for families and friends of Alcoholics. AL-ANON (and ALATEEN for younger members) is a worldwide organization that offers a self-help recovery program for families and friends of alcoholics whether or not the alcoholic seeks help or even recognizes the existence of a drinking problem. This is not the official Al-Anon web site (that can be found at but appears to be a valuable resource. The site is available in 12 different languages and lists info to find where meetings are in 40 some countries.
The Meadows is a Treatment Center in Wickenburg, Arizona that was founded by Pia Melody - one of the pioneers in developing the concept of Codependence. They are a 30 day treatment program that I would highly recommend but also offer wonderful week long workshops (from survivors of abuse to relationship addiction, a area Pia specializes in) - as well as seminars and training events around the country with their all star staff. Associates of the Center include John Bradshaw (whose PBS series were so important in bringing dysfunction to national consciousness), Claudia Black (one of the pioneers in Adult Children of Alcoholics research,) and Patrick Carnes (a pioneer in the area of sexual addiction.) (On my Referral Page - to Local Therapists / Counselors / Healers: Sierra Tucson is the treatment center I spent 30 days at in the Spring of 1988.)
Adult Children of Alcoholics - also for anyone who grew up in any dysfunctional family.
Whitfield Recovery Resources - Free recovery resources for addiction, PTSD, adult children of dysfunctional families and other childhood trauma from Charles Whitfield MD, author of the best selling book, "Healing the Child Within" (Which I recommend on my Joy2MeU Bookstore page). Spiritual Emergence and awakening help from Barbara Harris Whitfield, author of "Spiritual Awakenings," "Final Passage," and "Full Circle." A free site dedicated to recovering the Whole Person.
Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse - "You’ve no doubt found yourself here at this Website today because you have either been involved with someone who might have narcissistic personality disorder or you love someone whose life has been deeply affected by narcissism or the third option is you are just curious about the life of a narcissist."
A German translation of my book is now available as can be seen on this page from the publishers web site.
The web site of Sharon Wegscheider-Cruse one of the Pioneers of the Adult Child / Codependence recovery movement.
Another Pioneer in the Adult Child movement is Claudia Black whose website has been redesigned. As I note on my bookstore page: "Claudia Black ~ One of the people who defined Adult Child Syndrome, Claudia had a great personal impact on my recovery. I attended several of her workshops and saw her at an ACA convention. Her presence and validation in our interactions was very powerful for me. I will always be grateful to her for being herself."
Another pioneer in the recovery field is Earnie Larsen the originator of the Stage II™ Recovery process.
Faces & Voices of Recovery is an organization for dedicated to in mobilizing and organizing the recovery community!
Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women
who share our experience, strength, and hope with each
other that we may solve our common problem and help others
to recover from marijuana addiction.
Some more links Twelve Step groups: Among of the most virulent manifestations of codependency are Relationship, Love, and Sex addiction. Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (versions in both English and German) ". . members reach out to others in the fellowship, practice the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of S.L.A.A. and seek a relationship with a higher power to counter the destructive consequences of one or more addictive behaviors related to sex addiction, love addiction, dependency on romantic attachments, emotional dependency, and sexual, social and emotional anorexia." Recovery Life is a site designed to share basic knowledge and awareness of the 12 Step program. soberMoms - women in recovery. Message boards, articles, resources for women in recovery.
- a long time fan of my work shares an accelerated recovery
process that he discovered in his recovery. Women's INstitute for Incorporation Therapy - WIIT is a psychiatric program for women who have acute symptoms associated with psychological trauma, including grief, loss, depression, post traumatic stress, and dissociative disorders. Jon Daily,
LCSW, CADC specializes in the outpatient treatment
of adolescents and young adults with substance abuse
and mental health issues. A 34 minute free video is
available on the site. |
Debtors Anonymous
Dysfunctional relationships with money is another manifestation
of codependency. "Debtors Anonymous is a fellowship
of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope
with each other that they may solve their common problem and
help others to recover from compulsive debting."
A new site for a new support group HIV Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who are committed to a way of life that will help fight the spread of HIV. "HIV Anonymous is meant to offer a spiritual solution when you need support, or are having trouble discerning or adhering to appropriate and responsible behavior." Meetings, Chat Rooms and Bulletin Boards and a Sister Site Hepatitis C Anonymous. The Simple Truth about Addiction & Recovery. Good information on alcoholism / addiction and recovery. Promotes a very interesting sounding book called High Bottom Drunk A Novel - which is a novel about Addiction & Recovery. Getting them - Dedicated to sobriety, recovery, and the Joy of living. This site addresses the crazy-making issues and events that happen in tens of millions of alcohol and/or other drug-addicted families every day and every night. dryblog - Alcoholism and Recovery - Daily quotes jokes news resources and links. - a site for Eating Disorders Anorexia, Bulimia & Compulsive Overeating - "Dedicated to raising awareness and providing support to people with Eating Disorders, and their loved-ones... since 1995" Take 12 Recovery Radio - has been broadcasting Recovery Talk Radio and Positive Music since June 10, 2005 Addiction Search - the latest addiction information on the internet. Women Helping
Women "News and Support for Female Gamblers
in Recovery." Clear Haven Center - a Canadian Treatment Center provides
a lot of interesting research information on addiciton. How It
Works It isn't very often that you find a Deaf
person with 15 years sobriety. It also isn't very
often that a Deaf person (unique perspective) writes a book
on recovery and/or spirituality.
The Recovery Emporium provides a useful
website for AA and other Twelve Step Groups offering
Recovery Resources and Gift Items, Automated Daily Readings,
a significant Internet Recovery Resources Page, AA screen
saver, nearly 1000 member submitted quotes, feature recovery
related articles, AA history pages, & links to AA and other
Recovery pages.
Laura's "lee" - Laura's site has evolved into being a collection of sites that cover a wide variety of topics, including: Recovery Resources, Healing Hurting Hearts, and resources for woman, among others. The Recovery Village An online neighborhood of recovery shops with 12-step merchandise and services. It is a simple, straight forward site with some really nice resources listed.
Dedicated to those who are determined to overcome adversity.
Hopelinks is an addiction recovery information site
for teens, adults, parents, and family.
Recovery Universe - "Share Your Experience, Strength, and Hope." Extensive Recovery resource with chat rooms and forums. "This website focuses on resources that can help illuminate the Buddhist path to freedom from alcoholism and addiction."
"We understand and acknowledge the nature of addiction as
a treatable disease, with its own set of discernible
symptoms and therapies. Here you can find up-to-date
news, comprehensive information, and treatment options for
addiction." Alternative
Online Counseling: "Your relationship with
others is based on your relationship with yourself. Our
services remove what holds you back in your personal and
spiritual growth. Get the help you need, right here, right now." Anorexia links - Beyond Physical Appearances: A Guide
to Anorexia that is actually a page on a dating site. Ibogaine
Therapy "Advanced Ibogaine Treatment for Heroin, Alcohol,
Meth, Cocaine & Oxycontin Drug Addiction." |
web site of the New Thought Network which includes
Metaphysical churches such as Unity and Religious Science.
SpiritNetwork for the Age of Enlightenment. This multi-denominational site is dedicated to Spirit. It is intended to provide a vehicle in which we may all pool our resources in order to spread love and light throughout the universe with the knowledge Spirit shares with us and the knowledge we share with others. Relationship Web - A great resource for information about relationships. "First aid for relationships, with a directory of 1,000's of helpful relationship links, discussion forums, books, and help on affairs, marriage, dating, divorce, addiction, abuse, breakups, & much more." A course in Miracles - a unique, universal, self-study spiritual thought system that also teaches the way to Love and Inner Peace. This has been a great resource for many people in their Spiritual growth. I mention on my Positive Affirmations page that many of the Affirmations I share there come directly from, while others are inspired by, the work of Shakti Gawain - whom I recommend very highly. She and Louise Hay are the two most important teachers of the power of positive affirmations that I have experienced. soul2soul With Harusami & Friends: Guidance, Healing, Transformation Intuitive guidance, alternative healing, spirituality, growth, awakening and transformation in body, mind and spirit. A resource for metaphysical/holistic services State-by-State. Free psychic readings and spiritual guidance with gifted and compassionate readers. Mercury poisoning
could be related to a wide variety of debilitating and supposedly
incurable conditions including such things as fibromyalgia,
chronic fatigue, anorexia, recurrent depression.
A phone counseling client of mine has seen dramatic improvement
in her autistic child once she started treating him for mercury
poisoning that related to some very questionable dental work
done on the child at a young age. She has high praise for
Dr. Andy Cutler whose web site about Amalgam Illness includes information
from a book he has written. - "A Community of Support, Spirituality, Growth, and Empowerment for Women." Their banner includes this great line: "well behaved women rarely make history." One of my phone counseling clients who had gone through an incredible transformation in his life due to doing the inner child work, has discovered that he has access to great power as a healer. One of the assets that he found as his life was being transformed is something called the Sacred Merkaba Techniques. I really don't know much about it, but he recommends it highly and is now teaching it. Emotional Honesty - Self Acceptance and violence prevention is the web site of Ronald Brill whose book and work includes strategies for prevention of violence at home, school and work. Ronald has been a fan of my book and web site for several years now and I am happy to recommend his work. Soul's Self-Help Central is a cool web site with lots of good information for survivors of sexual abuse - including info on dissociation, borderline personality, depression, and more. Namastecafe - An Internet Coffee House. A beautifully designed site by a talented designer (she designed the magnificent unicorn for my Joy2MeU Journal cover) and internet angel who goes by the nom de web of Serenity. A Loving place to hang out and find some inspiration. The Institute for Authentic Process Healing - a nonprofit foundation for reducing human suffering. The Human Awareness
Institute A program recommended by a friend.
"Bring light to your relationships" "Loving relationships
don't just happen . . . The skills must be learned." - a huge web site of metaphysical information. Several people have recommended Inner Bonding - described as a psychological and spiritual self-help healing process created by Margaret Paul, Ph.D. and Erika Chopich, Ph.D. "The wisdom of Kabbalah teaches a practical method to attain the upper world and the source of our existence." Someone wrote me asking if I knew I was Sufi
- and suggesting some links. These are two of them:
Sufi Order International "Our Activities, Prayers, History, and Traditions, Frequently Asked Questions" Our
Journey To The Sky A Guide to the Process of
Spiritual Formation "What is spirituality? Some
people do not realize that it is a personal, inner relationship
with Life." The Wisdom of the Rooms - a collection of 12 Step Quotes and Sayings The Universal Church Of Metaphysics is a gathering place for like-minded spiritual seekers. The Secret to The Unlimited Child - A Children's Life Empowerment "Empowering humanity one child at a time."
- "Find a Good Therapist ~ Explore Healthy Counseling"
to love cancer "A dis-ease is an opportunity to create
a journey to healing, self-discovery and self-care. It is a
journey not bigger than you. It is not the end!" Breast Cancer
Information and Breast Cancer Alternative Treatments Information. Spiritual
New Age Wisdom
"Expands the Boundaries of Spiritual Awareness - it
is Spirit in Action." |
Open Circles - Personal
Development and Leadership Education "Improve your
communication, relationships, physical andemotional
health, self-esteem and creativity, gain emotional freedom,
increase your self-confidence and reduce stress and anxiety
in our training programs, courses, seminars, workshops
and retreats."
Self Improvement Online - A ton of resources for a multitude of self growth, self improvement topics. New Age Online Australia - referred to as Australia's own site for Everything New Age, this site contains lost of resources on most any New Age type of topic one could want to explore. What Witches believe. This is a very well written page that is part of an interesting site called The Dance. It may enlighten you about one of the world's oldest Spiritual practices - which has been slandered by Christianity for centuries. The site itself is about community and besides the information about Wicca includes info on Aromatherapy, Flower Essences, Herbs, Needlecrafts, Quilting, Reiki, and more. Blessed Be. OmPLACE - The Conscious Living Directory & Alternative NewsRoom - a large resource for Alternative News (like rain forest logging, etc.), Spirituality, Holistic Health, Veggie Food, EcoTravel, Astrology & Astronomy, Tarot, Evolving Social Issues, Holistic Pet Care, Entertainment, Environment, Yoga, Massage, etc. Redirecting Self-Therapy (RST) - RST is an alternate therapy/cure based on the principle that mental symptoms are a "detox crisis" that can be discharged by releasing suppressed anger from early trauma. A discovery by neuroscientist Elnora Van Winkle - the web site states it is easy for anyone to learn in a few hours. A site that is focused on using Coloring Therapy as a form of meditation and in family therapy. The Bright Side - wings of support: site with lots of resources. "Whether dealing with a crisis, coping with a mental disorder, or just feeling overwhelmed with life, we all go through difficu
White Eagle A SpiritWalker - Support Personal Developmental and Spiritual Growth. "This website was conceived as a means to share with any and all whom may so desire, a greater knowledge and Understanding of The Creator, The Medicine and Proper Way of being in Life as well as what could be considered Real Spirituality." As interpreted "through the channel of White Eagle." Another web site with a great deal of information -"Our mission is to assist you in remembering and in becoming who you already are but may have forgotten." - The site of David Mariant whose book on the subject quotes extensively from my work on codependency. Weight Loss for Life "What if you could experience Weight Loss, and keep it off for Life?" "Living fully every day. A large site with many resources for Personal and Spiritual Growth." Broken Heart "Providing quick help for you to heal a broken heart. This website will give you simple tips to help you get through." "The Affair
Recovery Center brings over 20 years experience
in successfully counseling couples to a place of
healing and hope." Mission: "To offer hope, support,
and recovery for couples and individuals who have suffered
the pain resulting from infidelity, betrayal, or sexual addiction." A Place of
PEACE - peaceful sanctuary where you will be
able to relax and connect with nature, poetry, prayers
and the peace within you that is Gods' spirit. Not
Your Mother’s Diet "For the first time ever
a leading eating disorder expert, reveals how a tired, overweight
and depressed woman used her new book, Not Your Mother's Diet
to transform her eating, create the body she could love
and rebuild a sensuous love life... All without dieting, drugs,
or strenuous gym routines..." THE THIRD
ROAD, (A PLACE OF PEACE) "The Third Road will lead you on a secret
journey where dreams become your reality. Discover a hidden world that
God intended you to be in, where the words like peace, love, and hope
will resonate for you. |
This site is the HAMR (Hand Actuated Mental Reconditioning) self help site. It contains instructions for a technique that is said to help in rewiring the brain. I do not know much about it, and was skeptical when I checked it out. But a friend of mine who was really stuck in negative, depressed state found it helped her out of that place - so I am going to place a link here for anyone who wants to check it out. Angels' Play
is a metaphysical and spiritual counseling service dedicated
to promoting the principles and values of joyful
living. Our goal is to enlighten, entertain and
empower others through education, understanding and awareness.
Our mission is to be a celebration of healing for body, mind
and spirit. "Energy & Spiritual Healing Center offers Distance Healing, Psychic healing and medical intuitives. Experience lasting results and re-balancing for mental, psychological, emotional and physical issues." Eli Newberger M.D. Department of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School, is the author of The Men They Will Become: The Nature and Nurture of Male Character - and is a pediatrician, teacher, and musician. He invites you to share the words and music of his site, that includes chapters from his book on boys, articles on men and music, and samples from his recordings. Some inspirational e-mail Newsletters & Journals: The Messenger - a guide for lifes adventures, monthly articles on spiritual, metaphysical, ecological and health related issues. Recovery Times- A Journal for a new way of life. Center for Creative Growth - Located in Berkeley "Our orientation emphasizes John Bradshaw's nationally acclaimed teachings, and integrates a humanistic/transpersonal and family systems perspective with grounding in the 12-step approach to recovery. In addition to verbal forms of therapy, we utilize symbolic methods (dreamwork, art, psychodrama, and sandtray therapy) that gently yet dramatically create change by tapping directly into the unconscious." Jackie Woods "is an expert in the field of self-actualization with more than 25 years' teaching experience" - and from what I have seen, seems to be saying some really good things. Self Help Zone - "A Place for Self Improvement and Personal Growth" The Hoffman Process is one that has been very helpful to some people I have worked with - with releasing emotional programming. "Emotional learning that occurred early in our lives largely shapes our adult experiences. Whether we are aware of it or not, our very sense of self is more strongly influenced by early life conditioning than most of us ever imagine." Emotional "Developing the essential social
skills to recognize, interpret, and respond constructively
to emotions in yourself and others." The Voice for Love - "Inspiration, Learning, and Support
for Hearing God's Voice ~ The mission of The Voice
for Love is to inspire, teach, and support people in
hearing God's Voice in their lives." Welcome to
the Self Healing Portal - "The Self Healing
Portal has been set up in order to give you free information
and resources to empower you to take your health and happiness
into your own hands."
Day Spa
for the Mind
" is an online space where you can relax, unwind, and clear
your mind to make room for positive change in your life. We all
have busy lives and the thought of meditation or personal development,
even though we all know the benefits, can seem all too daunting." Children
of Light "is an institute of self-mastery, dedicated to informing
and educating individuals about the personal and planetary Ascension
that we are now experiencing. In short, we are interested in revealing
a path of personal healing that will allow us all to awaken to the consciousness
of our souls." Based on trance channeling from Gabriel.
Law of Attraction and
Success "Manifest The Things Your Desire... With The
Law of Attraction Your Guide for Attracting Live, Business,
and Spiritual Success" (I would be remiss
to include this without mentioning my article: The Law of Attraction - Misunderstood & Misinterpreted) Kabbalah, Bnei Baruch - Kabbalah Education
& Research Institute -
a lot of information about the Kabbalah including an interesting
article on gender roles: Equality Between Men and Women: Good or Bad? The Mankind Project
"The ManKind Project® is an educational organization committed
to empowering men to missions of service. Our trainings support
men in developing lives of integrity, accountability, and connection
to feeling. We challenge men to develop their abilities as leaders,
partners, fathers, and elders in order to offer their deepest gifts
in service to the world." Psycanics
"A scientific philosophy for personal development and spiritual
growth" |
The Hunger Site- this site is actually helping to feed the hungry of the world. There is a button to click on that results in the sites sponsors donating food to international relief efforts. Anyone can visit this site once every day and contribute to fighting world hunger.
Geri Recovery Music The web site of a woman who has CD of great recovery songs that she has written and sings beautifully. You can listen to segments of those songs.The Breast Cancer site where you can click on a link and free mammograms are donated to underprivileged women.
Catherine Ryan Hyde is a critically acclaimed novelist and award winning short story writer. She has been a friend for about a dozen years now, and is referred to in my book - as I explain on my recommended books page.
Inspiration for life - a personal home page that is designed for webtv. Beautiful writing and graphics - must really be stunning on the big screen tv that it is created on. - an information source that includes: Atlas, Almanac, Dictionary, Encyclopedia and homework help from The Learning Network.
12 Step - Adventures for People in 12 Step Recovery Programs. Ocean cruises organized and designed for people in recovery. Most cruises feature well known recovery speakers - and also workshops and meetings.
I have been reading Rob Brezsny's Astrology insights for some years as it appears in the local free alternative Newspapers in areas I have lived. His messages are interesting and quite out of the norm - sometimes baffling, often inspirational and with an uncanny ability to convey a message I need to hear at that moment on my spiritual path. I have had one or more of his weekly messages taped to my wall or computer for years. In wanting to share his latest one with a friend who is a fellow Leo, I discovered his web site and decided to add a link to it here.
Here is a special site which combines 5 worthy causes - and where it is possible to click on a link or all 5 separately and money is donated to the cause you click. The Hunger Site, Animal Rescue Site, Rainforest site, Child Health Site, or Breast Cancer Site.
I usually don't add links to sites that promote just a single author's work (or artist or whatever) unless they offer a lot of other resources. I have decided this time to add a few that have contacted me - two authors, a poet, an artist, a site about healing songs, and a free greeting card site: Nerd Gerl's Naked Angel Art; Barbara Sinor, Ph.D. author of "An Inspirational Guide for the Recovering Soul" and "Gifts from the Child Within"; and 123Greetings lets you send free greetings all across the world.
The Vitamins and Nutrition Center, where you will find information on vitamins, the latest vitamins research, expert knowledge on vitamins and tips for proper supplementation with vitamins. provides a wide variety of Natural Crystal Himalayan Salt Lamps, and other meditation related supplies.
AngeLynx Divination Cards - "exploring the Angelish Language." Interesting site about a deck of Divination Cards that explores the meaning of words.
Project Renaissance - Transforming Education in Ecuador "Project Renaissance collaborates with the Interoceanica Educational Network to enrich the education and nutritional status of children in the rural area of Quito, Ecuador." - Free Tickets to Movie Screenings
Susan now works for the National Resource Safety Center which is the Nations Largest Safety Video Lending Library.
A great cause here: "A cardboard box is saving the lives of thousands of people in Africa. It’s called Solar Cooker, and it is pure ingenuity. The cookers have made a huge difference—and not just because they are a way to heat food. Without them, refugee women must go outside the camp to gather firewood. But to leave camp is to gamble with death."
Someone strongly recommended the Shalom Process which offers retreats that looks pretty interesting. "Shalom Mountain Retreat and Study Center was established in the Catskill Mountains one hundred miles northwest of New York City. It was founded as a 'hope structure', calling people to live passionately and with compassion in the world."
Spiritual Stickers a site with Spiritual bumper stickers.
Some Web Sites for Cambria and Central Coast of California:
This is a directory for the Central Coast that includes some photos of Cambria.
This one is a visit Cambria site.