"The point that I am making is that our understanding of Codependence has evolved to realizing that this is not just about some dysfunctional families, our very role models, our prototypes, are dysfunctional. Our traditional cultural concepts of what a man is, of what a woman is, are twisted, distorted, almost comically bloated stereotypes of what masculine and feminine really are."
"In order to start be-ing in the
moment in a healthy,
age-appropriate way it is
necessary to heal our "inner
child." The inner child we
need to heal is actually our "inner
children" who have been running
our lives because we have been unconsciously
reacting to life out of the emotional
wounds and attitudes, the old
tapes, of our childhoods." - Quotations in this color are
from Codependence:
The Dance of Wounded
Souls by Robert Burney
Spiritual Teacher and Codependency Therapist Robert Burney, whose work has been compared to John Bradshaw's "except much more spiritual" and described as "taking inner child healing to a new level," has developed a unique holistic approach to emotional healing that is the next level of recovery from codependency so many people have been seeking. He has pioneered an inner child healing paradigm that offers a powerful, life changing formula for integrating Love, Spiritual Truth, and intellectual knowledge of healthy behavior into one's emotional experience of life - a blueprint for individuals to transform their core relationship with self and life.
Robert, whose work is firmly grounded on twelve step spiritual principles and emotional energy release / grief process therapy, learned in his own personal recovery that developing internal boundaries was the key to empowerment and freedom from the past. His unique approach and application of the concept of internal boundaries, coupled with a Loving spiritual belief system, make the work innovative and powerfully life changing.
In his book Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls "A Cosmic Perspective on Codependence and the Human Condition" he postulates that Codependence (i.e. outer or external dependence) is The Human Condition as we have inherited it - and that we have now entered a new Age of Healing and Joy in which it is possible to heal the planet through healing our relationships with self. He combines Twelve Step Recovery Principles, Metaphysical Truth, and Native American Spirituality with quantum physics and molecular biology in presenting his belief that we are all connected, we are all extensions of the Divine, and that ultimately Love is our True essence. His personal Spiritual beliefs - which embrace both Christ Consciousness and Goddess Energy - is that we are Spiritual Beings having a human experience that is unfolding perfectly from a Cosmic perspective. He considers spirituality to be a word that describes one's relationship with life - and anyone, regardless of religious/spiritual belief or lack of it (who is not completely closed minded), can apply the approach he shares in his book to help them transform their experience of life into an easier, more Loving and enjoyable journey.
If you want to learn how to relax and enjoy life in the
moment while you are healing
and learning to Love your self
- this book can help you transform your
relationship with self, life, and other people.
Announcing 11/22/22: A new app for
the recording of Codependence:
The Dance of Wounded Souls that I recorded.
Listening to this is Truply an Audio Spiritual Experience!
to a page of Joy2MeU The Web Site of Spiritual Teacher, codependence
counselor, grief therapist,
author, Robert Burney and
his publishing company Joy to You
& Me Enterprises
February 15th 2012:
Codependence: The Dance
of Wounded Souls has
been reprinted for the Sixth time - this
time as a Print on Demand Title.
This new printing
of the book has a new ISBN and new
price: ISBN: 0-964838346
ISBN13: 978-0964838345 Retail Price:
![]() "When I found your book, I found myself." "I have made more progress on a personal level in the few weeks I have had Robert's book and tape than in the preceding eight plus years when I first found out what codependency was." "I just read your wonderful book, thank you for writing it. I have been a spiritual teacher since childhood, however, your book let me organize my thoughts a new way, a new perspective. I now have a much deeper understanding and am still learning from it. Dance, is one of the truly transformational works of our time thanks again" "Why isn't this book on the bestseller list? I think it certainly will be someday. You have incorporated many concepts of Truth into one beautiful, soul touching, and integrated piece of genius." To see Reviews & more Testimonials go to Reviews and/or Testimonials. You can get a personally autographed copy when you purchase from
this site - if you
don't care about the autograph you can also get
this book You
can get a personally autographed copy when
you purchase from this site - if you don't care
about the autograph you can also get this book
The follow up eBook The Metaphysics of Emotions - emotional energy is real is also available in Amazon Kindle format and Barnes & Noble Nook format, as of 1/16 Kobo ereader April
2015 - Announcing the publication of an Audiobook
of Robert Burney’s eBook The Law of Attraction - Misunderstood
& Misinterpreted now available on Audible, Amazon,
and iTunes.
Book: $19.25 |
Book: $24.95 |
Book International: $28.95 |
Book: $21.95 |
Book: $38.95 |
Book Global: $47.95 |
![]() This is a literal audio book with another narrator - not the audio that I did myself which was slightly abridged. I think that the narrator did a good job - but of course it doesn't have the passion and the points of emphasis that the one I did has. As one person's feedback stated about my version: "The audio version is absolutely a mind-blowing audio spiritual experience! You rock, man!! It's one thing to read the articles on the clinically electric computer screen and completely another level of involvement hearing the man himself utter his own words of wisdom and spiritual alchemy. One can tell that you aren't just mumbling through a book you've written; while listening it becomes certain that the message truly is your spiritual truth and not just some neatly packaged intellectual mind job disguising itself in spiritual language. An enormous THANK YOU for sharing your story and perspective for all the world to see, I truly appreciate it, man!" The version that I did is for sale as an MP3
![]() Codependency
Recovery: Wounded
Souls Dancing in The
Book 1 Empowerment, Freedom, and Inner Peace through Inner Child Healing (aka A Formula for Spiritual Integration and Emotional Balance) ISBN: 1463740921 ISBN-13: 978-1463740924 Library of Congress Control Number: 2011908389 8 1/2 x 11 Trade Paperback 179 pages Joy to You & Me Enterprises through CreateSpace Retail price $27.95 This is a process level - how to - book about
inner child healing approach discovered
by Robert in his recovery. The approach
to inner child / emotional healing shared
within is the missing piece - the missing
perspective - of the puzzle of life that
so many people have been seeking. It is
a formula for integrating intellectual knowledge
and spiritual Truth into one's emotional relationship
with life. It is the key to learning
how to be more Loving to your self - and to
turning life into an adventure to be experienced
instead of an ordeal of suffering to be endured.
"This book is a compilation of my writings. I have built this book around a 23 articles series that I wrote for an internet directory (which I had been selling as a spiral bound booklet.) To those 23 articles (some of which I have added to or expanded upon in the new book) I have added 8 of my web articles, an excerpt from one of the online books in a subscription site, and a handout I use in my Intensive Training Workshops. The 23 articles were around 27,000 words - while the additional material added another 35,000 or so words to this book. This is not a workbook per se (although it is workbook size 8 1/2 x 11), but it does contain assignments and exercises, tools and techniques, as well as invaluable insights into the approach that I discovered and developed for inner healing that works in a powerful, effective way to change the quality of an individuals life experience for the better." - Robert Burney
March 15, 2015: Announcing the
publication of an Audiobook
of Robert Burney’s Codependency Recovery:
Wounded Souls Dancing in The Light Book 1:
Empowerment, Freedom, and Inner Peace through Inner Child
Healing (aka A Formula for Spiritual Integration and
Emotional Balance) available on Audible, Amazon, and iTunes. Also available eBook format: Amazon Kindle |
Purchase the two newest Books together
![]() ![]() Or if anyone wanted two copies of just one
of these books - that is
okay also, just be sure to email me to
let me know.
2/3/16 because of the increase in shipping costs interntionally I am pricing the book at $23 here - which means I am actually lowering the price for both the US and Canada.
"I just finished reading all three of your
books. I just felt compelled
to write you to say how much your writing
style resonated with me and how much I enjoyed
your books. I am on my path of enlightenment, and
you have given me insight and hope on how to have a happy
and healthy romantic relationship. I congratulate
you! Thank you for your words of inspiration!"
I have found that I can get all 3 of my books into a Priority Flat Rate Envelope - so am offering them for the prices listed below. All Three Books Retail Price 27.95 + 27.95 + 17.95 = 73.80 - Sale Price 58.00 + shipping Special offer: for anyone who purchases all 3 books I will include the MP3 download of my audio version of of Codependence The Dance of Wounded Souls. If you want this audio download send me an email letting me know at joy2meu@silcom.com
The Dance of Wounded Souls
"An Audio Spiritual Experience"
CD version of Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls "An Audio Spiritual Experience" is now not Available New December 2012 audio version of Codependence The Dance of Wounded Souls A Cosmic Perspective of Codependence and the Human Condition is now available on audible.com, Amazon, and iTunes. |
E-Book formats Robert's books are
available in:
Amazon Kindle Codependence:
The Dance of
Wounded Souls
Amazon Kindle Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in The Light Newest book Kindle:
~ The Greatest Arena for Spiritual & Emotional
Growth (Codependent Dysfunctional
Relationship Dynamics & Healthy
Relationship Behavior)
Part 2 of my newest book The Greatest Arena for Spiritual & Emotional Growth is now available: Deeper Within (emotionally) & Further Out (metaphysically) From Fear of Intimacy to Twin Souls Also available in Noble Nook format eBook 1 & eBook 2 and as of 1/16 Kobo ereaders eBook 1 and eBook 2 ![]() The Law of Attraction - Misunderstood & Misinterpreted. This eBook is available now in Amazon Kindle format and Barnes & Noble Nook, as of 1/16 Kobo ereader "I am writing this because I believe that the way the Law of Attraction is being taught by most people who are teaching it today is not ultimately Loving. I believe it is being taught in a way that makes many of the people hearing it feel ashamed; in a way that causes people to focus on reaching a destination at the expense of not being present in the now; in a way that reinforces the delusion that there is something inherently wrong with being human, with human beings. It is also being taught by most spiritual teachers in a way that discounts and devalues emotions and emotional healing." The follow up eBook The Metaphysics of Emotions - emotional energy is real is also available in Amazon Kindle format and Barnes & Noble Nook format, as of 1/16 Kobo ereader April 2015 - Announcing the publication of an Audiobook of Robert Burney’s eBook The Law of Attraction - Misunderstood & Misinterpreted now available on Audible, Amazon, and iTunes. |
A German Translation that is available
through the publishers website
or through Amazon.
An Italian eBook version is available through
Announcing in February 2014 there is now a Korean Language version of The Dance. |
Joy to You & Me Enterprises is now offering a series of Intensive Training Days with Spiritual Teacher, inner child healing pioneer Robert Burney. Learn his innovative Spiritual Integration Formula for Inner Healing. To find out the locations and dates for upcoming appearances go to Day of Intensive Training. |
Dysfunctional Relationship Dynamics ~ Healthy Relationship Behavior Inner Child Healing - The Path to Empowerment, Inner Peace, and Freedom from the Past |
New Leaf or directly from Joy to You & Me Enterprises For an info page that is easy to print and take to your local book store click here. Joy2MeU ![]() Phone: 805-203-5875 (as of 7/12/21
![]() You may order all three books (+ eBooks and audiobooks) from the worlds largest online bookstore Amazon.com Codependence The Dance of Wounded Souls Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in The Light Romantic Relationships ~ The
Greatest Arena for Spiritual & Emotional Growth |
Joy to You & Me |
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"The wars outside of us are a reflection of the war within. Humans have been at war within and without for thousands of years. The wars, the violence, the rape of mother Earth that is happening, are all caused by the war within being projected outward. |