Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls
A Cosmic Perspective on Codependence and the Human Condition
Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in The Light
Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in The LightBook 1 Empowerment, Freedom, and Inner Peace through Inner Child Healing
Book 2: A Dysfunctional Relationship with Life
Seeing the inner child book as the second book in a three book set
has been something that I have envisioned for quite awhile. It
is a concept that evolved for me out of the online book
that I found myself writing in 2002 and 2003.
"One of the most fascinating aspects of my writing - to me, anyway - is that I am writing about the same basic dynamics that I have been focused on for more than 10 years (more than 17 years now in 2010.) The basic dynamics of codependence - of the disease / the wounding process and the recovery / healing / Spiritual awakening process - are something I have seen clearly for quite awhile. There is nothing in my book (Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls) - though the final draft was written in 1995 - that is not aligned with what I believe and know today. . . . . What is happening though, is that I keep writing - and understanding - on deeper, more sophisticated levels. The layers are more subtle, but each one I peel leads to a clearer, more refined understanding from a higher perspective. . . .
In this online book, I am finding myself exploring new levels and perspectives - both dissecting the dynamics of codependency and recovery on more sophisticated and subtle levels (both psychologically and historically) and discussing different facets of the phenomena in more concrete, practical, and hopefully understandable, terms. . . . I very happy with, and proud of, the chapters that grew out of this initial source. It has since grown into an in depth look at the phenomena of codependency on multiple levels." - May 2003 Author's Foreword to Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in the Light Book 2: A Dysfunctional Relationship with Life
It was as that online book evolved (out of what originally a response to
a very ignorant online article) that I started seeing it as the third
in a trilogy of books, with the inner child healing book
as the second.
"When I was writing the first draft of my process level - how to - book about the inner child healing approach that I developed in my recovery, I thought that the actual explanation of the process would be the second part of the book. I believed that part 1 would be an explanation of the dynamics of codependency in terms of cause and effect. That is, how and why the wounding takes place, and the dynamics of the dis-ease of codependency - the ego's emotional / behavioral defense system - which creates a continuing vicious cycle of cause and effect in a person's relationships. Learning how to relate to self, life, and other people in early childhood from people who were wounded in their childhood, traps us in an ongoing cycle of shame, blame, and self abuse. That is what makes doing the inner child healing work so vital to changing the quality of our life experience.
Now in May 2003, because of the chapters I have written for the The codependency movement is NOT ruining marriages!, I am seeing the structure of the book reversed. In other words, the explanation of how to do the work will come first and the chapters looking at different levels and manifestations of codependency will be what I am here calling Book 2." - Author's Foreward to Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in the Light Book 2: A Dysfunctional Relationship with Life
Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in the Light Book 2: A Dysfunctional Relationship with Life
is now part of the subscription area of my site
that I call Dancing
in Light. In June of 2009 I added a note about
the impact that the new sites we were launching was going to
have on the Dancing in Light subscription area to my permanent
special offers page. Here is a description of that subscription
area along with that note.
"The Dancing in Light portion of my site includes two online books that I am quite proud of, and would like to share with as many people as possible. One of those works - Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in The Light Book 2: A Dysfunctional Relationship with Life - contains some of what I believe to be my best writing on codependency and recovery. The other: Attack on America - A Spiritual Healing Perspective and Call for Higher Consciousness (which I started publishing online on Sept. 22, 2001) - is an intensely personal work in which I share my perspective of codependence in relationship to terrorist attack of 9/11 and it's aftermath (in a way that felt potentially life threatening at the time I was publishing it online.) The Dancing in Light section also includes a series of articles on The True Nature of Love and a special article entitled: My Spiritual Belief System and the New Millennium.
Here is some recent feedback about the Dancing in Light section:
"The Dancing in the Light stuff is awesome! It hits me like a lazer beam. It is all very profound. I am getting it. I finally understand totally about coming from a place of woundedness. . . . the emotional vampire info changed my relationship with my father. I just don't go there anymore with him.. Man oh man.. I was really giving myself away to him. And others too! . . . This information is priceless... I am so grateful you wrote it."
"Thank you for the subscription to Dancing in Light; I had missed having access to that material. I would be hard pressed to cite a single paragraph that I wouldn't deem worth fifty dollars to me."June 29, 2009 - One of the new websites that is being set up in conjunction with is going to be We will be expanding the content in this new subscription site to include some of the works that are now in the Joy2MeU Journal. Once that site is ready for launch I will be no longer selling Dancing in Light subscriptions through - and will be changing the offers on this page to remove the Dancing in Light subscription. It will probably be spring 2010 however before that happens." - Special Offers from Joy2MeU & Robert Burney
Essentially I have been selling lifetime subscriptions in that site for
$24.95 because my web site design is so antiquated and out of date. 10/29/12 The plans to launch a
have been scrapped and I will continue to sell subscriptions to Dancing
in Light and the Joy2MeU Journal as lifetime subscriptions - as long
as Joy2MeU is alive that is. I am making this trilogy available
- two in book form and one online with access through subscription
until I get the next book published probably early next year.
Priority Mail US Wounded Souls Trilogy 53.99 |
Global Priority Mail Canada & Mexico
Wounded Souls Trilogy 71.99 |
Global Priority Mail rest of the World Wounded Souls Trilogy 80.99 |
Priority Mail US Trilogy + audio download $70.99 |
Global Priority Mail Canada & Mexico Trilogy + audio download 88.99 |
Global Priority Mail rest of the World Trilogy + audio download $97.99 |
"The wars outside of us are a reflection of the war within. Humans have been at war within and without for thousands of years. The wars, the violence, the rape of mother Earth that is happening, are all caused by the war within being projected outward.
It is all caused by warring on ourselves. By judging and feeling ashamed of ourselves for being human - and by fighting our own emotional process.
The way to stop the war within is through healing and learning to Love our own inner child/children. The inner child is the gateway to discovering our True Self - to reconnecting with the Great Spirit.
I have wanted for years to print a bumper sticker that says:
"Work for World Peace - Heal your Inner Child"Because that is the only way it can be done. That is the only way that will work." (Quotations in this color are from Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls