You will find 2 other awards also. One is the YANA [you are not alone]
award from my Hugs
R us site. This is unrated, and offered to excellent websites like
yours, that have a basic mental health theme, and yours certainly qualifies.
I am still working my way through it. You have done a wonderful job of
putting 'it' all down for your readers and I commend you for your hard
work and sincerity. This is my first YANA of 2006. You will
also find my Whimsy award, also non-rated, that I give [on a whim] to websites
that I personally like.
WOW! I am really at a loss for words - unusual for those who know me.
I find great strength reading your pages. They are truly inspirational,
and I thank you for writing them.
Congratulations and well done
Purrs Lin
~ my website all about cats
to a page of Joy2MeU The Web Site of Spiritual Teacher, codependence counselor, grief therapist, author, Robert Burney and Joy to You & Me Enterprises.Go to Home Page
Robert is the author of the Joyously inspirational bookThe Dance of Wounded Souls |
So, here is our new awards page - posted February 1, 2000 - just in time for the first anniversary of the Joy2MeU web site on February 4th, and a few weeks before the Two year anniversary of the Joy to You & Me web site whose first crude pages were uploaded February 28th 1998.Some of these sites are no longer in existence - so I have removed the links but left the award posted.
The person who presented this award was so inspired by my site that she created a special Wallpaper for Windows users that is really beautiful. This is a quote from the web page on which you may find the wallpaper (right.) "When I found Robert Burney's award winning site, Joy2MeU on codependence and healing the inner child; I was inspired to make this wallpaper for all of us who have sometimes felt unlovable because we're not perfectly lovable." |
This is a special award created just for my web site by Colleen - who has her own web site about Bipolar Disorder at http://bipolar.virtualave.net |
This award comes from a site called Recovery with Richard a Recovery web site focused on NA (Narcotics Anonymous) |
We are honored to present your Website the Lotus Light Award for web excellence. Our multi-denominational organization, SpiritNetwork commends you on your wonderful site. |
Congratulations! You have been awarded Amorology's prestigious Divinity In Action Award. Through your actions, you have given expression to your divine essence, helping others to understand and appreciate Who They Really Are. Even those who have never been to your site have benefited from your positive thoughts of Love. You have helped raise the level of consciousness and understanding on this Planet, and deserve more recognition and gratitude than this or any other award could ever bestow. With all humility, we thank you for the work you've done and hope this token of our appreciation will serve you well. http://www.amorology.net |
This beautiful award came from a beautifully designed and very comprehensive site called Ask Claudia Psychic/Healer. "I have spent many years developing my Balanced Energy System. This system is a combination of many different techniques for healing on all levels. I feel that all dis-ease begins in the emotions. If you heal the emotion, then healing will occur on a cellular level." The Healing Techniques Claudia uses include: Healing Touch, Reiki, Emotional Healing, Crystal Healing, Soul Return, Inner Child Healing, Past Life Therapy, Spirit Depossession, Distance Healing. She also offer healing for pets. Her Spiritual Counseling includes Intuitive Counseling, Psychic Readings, Past Life Readings, and Angel Readings. |
This is the Grant Me The Serenity...Spirit of Recovery Award. The Grant Me The Serenity Site is one which I added to my recommended links page several months ago. It is a large directory of self-help, addiction, and recovery information. |
An new award from Critical Mass - An Internet Information Resource Center: |
Dear Robert, |
The NBCi Directory team is pleased to inform you that a site you submitted to NBCi LiveDirectory: http://Joy2MeU.com/Relationship.html Has been promoted to the Top Sites Directory, NBCi's premier collection. |
Greetings Robert, The criteria judged for this award is based on content, overall design, ease of navigation and loading time. Nominee homepages can include some commercial content, but above all be informational or inspirational. |
Dear Robert, Congratulations! We have reviewed your website, and it certainly qualifies for our ByRegion Award. Good job! We are happy to be associated with your website! A new Directory, ByRegion.net organizes local artists, musicians, writers, performers, healers, bodyworkers, healing activities as well as related products and services by region. |
Hi Robert, |
Congratulations! |
Greetings, |
Congratulations! Your site has been added to our Spread The Light Award Page. |
Hello, |
Dream's Place part of MSN community thefirstdreamsite. Linda sent an e-mail saying, "What a great site" and presenting Joy2MeU this award. |
Unfortunately this site has disappeared from the internet but I like the awards so I am keeping them here. |
"Congratulations on receiving the Point Of Life Gold award of Excellence for your Great Happy website that aids many people to enjoy life. In Love & Joy" - Michael Levy. |
"Please accept these two awards for your awesome site and for making
a difference in lifes that you touch with your web site. huggggggggggs"
Here is a poem that has been posted on the internet as a thank you to me and my web site. Very cool. ;-) This poem was written by Rose and is on the My Wish page of her web site.
An Award from Circle-of-Light.com "You sent an email requesting your site to be viewed for A Circle of Light award. I apologize for taking so long to get back to you, we receive several requests daily and since I only choose one recipient a month I am overwhelmed. I went to your extremely informative site and I would like to honor you and your site by presenting you with the Circle of Light award for September, 2003." Rev. Cassandra Anaya, Ph.D. Clairvoyant Psychic Inutive Counselor The poem is called the Terror Within, and carries this line at the bottom of the page: "This page is dedicated to Robert Burney whose writings have given me the courage to face the terror within."