Check out our new Landing Site for a brief overview of the work of Codependency Recovery Inner Child Healing Pioneer Robert Burney - including links to his articles on websites that are user friendly on mobile devices.
"Some researchers focused primarily on Alcoholic families, and then graduated to studying adults who had grown up in Alcoholic families. Other researchers started looking more closely at the phenomenon of Family Systems Dynamics.Out of these studies came the defining of the Adult Child Syndrome, at first primarily in terms of Adult Children of Alcoholics and then expanding to other types of dysfunctional families.
Ironically this research was in a sense a rediscovery of the insight which in many ways was the birth of modern psychology. Sigmund Freud made his early fame as a teenager with his insight into the importance of early childhood trauma. (This was many years before he started shooting cocaine and decided that sex was the root of all psychology.)
What the researchers were beginning to understand was how profoundly the emotional trauma of early childhood affects a person as an adult. They realized that if not healed, these early childhood emotional wounds, and the subconscious attitudes adopted because of them, would dictate the adult's reaction to, and path through, life. Thus we walk around looking like and trying to act like adults, while reacting to life out of the emotional wounds and attitudes of childhood. We keep repeating the patterns of abandonment, abuse, and deprivation that we experienced in childhood."
Quotations in this color are from Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls by Robert Burney
This is a doorway page to Joy2MeU the Web Site of Robert Burney - codependence counselor, Spiritual teacher, grief therapist, and author of the Joyously inspirational book
Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls.
Codependence is another term to describe Adult Child Syndrome - which includes Adult Children of Alcoholic or Dysfunctional Families. Among the topics covered on different pages of the web site are: Codependence - defined
Codependence vs InterdependenceCodependence as Delayed Stress SyndromeThe evolution of the term "Codependence"Inner Child HealingThe Codependence Recovery ProcessThe grief processRomantic Relationships & Toxic LoveRoles in Dysfunctional Familiesand much more.
"The dance that we learn as children - the repression and distortion of our emotional process in reaction to the attitudes and behavior patterns we adopt to survive in an emotionally repressive, Spiritually hostile environment - is the dance we keep dancing as adults.We are driven by repressed emotional energy. We live life in reaction to childhood emotional wounds. We keep trying to get the healthy attention and affection, the healthy love and nurturing, the being-enhancing validation and respect and affirmation, that we did not get as children.
This dysfunctional dance is Codependency. It is Adult Child Syndrome. It is the tune that humans have been dancing to for thousands of years. Vicious, self-perpetuating cycles of self-destructive behavior."
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