"Fear of the unknown is a primal human emotion. We are all Magnificent Spiritual Beings temporarily experiencing life on this planet in these human body vehicles. As long as we are experiencing life in human body we will also feel fear on occasion.I used to get very upset in AA meetings when I would hear some emotionally dishonest old timer pontificate about how fear was the absence of faith. If we did not feel fear we would not need faith! Faith is feeling the fear and walking through it anyway. Faith and courage are what allow us to move through our fear into the unknown - make the empty handed leap into the void."
*** "What I want to emphasis here, is that yes it is vitally important to align our intellectual paradigm with Spiritual Truth and Love so that we stop generating emotional energy out of fear and shame. But changing that programming does not make the emotional energy which we generated in the past disappear. It is vital in our Spiritual Awakening process to own and release the grief from the past or it will keep us trapped in those repeating behavior patterns.In my opinion, far too many spiritual teachers and New Age healers dismiss and discount the emotional wounds - view certain emotions as negative - and therefore are still empowering polarity and shame."
*** "Anyone who gives you a message that carries with it shame about being human, about feeling afraid or angry or whatever, needs to awaken to a larger perspective - needs to expand their intellectual paradigm and raise their consciousness to a higher level that is more aligned with Love. It doesn't matter how famous they are. It is possible that their work has had a huge impact on your growth. Be grateful for that, but give yourself permission to have the discernment to recognize when something they are saying doesn't resonate with Love."*** "The more I have learned to accept wherever I am at today as a perfect part of the unfolding of a Loving Divine Plan - no matter how uncomfortable or painful or terrifying, no matter how imperfect I appear from a human perspective - the easier my life has become. The more I integrated a Loving Spiritual belief system into my internal process - one aligned with Love and ONENESS - the easier it has been for me to surrender to the flow of my growth process."*** "The terrorist attack on September 11th, was a blatant and straightforward manifestation of the dynamics of codependence that I explained in Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls. The subtitle of that book is A Cosmic Perspective of Codependence and the Human Condition. That book is a work of mystical Spirituality. I believe it is a Divinely inspired message to remind all wounded souls of the Truth of Love and ONENESS. . . . It feels to me, like this online book that is now pouring out of me, Attack on America - A Spiritual Healing Perspective & Call for Higher Consciousness is an explanation and expansion of that message - a more direct and detailed expression of that mystical vision."
to a page of Joy2MeU The Web Site of Spiritual Teacher, codependence counselor, grief therapist, author, Robert Burney and Joy to You & Me Enterprises![]() Go to Home Page Robert is the author of the Joyously inspirational bookThe Dance of Wounded Souls ![]() |
Attack on America - A Call for Higher ConsciousnessPerfectly Human
My Recovery ProcessIn my opinion, far too many spiritual teachers and New Age healers dismiss and discount the emotional wounds - view certain emotions as negative - and therefore are still empowering polarity and shame. Recovery involves bringing to consciousness those beliefs and attitudes in our subconscious that are causing our dysfunctional reactions so that we can reprogram our ego defenses to allow us to live a healthy, fulfilling life instead of just surviving. So that we can own our power to make choices for ourselves about our beliefs and values instead of unconsciously reacting to the old tapes. Recovery is consciousness raising. It is en-light-en-ment - bringing the dysfunctional attitudes and beliefs out of the darkness of our subconscious into the Light of consciousness. On an emotional level the dance of Recovery is
owning and honoring the emotional wounds so that we can release the grief
energy - the pain, rage, terror, and shame that is driving us.
This page is no longer available on the regular web site. To view this page, it is now necessary to pay a fee for access to the Dancing in Light section of Joy2MeU.com On this page are quotes from, and section headings of, the original article. The page with information on how to subscribe is Dancing in Light. |
Wounded Souls Dancing in the Light
Grand and Compelling
The Dance of Wounded Souls
October 17, 2001 - I plan (and God smiles) to post this chapter today and to send out my Update Newsletter. It appears that there are about 3 more chapters to this book - and I will get it finished and posted as soon as it is manifested. It will still only be possible to access the pages through the previous chapter, and when posted will be announced on the New page. If you want to be notified by email when the New page change, sign up for the Notification service.October 26, 2001 - Go to Chapter 7: Attack on America - A Call for Consciousness