May 24th, 2018 - Announcing a new website with links to my articles on mobile friendly sites:

Check out our new Landing Site that is user friendly on mobile devices for an overview of the work of Codependency Recovery / Inner Child Healing Pioneer Robert Burney - including links to his articles on websites that are also user friendly on mobile devices.
Inner Child Healing, Abundant Spirituality, codependency recovery, dysfunctional relationships, emotional healing, Spiritual Transformation, 12 steps, New Age Metaphysics, Twelve Step Principles, twin souls, Enlightenment, codependent dynamics, karmic settlement, grief process therapy, Christ Consciousness, dysfunctional families, early childhood trauma, co-dependence, hundredth monkey principle, True Love, fear of intimacy, emotional abuse, toxic shame, vibrational frequency, mystic, child within, setting boundaries, Kindred Spirit, healthy romantic relationships, toxic love, codependence counselor, Goddess Energy, quantum physics, telephone counseling, recovering alcoholic, molecular biology, Karma, mystical Truth, Co-Dependents Anonymous, alcoholism, Great Spirit, Adult Children of Alcoholic syndrome, addictive / compulsive behavior, empowered co-creation, soul mate, The Dance of Wounded Souls, positive affirmations, personal empowerment, Loving Higher Power, inner peace, serenity, freedom, Joy to Me and You, Life changing workshop, Spiritual Integration Training

New & News Page of Joy2MeU web site of Spiritual Teacher/codependency therapist

The most recent additions - including web articles on the inner child healing/codependency recovery process, twelve step Spirituality and New Age Metaphysics, and more, in addition to new links, testimonials, etc. - to the Joy2MeU web site of inner child healing pioneer Robert Burney (Spiritual Teacher / codependency counselor / grief therapist / author of Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls) are announced on this New Page - as well as news of Robert and Joy to You & Me Enterprises.


to a page of


The Web Site of Spiritual Teacher, codependency counselor, grief therapist, author, Robert Burney and Joy to You & Me Enterprises.

Logo of Joy2Meu Web Site.
Go to Home Page

Site index pageSacred Spiral with tail pointing to right signifying 'going toward.'

Robert is the author of the Joyously inspirational book

The Dance of Wounded Souls
Joyously inspirational Spiritual book - Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls
3D image of Joy2MeU Web Site of Spiritual Teacher, codependence therapist Robert Burney

November 24th, 2013: I have started a new wordpress Blog CodependencyRecoveryExpert

June 23rd, 2013: Announcing a new mobile friendly Landing Site with a brief overview of the work including links to my articles on websites that are user friendly on mobile devices. 

January 7th, 2013:  Announcing the publication of Robert’s newest eBook: The Law of Attraction - Misunderstood & Misinterpreted. This eBook is available now in Amazon Kindle format - and Barnes & Noble Nook format.

September 20th, 2012: My new book is now available: Romantic Relationships ~ The Greatest Arena for Spiritual & Emotional Growth Codependent Dysfunctional Relationship Dynamics & Healthy Relationship Behavior Also available as two e-Books Amazon Kindle format eBook 1 & eBook2 and Barnes & Noble Nook eBook 1 & eBook 2

July 23rd, 2011: Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in The Light Book 1: Empowerment, Freedom, and Inner Peace through Inner Child Healing (aka A Formula for Spiritual Integration and Emotional Balance)

New July 15th, 2011
Now available in e-book form (Amazon Kindle): Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in The Light Book 1: Empowerment, Freedom, and Inner Peace through Inner Child Healing (aka A Formula for Spiritual Integration and Emotional Balance)
Amazon Kindle Book
also Amazon UK
and Amazon Germany

New June 3rd 2011
Announcing for the first time a recording of my Intensive Training Day Workshop is available as an mp3 download along with a 42 page pdf Companion Guide.

Metaphysical Law: Giving and Receiving ~ Donations / Love Offerings

The following sites are Mobile Friendly
Robert Burney


New formats available for Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls:

MP3 download

Amazon Kindle books

Romantic Relationships ~ The Greatest Arena for Spiritual & Emotional Growth

The Law of Attraction - Misunderstood & Misinterpreted

Kindle Devices now very cheap and free apps available for computers, tablets, and smartphones)

 I am now posting quotes regularly on my Facebook page - so if you are have a Facebook page already send me a friend request.

Joy2MeU New & news page
This page will be a continuing work in progress. I will be adding new pages or information to the site whenever the Spirit moves me - and will announce it on this page as soon as it is posted. The announcements will be left up as a way of charting the growth of the site.

March 4, 2025: New & News:   I have started a GoFundMe page to raise the money to redesign this website and make audio and video versions of all the articles

October 15, 2024
New Intensive Workshop dates on Zoom on October 27th - and it is first Zoominar I have scheduled since late August when my Facebook was hacked and I was locked out of it.  I am still trying to get it back but in the meantime I created a new one:  Facebook

June 3, 2024
- New & News:
Today is my 38th CoDA birthday!  It is the anniversary of my conscious commitment to codependency recovery. I cried today from Joy and Gratitude for my recovery when I read the story about how that unfolded.  
“I date my codependence recovery as starting on June 3 1986.”- The Story of "Joy to You & Me"

January 31, 2024 -
New & News: rescheduled
Zoom workshop in February - Update on ASKing for  for Help 1/17/24

November 1, 2023 -
New & News: A New Intensive Workshop date on
Zoom in November and one in December.

New & News October 2, 2023: I had  posted an Update to my ASKing for Help page that I published a couple of months ago - and am posting a new one today: Update ASKing for Help 10/1/23.

April 28, 2023 -
New & News: Working the Third Step - ASKing for Help 2023

March 26, 2023 -
New & News: A New Intensive Workshop date on Zoom in May in addition to the one in April.

February 28, 2023 - New & News: A New Intensive Workshop date on Zoom in April in addition to the one in March.

February 3, 2023 - New & News: A New Intensive Workshop date on Zoom in March in addition to the one in February.

January 3, 2023 -
New & News: 39 years clean & sober today: MY SOBRIETY DATE: JANUARY 3RD, 1984 

December 20th, 2022 - New & News:
I added
a second Intensive Workshop on Zoom in Januar 2023.

December 11th, 2022 - New & News:
Special Holidsay Sale of Robert's Books Holiday Sale for 2022 and an Intensive Workshop on Zoom January 1st 2023 - great way to start the new year!

November 20th, 2022
New & News:
Announcing for the first time, an app of my recording of The Dance of Wounded Souls.  Also, a Holiday Sale for 2022 - give your loved ones a gift that will help them to be healthier and more loving to them self.
app ad

November 3rd, 2022New & News: Two Intensive Workshops on Zoom in December.

September 18th, 2022New & News: Two Intensive Workshops on Zoom in October

July 5th, 2022
New & News:
Intensive Workshops on Zoom in September & October - and I have updated the page that I share my Daily Prayers & Affirmations to include a section of my prayers for my grandson Darien.

June 2nd, 2022
New & News: Tomorrow is my CoDA birthday!  It is the anniversary of my conscious commitment to codependency recovery. I cried today from Joy and Gratitude for my recovery when I read the story about how that unfolded.  
“I date my codependence recovery as starting on June 3 1986.”- The Story of "Joy to You & Me"

January 3rd, 2022New & News: 38 years clean & sober today: MY SOBRIETY DATE: JANUARY 3RD, 1984  A New Intensive Workshop date on Zoom in February.

Decenber 12th, 2021
New & News: Intensive Workshops on Zoom in January
Joy to You & Me presents an Intensive Training in Robert Burney's Spiritual Integration Formula for Inner Healing / Codependency Recovery / Inner Child Healing - on Zoom - an empowering and Life Changing experience.
Sunday January 2nd & 9th Western Hemisphere and European Time Zones
9 - 12 am PDT,  10 am - 1 pm MDT Denver,  11 am to 2 pm CDT Omaha / Chicago,  12 noon - 3 pm EDT New York,
5 - 8  pm London,  6 - 9 pm Paris/Berlin/Johannesburg ,  7 - 10 pm Helsinki/Beirut etc.
Western Hemisphere Saturday January 22nd & 29th and Down Under Sunday January 23rd & 30th
5 pm Pacific Daylight Time - 6 pm MDT Denver  - 7 pm CDT Chicago - 8 pm EDT New York 1/22 & 1/29
2 pm in Auckland, 12 noon in Sydney, and 9 am in Perth/Singapore on Sunday 1/23 & 1/30
Zoom Workshop

December 12th, 2021 - I posted the following last year as I was coming up on my sobriety birthday.  In 2022 I have scheduled a Workshop on January 2nd, the day before my 38th Sobriety birthday.  It's been another year of big changes.  It could be a great gift to you self to start off the year in my Workshop.  Just saying. ;-)

“My next Zoom Workshop will start on January 3rd, 2021.  My sobriety birthday.  I have been clean and sober since January 3rd, 1984.  It will probably be quite emotional for me to do Part 1 of this workshop on my 37th Sobriety Anniversary.

I started doing my Life-Changing Workshop in May of 2020 because of the pandemic. A major reason that I decided to do my workshop on Zoom, is to leave more of a record of my work in case I should end up being taken out by the virus.  I am in the susceptible Boomer group, so anything is possible. (I haven't gotten covid but I did have a minor stroke and some other physical issues this year - getting old isn't for sissies.)  I believe that the approach to inner child / emotional healing that I share in the workshop is the missing piece - the missing perspective - of the puzzle of life that so many people have been seeking.  It is a formula for integrating intellectual knowledge and spiritual Truth into one's emotional relationship with life.   It is the key to learning how to be more Loving to your self - and to turning life into an adventure to be experienced instead of an ordeal of suffering to be endured.  Zoom has proven to be a good vehicle for sharing this formula with people around the world.

It will be very interesting to me to do my workshop on my sobriety birthday - makes me emotional just to think about it.  As I say again and again in the article below, I am sooooo grateful for my recovery - and the life that it has given me for the last 37 years.  Here is the link to the Zoom Workshop for anyone who wants to join me.  Such a blessed and Joy-filled life I have been gifted with because of being willing to follow where I was led in my recovery.” - MY SOBRIETY DATE: JANUARY 3RD, 1984

October 11th, 2021
New & News: Intensive Workshops on Zoom in December

September 13th, 2021
New & News: Intensive Workshops on Zoom in September and October - and going forward for the foreseeable future. This website - - is designed in a program that is obselete (Netscape) - which is why I started a new Mobile Friendly site a couple of years ago -  I keep an old computer to work on it, because it doesn’t work with any operating system from X on.  It is probably not going to work one of these days, as it has been giving me more and more problems.  I am putting this notice up here to let you know that very soon I may not be able to update this site,  and it will be good to go to for the latest news.  I am in the process of writing an Update Newletter to cover the last 2  1/2 years since my last Update Newsletter -  Valentine's Update-February 2019  - and hope to get it published before the end of November.  I will be doing Zoom Workshops for as long as the Pandemic lasts.  

July 10th, 2021: New & News: A new article Into The Forest - and out of Cambria, a new phone number 805-900-5237, and Intensive Workshops on Zoom in August.

May 17th, 2021: New & News: Announcing a new special offer page for phone / Zoom / Skype counseling and Zoom Workshops in June & July.

"My goal in working with people is to empower them to be in-dependent. To teach people how to have internal boundaries so that they can separate the messages coming from the old tapes and old wounds from the messages of intuitive Truth from their Spirit - so that they can start learning how to relax and trust their Spirit to guide them. . . . The telephone / Zoom / Skype counseling has proven a wonderful venue for being able to help individuals to see where they are at on their own personal path with some clarity and compassion - from people who are just starting recovery to people who have been on a healing, recovery, spiritual path for many years.” - Robert Burney

April 29th, 2021:
New & News: Announcing a new article: Acceptance is the Answer and 2 Zoom Workshops in May.

March 17, 2021
- New & News: Announcing Zoom Workshops in April & May.
Robert Burney
posted on Facebook March 17, 2016
"When I was a kid I used to feel sorry for my mother because she was only half Irish and I was 100% Irish.  Not sure where that came from but Happy St. Paddy's Day."

February 9, 2021
- New & News: Announcing Zoom Workshops in February and March.  Be Loving to your self on Valentine's Day 2021!

"It is very sad that so many of us have had to shut down our hearts and locked the romantic part of us away in a deep dark place within us.

It is very sad - but it is truly tragic that we blame ourselves.  We have been victimized by societies dysfunctional programming and we beat up on the victim of those forces that we were powerless over.

We do deserve Love in our lives.  We deserve companionship and support and friendship.  We deserve touch and affection and sexual fulfillment.

We all do! . . . Make this Valentine's Day a True celebration of Love by choosing to Love and have compassion for your wounded self (own the emotional pain) at the same time you are allowing your Spiritual Self to nurture (tell yourself Spiritual Truth) and protect you (tell the critical parent voice to shut up.)” - Romantic Relationships ~ The Greatest Arena for Spiritual & Emotional Growth Chapter 16 - A Valentine's Day Prayer

December 31, 2020
- New & News: Announcing Zoom Workshops in January - including one starting on January 3rd - my 37th Sobriety Birthday.  
“My next Zoom Workshop will start on January 3rd, 2021.  My sobriety birthday.  I have been clean and sober since January 3rd, 1984.  It will probably be quite emotional for me to do Part 1 of this workshop on my 37th Sobriety Anniversary. 

I started doing my Life-Changing Workshop in May of 2020 because of the pandemic. A major reason that I decided to do my workshop on Zoom, is to leave more of a record of my work in case I should end up being taken out by the virus.  I am in the susceptible Boomer group, so anything is possible. (I haven't gotten covid but I did have a minor stroke and some other physical issues this year - getting old isn't for sissies.)  I believe that the approach to inner child / emotional healing that I share in the workshop is the missing piece - the missing perspective - of the puzzle of life that so many people have been seeking.  It is a formula for integrating intellectual knowledge and spiritual Truth into one's emotional relationship with life.   It is the key to learning how to be more Loving to your self - and to turning life into an adventure to be experienced instead of an ordeal of suffering to be endured.  Zoom has proven to be a good vehicle for sharing this formula with people around the world.

It will be very interesting to me to do my workshop on my sobriety birthday - makes me emotional just to think about it.  As I say again and again in the article below, I am sooooo grateful for my recovery - and the life that it has given me for the last 37 years.  Here is the link to the Zoom Workshop for anyone who wants to join me.  Such a blessed and Joyfilled life I have been gifted with because of being willing to follow where I was led in my recovery.”  - MY SOBRIETY DATE: JANUARY 3RD, 1984

November 2, 2020
- New & News: Announcing Zoom Workshops in November & December - a new article for 2020: Standing up to evil - and Accepting the Divine Plan and New web address:

September 18, 2020 - New & News: Announcing a Zoom Workshop in October.

August 17, 2020 - New & News: Announcing 2 Zoom Workshops in September - and an interview that I did in June.

July 20, 2020 - New & News: Announcing a Zoom Workshop in August - and a new blog post "My Terror of Intimacy"

July 4, 2020 - New & News: Announcing two Zoom Workshops for July.

June 18, 2020
- New & News: Announcing Morro Bay workshop for June 28th is canceled and Zoom Workshop for Australia and New Zealand (and people in Pacific Time Zone) is moved back a week - now starting on June 25th. Also new blog: Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in the Light   Book 2: A Dysfunctional Relationship with Life   Chapter 3: Emotional honesty

May 28, 2020
News: Announcing scheduling of online Workshops using Zoom in June.

April 23, 2020:
Announcing the cancelation of the Intensive Training Workshop in Morro Bay CA on April 26th 2020 and the scheduling of online Workshops using Zoom.

March 17, 2020:
set new dates for workshops in Morro Bay on April 26th & June28th - and added the testimonials from the last workshop in Morro Bay in March to the Intensive Testimonial Page.

February 2, 2020:
set a new date for a workshop in Morro Bay on March 15th - and added the testimonials from the last workshop in Morro Bay in January to the Intensive Testimonial Page.

January 2, 2020:
Tomorrow is my 36th sobriety birthday:  MY SOBRIETY DATE: JANUARY 3RD, 1984

December 7, 2019:
I set a new date for a workshop in
Morro Bay on January 26th, published a new blog "deep dive into my fear of intimacy issues" - and added the testimonials from the last workshop in Morro Bay in December to the Intensive Testimonial Page.

September 5, 2019: A new blog "easier to be a channel for Love to flow through than a receptacle for Love to flow into"

July 2, 2019
I set a new date for a workshop in Morro Bay on Sept. 29th.  I extended the Sale page with special offer for PDF of Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls for only $5.  I updated my Working the Third Step page with the latest of my car adventures of late - and added the testimonials from the last workshop in Morro Bay in June to the Intensive Testimonial Page.

June 3, 2019
Today is the 31st anniversary of my conscious commitment to codependency recovery - The Story of "Joy to You & Me"

April 4th 2019:  Announcing a change in date for Workshop in Morro Bay to June 16th.

March 27th 2019:
 Announcing a new date for Workshop in Morro Bay on May 26th, testimonials from March Morro Bay workshop available on Intensive Testimonial Page, and the latest blog: There are times when life events feel emotionally battering.  I am reducing the price for the April 27th Intensive Training Workshop - which might be the last one in Gilroy - and offering a very reduced price for the Labor Day one for people who sign up in advance to insure that one will happen.

February 20th 2019:
Announcing a new date for Intensive Training Workshop in Gilroy on September 2nd 2019.  A Church Group booked the meeting room that I normally use, for the rest of 2019.  Since there was no other space at this motel to do my workshop, I considered just stopping doing the ones in Gilroy.  I didn't really want to do that because there are a lot of alumni in the Bay Area / Silicon Valley - and I didn't want to look for a new place.  So I decided to try offering it on a Holiday Monday, this one is scheduled for Labor Day.  So, we will see how that works. Testimonials from February workshop available on Intensive Testimonial Page.

February 14th 2019:
 Announcing a Valentine's Update: Joy to You & Me, Joy2MeU, and Joy2MeU2 Update Newsletter.

January 20th 2019:
 Announcing that a Workshop has been scheduled for Morro Bay on March 24th and the latest blog: Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in the Light Book 2: A Dysfunctional Relationship with Life Chapter 7: Multiple levels of selfishness

December 15th 2018:
Announcing additions to the Holiday Sale page - MP3 downloads and Romantic Relationship book.  I also added some links to sites where it is possible to watch video's of interviews I have done for free.

November 23rd, 2018:  
Announcing newest blog: Intellectual Discernment - "have to" and the Holiday Season.

November 4th, 2018:  Announcing a Holiday Sale page - and a picture added to story of the Leap of Faith that led to publishing The Dance.

September 19th, 2018:  
Announcing newest Blog: The True Nature of Love - part 4, Energetic Clarity.

September 4th, 2018:  Announcing a new date for Intensive Training Workshop in Gilroy on December 29th 2018.  Testimonials from September workshop available on Intensive Testimonial Page. Also, newest Blog: The True Nature of Love - part 3, Love as a Vibrational Frequency.

August 13th, 2018:
Announcing Links to video & audio versions of interview Robert did for the online event: Overcoming Codependency.  Also special offer for Life Changing Telephone / Skype Counseling.

July 30th, 2018:
Email received on 7/29/18 that I just have to add here - it is so cool. ;-)
"Hello Robert,

I hope this finds you well. You and I had a few phone sessions over a year ago. Since that time, I have stopped drinking, focused on living in abundance and have allowed the universe to guide my life. That being said, my income has doubled and is still climbing, my relationship has improved, abundance has filled my life and I find that I am much happier person. I am more confident than I've ever been and am actually excited about the future. These days, I look forward to each day and all of the possibilities that are available to me.

I was compelled to send you a gift today to express my gratitude for being such a beacon of inspiration. I am grateful for you and the gifts you have enabled me to receive and I send you joy and blessings for being a such a spiritual being.

Joy, wisdom & harmony." - in response to page I posted for my 70th birthday on July 23rd, 2018.
July 9th, 2018: Announcing a Special Birthday Sale page to help my finances here as I approach my 70th birthday. Egad!  :-(  I never thought I would make 30.

June 17th, 2018:
Announcing that I have posted my first Update Newsletter in more than 6 years - with announcements about the new website, an appearance on an online recovery conference, what's happening in my life, and special offers for books, phone counseling, and upcoming workshop.  I also recently updated my page: Training for Counselors / Therapists / Coaches  / Healers in Robert Burney's Inner Healing Formula.

May 30th, 2018:
Happy Codependency Recovery Birthday to me!  Sunday will mark the 32nd Anniversary of day I made a conscious commitment to codependency recovery June 3rd 1986!  I will happily be open to receive any financial birthday gifts anyone would care to send my way. ;-)

May 24th, 2018:
Announcing a new website with links to my articles on mobile friendly sites: - and a siteindex page that on your phone will present you with most of my articles on mobile friendly sites (around 170.)

May 3rd, 2018:
Last two Blogs are from Romantic Relationships ~ The Greatest Arena for Spiritual & Emotional Growth Chapter 20 Wedding Prayer / Meditation on Romantic Commitment "Love in that moment as if you have never been hurt" and Chapter 21 - Uncover, Discover, Recover.

April 8th, 2018:
Announcing a new date for an Intensive Training Day in Gilroy on July 28th.  I have added the testimonials from the April workshop in Gilroy to the Intensive Testimonials page

January 4, 2018:
Two new blogs: My Sobriety Date: January 3rd, 1984 and Illusions "The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah."

November 27, 2017
Announcing a Special Holiday 2017 sale page. Give the gift of recovery this year by giving some people you care about a personally autographed copy of Robert's Joyously Inspirational Book.  3 copies of Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls for the bargain price of $12 each plus shipping save almost $18.00 off of retail price. Other special offers as well. Also I have added the testimonials from the November workshop in Gilroy to the Intensive Testimonials page.

November 4, 2017
:  Announcing a new dates for workshops in Gilroy California on February 10th and April 7th 2018.

September 10, 2017:
I have moved back to Cambria - hurrah!  I have updated my Darien page to explain what has happened and why - and in the course of doing that I published a blog with some things I had written on that page: The Age of Reason - Darien and the Tooth Fairy.

August 14, 2017:
Announcing that I am moving back to Cambria next week.  Here is an Update Newsletter in which I talk about my feelings for Cambria as I was accepting that I might have to leave there in 2005 - and includes the story of the miracles that led me to Cambria in the first place.   This is a story I wrote for Mother's Day in 2003 in which I talk about some of the things I love about Cambria.  I have added the testimonials from the August workshop in Encinitas to the Intensive Testimonials page.  I do not plan on offering any more Workshops in San Diego once I am not living there.  I am not sure if I will decide on another location after I have moved but for right now the only one I have scheduled is November 25th in Gilroy.  (Special offer for that Workshop and my first two books just above.)

July 22, 2017:
Announcing that I have posted a page with a message from the past and one from the present as a way of honoring the 30th Anniversary of my 39th Birthday.

July 12, 2017:
Announcing that I am changing the date for the next Intensive Training Day in Encinitas to August 6th.  Now that I have my grandson Darien living with me I wanted to create the possibility that we might be able to move back to the Central Coast of California. (I updated my Darien page for the first time in 5 years - and included some links to pages where I talk about my relationship with the Central Coast.)  I lived in Cambria for many years and loved it - and always wanted to move back up there.  I have stayed in San Diego however to be close to Darien in case he needed me.  Now he needs me, but since he is living with me, we can move together - and it seems the schools there are a lot better than down here.  It is more likely we will move to Morro Bay than Cambria - because it is a bit more affordable, but it will be expensive to move and I am not sure if we will be able to do it this summer.  It is possible we will need to stay where we are for another school year.  If we do move this will probably be the last Intensive Training Workshop that I will do in San Diego.  I would put the odds at about 75% we stay, and 25% we move at the moment - but if I had left the date on the 20th it would have been the day before school starts up there, so am making the change to open up possibilities.
**For the first time in quite awhile, I am having to work the third step by asking for help.  I have my grandson Darien living with me now, and that combined with another major change in my life has resulted in creating a real strain financially.  So, I need to put a message out into the Universe that I need some help.**

June 21, 2017:
Announcing a new date for an Intensive Training Day in Gilroy on November 25th.  I have added the testimonials from the June workshop in Gilroy to the Intensive Testimonials page. Here is a quote from my latest Blog:
"This is part of what makes codependency such a ridiculous, dysfunctional, tragicomedy. The character I was playing, my false self image, was not really false. It contained a great deal more Truth in relationship to who I really am - to my personality, my essential character in this lifetime - than falsehood. But I was incapable of seeing that because I was focused externally to keep from having to look at myself and admit how defective and shameful I felt." - Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in the Light  Book 2:  A Dysfunctional Relationship with Life Chapter 4: False Self Image  
June 3, 2017: Today is the 31st anniversary of my conscious commitment to codependency recovery - The Story of "Joy to You & Me"

May 23, 2017:
Announcing a new date for an Intensive Training Day in Encinitas on August 20th.  I have added the testimonials from the May workshop in Encinitas to the Intensive Testimonials page.

April 24, 2017:
 I have my grandson Darien full time now, so needed to push the workshop back a few weeks while sorting out my new schedule.

April 9, 2017:
A page with special offers for telephone / Skype Counseling that is available. 

January 23, 2017:
 New Blog: "I don’t have to know that today.  I don’t have to decide that today.  I can let that go for today."

January 3, 2017:
 Today is my sobriety birthday - I am 33 years clean and sober today!  Here are a couple pages where I talk about my recovery: "I feel that my life Truly began on January 3rd, 1984." -  A Higher Power of my own understanding 2 - the beginning of empowerment & "I have been reflecting back on what an incredible miracle my life has been since January 3rd, 1984" - Joy2MeU & Joy to You & Me Update Newsletter February 2012

New & News November 7th
: Special Offer for Lifetime subscription to Dancing in Light and my other subscription area Joy2MeU Journal are for sale for $9.95 each or both for $17.95  Millions of words of content not available on Joy2MeU.

August 17th, 2016:
I have added the testimonials from the workshop in Gilroy to the Intensive Testimonials page and I added the latest batch of testimonials (for the first time since May 2015) from people whose lives have been changed by my book, ebook, audiobooks and website to the Testimonial page (some below).

July 25th, 2016:
I have added the testimonials from the workshop in British Columbia to the Intensive Testimonials page - and a link to my Working the Third Step page in honor of my birthday.

May 24th, 2016:
Announcing that I have scheduled Intensive Training Day Workshop in Gilroy August 6th and one in Encinitas on September 18th.

May 8th, 2016:
“As just one small but significant example of this stupid, insane belief system, and the effect it had on determining the course of human development - including the scapegoating of women, consider the myth of Adam and Eve.  'Poor' Adam, who was just being a man (that is, he just wants to get in Eve's pants) does what Eve wants him to and eats the apple.  So Eve gets the blame for Adam not having boundaries. Now is that stupid or what?  And you wondered where Codependence started." - Mother's Day

April 7, 2016:
Announcing  that I will offering my Intensive Training Workshop on May 29th in Encinitas.  Also, I have added the testimonials from the April workshop in Gilroy to the Intensive Testimonials page.

February 22, 2016:
Announcing that I will be returning to Kelowna British Columbia to do my Intensive Training Workshop on July 16th.  Also, I have added the testimonials from the February workshop to the Intensive Testimonials page.

February 3, 2016:
Announcing I have published Kobo ereader versions of my other 3 eBooks Romantic Relationships ~ The Greatest Arena for Spiritual & Emotional Growth eBook 2 Deeper Within (emotionally) & Further Out (metaphysically) From Fear of Intimacy to Twin Souls, The Law of Attraction - Misunderstood & Misinterpreted, and The Metaphysics of Emotions - emotional energy is real.

January 11, 2016: The Intensive in British Columbia was a great success - and we are starting to plan for another one in this coming summer (when it will be a little warmer.;-) I have added the testimonials from that workshop to the Intensive Testimonials page.

January 3, 2016: Also announcing that I have published Kobo ereader versions of my first 3 eBooks (and will have the rest done soon) Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls, Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in The Light Book 1 Empowerment, Freedom, and Inner Peace through Inner Child Healing, and Romantic Relationships ~ The Greatest Arena for Spiritual & Emotional Growth eBook 1 Codependent Dysfunctional Relationship Dynamics & Healthy Relationship Behavior.

January 3, 2016:
Today is my sobriety birthday.  I have been clean and sober since January 3rd,1984 - an amazing 32 years.  On this page of my website I talk about early recovery - and include quotes from different articles in which I talk about getting sober.

“Twelve step recovery is a program of empowerment.  Many people erroneously assume that the fact that first step involves admitting powerlessness means that 12 step recovery disempowers people. The Truth is exactly the opposite.

It was only when I admitted that I was powerless to control my drinking that I gained the power to stop drinking.  As long as I was trying to control my drinking out of ego and will power, I was powerless to stop drinking alcoholically.  It was when I opened up to getting help from a power greater than myself that I gained the power to transform my life.” - A Higher Power of my own understanding 2 - the beginning of empowerment  

December 15, 2015: Announcing a new date for my Intensive Training Day workshop in Gilroy California (the Garlic Capital of the World) on April 3rd 2016.

December 12, 2015:
My latest blog: Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in the Light  Book 2: A Dysfunctional Relationship with Life  Chapter 2 Romantic Relationships & Toxic Love ~ Marriage & Divorce.

October 27, 2015:
I have added new information about the January workshop in British Columbia, Canada and published a new Blog: Codependency = conditioned reactive programming ~ Pavlov's Dog.

October 5, 2015:
Announcing the first two Intensive Training Workshops for 2016 - in British Columbia Canada January 9th 2016, and Encinitas California February 20th, 2016.  Also I have added testimonials from October workshop to the Intensive Testimonials page.  My latest Blog is To the Parents of Alcoholics and Addicts.

September 13, 2015:
My latest Blog: Wounded Souls Dancing in The Light ~ Chapter 20 Building Relationships Within

July 19, 2015:
I just posted my latest Blog Setting Personal Boundaries - protecting self.

June 3, 2015:
  Today is my 29th Codependency Recovery Birthday.

May 27, 2015:
  Current special offers pages: Special Offers 2015 for my books, Subscription areas of my site, MP3 downloads, telephone counseling, and my next Intensive Workshop on June 21st.  Also free audiobook when purchasing Inner Child Healing Book at reduced price.

May 2nd, 2015:
  I added the latest batch of testimonials (for the first time since Dec. 2013) from people whose lives have been changed by my book, ebook, audiobooks and website to the Testimonial page (some below) - and the latest phone counseling testimonials on the Phone Counseling Testimonials page (some below.)  I have also added some testimonials from April workshop to the Intensive Testimonials page (because I left the forms in the room at the hotel and am now having to wait for people to email their feedback to me - so am adding them as they come in) and am announcing a new Intensive date on October 4, 2015.

April 13th, 2015:
Announcing the publication of an Audiobook of Robert Burney’s eBook The Law of Attraction - Misunderstood & Misinterpreted A Larger Spiritual Paradigm now available on Audible, Amazon, and iTunes. (The Law of Attraction - Misunderstood & Misinterpreted is available as an ebook in Amazon Kindle format as well as Barnes & Noble Nook format.) The first 12 people who send me a request can get a free complimentary copy of this Audiobook.  Go to this News page for the info.

"I am publishing this book because I believe that the way the Law of Attraction is being taught by most people who are teaching it today is not ultimately Loving.  I believe it is being taught in a way that makes many of the people hearing it feel ashamed;  in a way that causes people to focus on reaching a destination at the expense of being present in the now;  in a way that reinforces the delusion that there is something inherently wrong with being human, with human beings.  It is also being taught by most spiritual teachers in a way that discounts and devalues emotions and emotional healing."

April 5th, 2015:
For a limited time anyone who purchases the Paperback version of Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in The Light Book 1 Empowerment, Freedom, and Inner Peace through Inner Child Healing - which is being offered for $7.95 off of the retail price - will be given Free the 8 hrs and 59 minutes unabridged Audiobook (normally $19.95.)  Anyone taking advantage of one of the special offers below for my Intensive Training Day in San Diego on April 26th or June 21st (which include the Inner Child Healing book) will also get a free download of the audiobook.

March 15th, 2015:
  Announcing the publication of an Audiobook of Robert Burney’s Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in The Light Book 1: Empowerment, Freedom, and Inner Peace through Inner Child Healing (aka A Formula for Spiritual Integration and Emotional Balance) available on Audible, Amazon, and iTunes.

February 14th, 2015:
“It is extremely difficult to have a healthy relationship in a society that is founded on dysfunctional beliefs about the nature and purpose of being human. In a society that is not only emotionally repressive and dishonest, Spiritually hostile (based upon belief in separation instead of connection,) and shame based – but one that promotes, and programs us for, dysfunctional codependent relationships and toxic love." - A Valentine's Day Prayer "Have compassion for your wouned self"

October 27th, 2014:
Reminder, I will be the featured speaker at the Annual New England CoDA Convention in Boston area in November and will offer a 3 hour inner child healing / Spiritual Integration workshop following the Convention on Sunday November 23rd.  Also I have added testimonials from October workshop to the Intensive Testimonials page and am announcing a new Intensive date on April 26, 2015.

September 15th, 2014:
Announcing that an audiobook of Romantic Relationships ~ The Greatest Arena for Spiritual & Emotional Growth eBook 1: Codependent Dysfunctional Relationship Dynamics & Healthy Relationship Behavior (the first 20 chapters of the hard copy book) is now available on Audible, Amazon, and iTunes.  My latest blog includes excerpts from my eBook The Metaphysics of Emotions - emotional energy is real (which is the follow up to my eBook The Law of Attraction - Misunderstood & Misinterpreted.)  

September 1st, 2014:
My latest blog: Inner Child Healing Paradigm - an emotional healing framework ~ Chapter 18 Wounded Souls Dancing in The Light.

August 10th, 2014:
Announcing that I will be the featured speaker at the Annual New England CoDA Convention in Boston area in November and will offer a 3 hour inner child healing / Spiritual Integration workshop following the Convention on November 23rd.  Also, a video interview that I did as part of an online Holistic Health Summit: Codependency Recovery Expert Robert Burney Interview-Holistic Health Summit.

July 6th, 2014:
My latest blog: Chapter 18 - Foundation for Healthy Romantic Relationships from Romantic Relationships ~ The Greatest Arena for Spiritual & Emotional Growth.  

June 8th, 2014: My latest blog: Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in The Light Book 1 Empowerment, Freedom, and Inner Peace through Inner Child Healing Chapter 35 Co-Creation: Owning your Power to Manifest Love.  Dancing in The Light is for sale here.

May 28th, 2014:
My 28th Codependency Recovery anniversay is on June 3rd.   

April 13th, 2014:
Miracles on The Path of one Recovering Codependent ~ the dance of one wounded soul - an excerpt from the Joy2MeU Journal which is on sale now Special Offers.

April 6th, 2014:
Codependents as Emotional Vampires a chapter from online book Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in The Light Book 2:  A Dysfunctional Relationship with Life.  This book is only available in Dancing in Light subscription area of Joy2MeU which is on sale now.

February 15th, 2014:
Announcing there is now a Korean Language version of Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls.  Other languages it is available in include: A German Translation that is available through the publishers website or through Amazon;  there is a Dutch Translation that is offered as a free download;  an Italian eBook version that is available through Amazon; and a French translation should be coming soon.

February 1st, 2014: 
I updated my Special Offers page with offers for phone counseling, workshop, subscriptions,  MP3 downloads, Wounded Soul Trilogy, multiple copies of my first book.

January 5th, 2014:
My 30th Sobriety Birthday was on January 3rd, 2014 - I share some thoughts and links about my sobriety on this page A Higher Power of my own understanding 2 - the beginning of empowerment. I have added testimonials from January workshop to the Intensive Testimonials page and am announcing a new Intensive date on June 29, 2014.

December 14th, 2013: I added the latest batch of testimonials from people whose lives have been changed by my book, tapes, and website to the Testimonial page (some below) - and the latest phone counseling testimonials on the Phone Counseling Testimonials page (some below.)  I also added new links to the Recommended Links page (also below)

November 24th, 2013: I have started a new wordpress Blog CodependencyRecoveryExpert - and here is a recording of an interview I gave on blogtalk radio on 11/11.   

October 23rd, 2013:
Special offers for my Inner Child Healing and/or Romantic Relationship books and for MP3 downloads of Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls and recording of Life Changing workshop A Day Long Intensive Training in Robert Burney's Spiritual Integration Formula for Inner Healing.

August 15th, 2013: I have moved and have a new address and phone number.  PO Box 98  Fallbrook CA 92088 (it is much better to contact me by email or phone than by snail mail -  although I will respond immediately to orders that come by mail, it takes me forever to answer regular mail inquiries.) New phone: 760-451-6213

June 23rd, 2013:
Announcing a new Landing Site with a brief overview of the work of Codependency Recovery Inner Child Healing Pioneer Robert Burney - including links to his articles on websites that are user friendly on mobile devices. 

ebook cover February 26th, 2013:  Announcing the publication of Robert's newest eBook: The Metaphysics of Emotions - emotional energy is real.  This ebook is the follow up to The Law of Attraction - Misunderstood & Misinterpreted - and the two ebooks will be combined in one hard copy book.  The Metaphysics of Emotions - emotional energy is real is available in Amazon Kindle format.  

February 24th, 2013:
 I have posted a page with a link to the official Co-Dependents Anonymous website with a list of Patterns & Characteristics of Codependence Am I Codependent.  I have also extended my sale page with offers for my Romantic Relationships and Inner Child Healing books and the one for the MP3 downloads of Codependence The Dance of Wounded Souls and the recording of my Life Changing Workshop.

January 7th, 2013:  Announcing the publication of Robert's newest ebook: The Law of Attraction - Misunderstood & Misinterpreted. This eBook is available now in Amazon Kindle format.

This ebook is the first of two that will be combined and published as a hard copy book in February. In this one I am talking about what I see as misinterpretations Attraction cover and misunderstandings in the way the Law of Attraction is being taught that actually feed into people's codependency.  Here is a quote from the ebook about why I wrote it.

"I am publishing this book because I believe that the way the Law of Attraction is being taught by most people who are teaching it today is not ultimately Loving.  I believe it is being taught in a way that makes many of the people hearing it feel ashamed;  in a way that causes people to focus on reaching a destination at the expense of being present in the now;  in a way that reinforces the delusion that there is something inherently wrong with being human, with human beings.  It is also being taught by most spiritual teachers in a way that discounts and devalues emotions and emotional healing."

I address the emotional component in the second ebook - The Metaphysics of Emotions - which could be done this month but more likely February.

December 30th, 2012:
  Announcing that a new audio version of Codependence The Dance of Wounded Souls A Cosmic Perspective of Codependence and the Human Condition is now available on

This is a literal audio book with another narrator - not the audio that I did myself which was slightly abridged.  I think that the narrator did a good job - but of course it doesn't have the passion and the points of emphasis that the one I did has.  As one person's feedback stated:

"The audio version is absolutely a mind-blowing audio spiritual experience! You rock, man!! It's one thing to read the articles on the clinically electric computer screen and completely another level of involvement hearing the man himself utter his own words of wisdom and spiritual alchemy. One can tell that you aren't just mumbling through a book you've written; while listening it becomes certain that the message truly is your spiritual truth and not just some neatly packaged intellectual mind job disguising itself in spiritual language. An enormous THANK YOU for sharing your story and perspective for all the world to see, I truly appreciate it, man!"  

The version that I did is for sale right now as an MP3 download.

November 15th, 2012:
  I did some redesign (and streamlining) of my Home Page and it is now possible to get financing from PayPal for my Empowering and Life Changing telephone counseling or Intensive Workshops.

September 23rd, 2012:
  It is possible to purchase (for $8.95) a download recording of my interview that was part of the Mental Health Telesummit. I added the latest batch of testimonials from people whose lives have been changed by my book, tapes, CDs, and website to the Testimonial page (some below) - and the latest phone counseling testimonials on the Phone Counseling Testimonials page (some below.)  I also added new links to the recommended Links page (also below) and updated my Finding CoDA Meetings page with a new site for CoDA Australia.

book cover September 20th, 2012: My new book is now available: Romantic Relationships ~ The Greatest Arena for Spiritual & Emotional Growth Codependent Dysfunctional Relationship Dynamics & Healthy Relationship Behavior

September 4th, 2012:
The Kindle e-book of part 2 of my newest book  Romantic Relationships ~ The Greatest Arena for Spiritual & Emotional Growth is now available: Deeper Within (emotionally) & Further Out (metaphysically) From Fear of Intimacy to Twin Souls 

July 17th, 2012
: Announcing the publication of my newest book - or at least the Kindle e-book version Romantic Relationships ~ The Greatest Arena for Spiritual & Emotional Growth Codependent Dysfunctional Relationship Dynamics & Healthy Relationship Behavior. There are free Kindle Apps for your computer (Windows or Mac), for Tablets iPad or Android, for Smartphones iPhone & iPod Touch, Android, Windows Phone 7, or Blackberry - so even if you don't have a device you can get this e-book.

June 14th, 2012
: Three new videos - excerpts from a recording of my Intensive Training Workshop have been posted on youtube: one in which I am talking about Positive Affirmations;  one in which I am talking about Fear;  and one in which I am talking about choosing to have a Relationship with a Powerful Higher Power in my recovery.

February 26th, 2012
:  My first Update Newsletter in more than a year is posted - and my Darien page has been updated (includes pictures from our wedding last year.)  I have added testimonials from February workshop to the Intensive Testimonials page and am announcing a new Intensive date on July 15th.

December 25th, 2011
:  I have posted a special Holiday Sale page - with special offers on my Life Changing Books, phone counseling, and next Intensive Workshop - to commemorate my 28th Sobriety Birthday which will be on January 3rd.  And I shared some thoughts and feelings about my recovery on my Working the Third Step page.   I also added the latest batch of testimonials from people whose lives have been changed by my book, tapes, CDs, and website to the Testimonial page (some below) - and the latest phone counseling testimonials on the Phone Counseling Testimonials page (some below.)

September 18th, 2011
:  I have updated my Metaphysical Law: Giving and Receiving page which gives some history of my book Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls and explains how opening up to receive is aligning with Metaphysical Law.  A more complete history of how I was led to write and publish The Dance is here. Smaller book cover

July 23rd, 2011
: Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in The Light Book 1: Empowerment, Freedom, and Inner Peace through Inner Child Healing (aka A Formula for Spiritual Integration and Emotional Balance) is now published and I will receive the first copies on July 27th.

July 15, 2011
: My new book - the follow up to Dance of the Wounded Souls - is now available in e-book form (Amazon Kindle): Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in The Light Book 1: Empowerment, Freedom, and Inner Peace through Inner Child Healing (aka A Formula for Spiritual Integration and Emotional Balance)  Amazon Kindle Book also Amazon UK and Amazon Germany It will be available in hard copy within a week or two - and I will send out an announcement to everyone when it is.  Also avaiable in Barnes & Noble Nook format.

June 3, 2011: Today is the 25th anniversary of my Codependency recovery.  Announcing a new CD set of Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls with the digitally remastered sound quality and for the first time a recording of my Intensive Training Day Workshop is available as an mp3 download along with a 42 page pdf Companion Guide.

May 12, 2011: On Mother's Day I posted a page with a story I wrote in 2002 for my Mother on Mother's Day: The Baby Otter ~ A Mother's Day Story

Robert & Susan Burney with ringbearer Darien January 12, 2011: Susan & I are getting married Friday!!! - I just posted my latest Update Newsletter with the news.  I also posted a special wedding offers page for my phone counseling, workshop and books for anyone who wants to show their support by buying something - and a Wedding Gifts Gratefully Accepted page for anyone that wants to send us a wedding gift.

August 14th, 2010: On what is the 22nd anniversary of a major milestone on my Spiritual Path I am posting links to two pages which recount some of the miracles that have been part of my recovery journey - both are excerpted from installments of the story of my Spiritual Path in the Joy2Me Journal.  The first is part of the Joy2MeU Update Newsletter for October 2005 simply title Miracles - and the second is the story of writing and publishing Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls Leap of Faith ~ Publishing The Dance (I share about August 14th 1988 in this story.)  It is important for me to remember the incredible miracles that have been part of my path whenever I am in a position where I am having to ask the Universe for help - for another miracle.

July 4th, 2010: I have added to the Intensive Testimonials page and announced a new date for an Intensive on January 2, 2011.  I have created a new special offer page that makes available a combination of a subscription to Dancing in Light (which includes 2 online books) and 3 copies of my Joyously inspirational Spiritual book Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls for anyone who wants to share my book with friends or donate a copy to the local library or whatever. I also added new links to the recommended Links page (also below) and updated some links on my Finding CoDA Meetings page including a new url for Bay Area CoDA and updates to my pages for North San Diego County CoDA and San Luis Obispo County CoDA.

June 15th, 2010: Yesterday I had a breakthrough about my relationship with my father that should help me open up to Love in a whole new way - I added some processing to this article I wrote 5 years ago: God the Father, and my father.   And I posted the latest batch of testimonials from people whose lives have been changed by my book, tapes, CDs, and website to the Testimonial page (some below.)

May 5th, 2010: I have posted a much overdue Update Newsletter May 2010 and a new page offering the Wounded Souls Trilogy.

February 21st, 2010: I have added the testimonials from February Intensive to the Intensive Testimonials page and am including a link here now to page I added last week after posting the announcement below - it is an excerpt of the section from the Darien page that shares the huge breakthrough Susan and I had in our relationship on a separate page: Valentine's Day 2010.

February 14th, 2010:
I have added the latest pictures and stories about my precious step grandson and godson Darien - and added some new pictures of us to this New & news page (below.)  Also have added the latest batch of testimonials from people whose lives have been changed by my book, tapes, CDs, and website to the Testimonial page (some below.)

January 3rd, 2010: I added the testimonials from January Intensive to the Intensive Testimonials page and added a new page Working the Third Step as well as additional material to an existing page A Higher Power of my own understanding 2 - the beginning of empowerment to commemorate my 26th sobriety birthday today.

November 7th, 2009: I continued a process I started in February of removing blocking html code and updating copyright notice on my Update Newsletter pages (something I explained in my April 2009 Update which also includes the story of my April Fools Day lesson in falling in love and a report about attending the wedding of two people who announced at the reception that without doing my grief group together they wouldn't be getting married) - and am listing some of them here that have particularly interesting content:  Update Newsletter December 2003 I talk about how hard it can be to let go;  Update March 2004 - plus 2 additional pages - intense personal processing about learning to open to love and metaphysical aspects of the growth process;  August 2004 challenging the Universe to bring on whatever lessons I needed to learn to have a relationship;   December 2004 sharing my views Christmas, Jesus, and Christianity;   October 2005 includes The story of some incredible Miracles in my recovery;  January 2006 review of 2005, a year of huge change for me; March 2007 sharing about the Medicine Cards and Masculine & Feminine with an additional page of processing about my fear of intimacy; and April 2008 in which I talk about the kind of wounding and deprivation feelings that drive relationship addiction.

September 26th, 2009: Announcing  the official launch of our eighth new website, a new article added to Joy2MeU Emotional Incest Issues (new to this site - was formerly available on another site), new dates in 2010 for Intensive Training Day workshops on February 20th and April 3rd.  Also the latest batch of testimonials from people whose lives have been changed by my book, tapes, CDs, and website to the Testimonial page (some below) - and the latest phone counseling testimonials on the Phone Counseling Testimonials page (some below.)

August 28th, 2009: The Joy2MeU Update Newsletter for August 2009 is now online (and includes latest addition to Darien page) and also the Joy2MeU Journal information page has been updated with a special offer for a subscription to The Joy2MeU Journal.

May 25th, 2009: A new website officially launched: and on May 29th I will be doing an interview on the Monda Williams show on blogtalkradio.

April 8, 2009:  The latest Update Newsletter is now posted: Joy2MeU Update April 2009 with news of a workshop in Akron Ohio on May 9th and I have posted a new page dedicated to my precious step grandson and godson Darien.

February 3, 2009 New & news:  I just updated the copyright notice on 27 of my Update Newsletter pages - up through June 2003.  I also removed the code that blocked search engines from indexing those pages.  I had blocked them at the time because there was some very personal processing I was doing in some of those Newsletters.  There is some valuable sharing that I do in many of them that you might want to check out - especially: October 2000 + Part 2;  May 2001 + 3 newsletter pages;  January 2002 + 2 newsletter pages;  August 2002:   November 2002:   June 2003 + 2 newsletter pages. All of the Updates are listed at the bottom of the site index page and anyone who wanted to trace the evolution of this site - as well as my personal recovery process over those years - would find reading them through interesting and valuable.

January 4, 2009 New & news:  a new introduction to the Alcoholism and Twelve Step Recovery index page, a link to a radio interview I did on Dec. 30th, and a new picture of us at a Christmas party below.

November 8, 2008 New &  News:  Two new articles posted: The Law of Attraction - Misunderstood & Misinterpreted and The Metaphysics of Emotions - emotional energy is real.

October 30, 2008 New & News:  Announcing the launch of two new web sites: Robert Burney and Wounded  For the first time Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls is available in e-book form through the new sites - and a digitally remastered  MP3 download Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls "An Audio Spiritual Experience" is also available for the first time.  Also Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls is now available through Kindle books program.

To sign up to be notified by email whenever this page changes click here.  
To see latest testimonials, award, links, and pictures of Robert and his family - scroll down the page.

Newest Testimonials:
Newest:  8-17-16 (I have added a new batch of testimonials but am only including a few of quotes from them here - to read more go to the testimonials page)
This is from someone who was scheduled to come to my workshop in Las Gatos in December 2015 and couldn't attend because of food poisoning.  She was able to come to my workshop in Gilroy in April and bring her father with her.
"I also wanted to share the undeniable divine intervention regarding this workshop. I first read Co-dependence, The Dance of Wounded Souls about ten years ago and it literally ignited the spark of life within me and brought my fathers alcoholism out from under the rug of denial. It was the catalyst for embarking upon the transformational journey and spiritual awakening leading me to my soul's purpose of becoming a therapist. I finally broke the silence surrounding my father's alcoholism and he has been sober for seven years. I dreamed of being able to have us attend one of your workshops but knew he wasn't at that point in his recovery and doubted he ever would be.

I toyed with the idea of asking him but wasn't sure and then received your email asking me if I wanted to bring someone. I knew this was absolutely divine intervention and I asked him if he would like to come with me. After some thought and reading about your work, he decided he would like to come with me! I know it will be a profound healing experience and thank you for making it possible. Guess that explains where the food poisoning came from."

Comments on Facebook post of my book Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls
“Awesome book.”
“This book is worth STUDYING very slowly to absorb its meanings. Blew me away!”
“This book gave me all the answers i needed to turn my life around....literally saved me from destroying me....enjoy”
“I cannot recommend this book highly enough. Have listened to the tapes daily till they wore out!!”
“This book was LIFE CHANGING and LIFE SAVING for me!”
“This book is a total GAME CHANGER! Love it!”
“Wonderful book”

"I have listened to the book 3  times while driving.  I want to  listen where I can take notes especially for the information in the 3rd section.  It is amazing.  You are truly gifted.  I have read (back in the day) tons of coda literature and went to 2 and 3 meetings a week.  Nothing ever came close to the way you have taken the coda saga, put the rocks in a blender and poured out out the dust so people (like me) can finally really get it.  I am looking forward to listening to the workshop.  Thank you. Thank you " (MP3 Downloads)

"I've bought the audio tapes, listened over the three parts more than three times and that was a year ago. I don't know if then I wasn't ready for what was to come but... Right now I'm in so much joy because I'm actually enjoying this beautiful process. I'm just so happy because I know that it's working for me. I can FEEL it. I'm saying thank you. X100 thank you so much. If you will excuse me now, I have more wounds to uncover and more ME to discover. Thank you!!!!!"

"Love your insights and wisdom keep up the great work!  Here in Toronto your book was recomended as a course book for addictions counselling by one of the profs."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing your gift with me! You explain it in such a way that it just kept going click, click, click! Wow! So helpful. It has changed my life and, in turn, my family's. Love!"


"Thank you Robert not only for assisting me in my healing. I have been reading and deep searching truth in your words for over 15 years. As a therapist I share your web site and words with others to help them understand their wounded hearts and souls.  Blessings to you"

"I read your 1st book many years gave me a great healing path has involved working with my "inner children" they each have a name and represent an age group..I have re-parented them, I've connected them to Divine love..and I love that you say no matter how much work we do there are still buttons and sore points sometimes but can work thru them much faster! Thanks!!"

"Hi Robert, I've just finished reading your book and I have to tell you, it is absolutely brilliant and I have read so many books, but yours just struck a chord with me, ongoing to read it again"

"Love your work Robert. I completed your workbook over the holidays...spectacular!  It has really helped me in my personal growth. Keep going strong!"

"Your book is really special to me Robert, because apart from the CoDA big book it was the first book I bought in recovery! It created a huge shift in me...thank you."

"I purchased your Co-Dependence book "The Dance of Wounded Souls"... This is such an amazing book that will help millions of people that will pick it up and read it."

"This author and man is a Blessing in my life. His books and his sharing has been extremely helpful to all of us who take advantage by being connected to him on FB Facebook ... There is so much knowledge to learn to change the things we do who we are and the way we perceived our responses with reading his posts , on his website, as well as his books.... check out todays post from a past post. I can say it is one of those post that I know say so much to help all of us become better Human beings."

"Sure do appreciate your Emailed articles, & this Facebook page! You got some REALLY remarkable, HELPFUL ("practical"!) insights, & you are very gifted at expressing them! As I'm able, I'm gonna start "advertising" your Facebook page, as well as your website, to all the folks WHO ARE looking for MORE answers than "JUST not taking a drink/drug", here in Chattanooga, TN.!! (Am going to one of our CoDA mtgs, here in town, tonight... But I also got a "closed" CoDA Facebook group, that has quite a few (for Chattanooga) people in AA/NA recovery, that are ALSO INTERESTED in CoDA recovery!!! So, I'm glad I remembered your Facebook page, to share this with them!"

"Happy day, oh spiritual brother. Thank you for always leading the way, fearlessly, with such deep impact. The many who have experienced the blessings of your teaching, are forever changed. Live deep, live long."

"The first time my life meant anything was after reading...Co of the wounded soul....thanks much..blessings."

"I recently read your book dance of the wounded soul it helped me so much I loved it!!"

"I just wanted to say thanks for writing your book 'dance of the wounded souls'. This book is just talking directly to me and is helping me so much every time i read it. It should be up there with the power of now and other similar books (maybe it is).  Anyway no need to reply as am sure you are very busy. Just wanted to express my gratitude"

"Thank you! I hope I will have the honor of meeting you in person one day! You truly are one of the reason I find my connection to Spirit once again! Much love."

"This book is worth its weight in gold"

"I want to thank you for the article on codependency I have just read on your website. It is so generous of you to put it out there and it had given me hope in my dealing with my subtly but exceedingly manipulative spouse....I wish you much success and I'm off to continue reading!"

"I am a big fan of your book! It helped me more than anything else when I was going through a really tough time. I have also given it to a couple of friends who appreciated it very much.  Thank your Robert for your unique insights and sharing them for our healing too"

"I just want to tell you how much I am enjoying and learning from your workbook codependency recovery: Wounded souls dancing in the light. I am going through the workbook looking at my own wounds, and also incorporating your thoughts and suggestions in helping my own clients. I am grateful for your vulnerability, courage, and willingness to act as a servant of the Universe by sharing what you have learned. Thank you."

"Hi Robert,  Thank you so much for helping me understand co dependency.  I have found it a difficult concept to grasp. My father was the alcoholic.  I have been going to Alanon for years which has  transformed my life.  I live in New Zealand.  If I was closer I would love to go to your workshops.  I cry when I read your work. It makes so much sense."

"I just wanted to express my gratitude for your work, as it has helped me immensely in the healing process. Thank you kindly for sharing all the insights and wisdom!"

"Simply thank You! Your work and words have been inspiration, hope, guideline, insight for over 10 years......and I always feel really good returning. That is a gift only few possess...... Your words ring true, then and now."

"Your books and website have helped this past year to be one of my best ever. Here's to even more inner child healing going forward."

"Thanks Robert, great inspiration to help us recover from great misconceptions. Thank you so much for sharing"

"Thanks for sharing your recovery and your life's path with all of us. You are such a gift to humanity! Please stay strong, stay well, stay blessed dear friend!"

"I found you first online years ago and I was helped so much by your writings and bought several copies of your wounded soul book and shared them around. Thankyou so much for your wisdom! "

"I  truly admire your insight!! Thank you so much for all of your articles. They have been such a blessing to me and my recovery."

"I want to share with you that your book and website writings gave me great comfort and courage during my graduate studies in counseling from 2007-2009. Though I have not heard your voice, you were there speaking to me when I felt like I was alone in all the world.  Thank you for being an empowering, inspirational teacher for me."

"Your book, Dance of Wounded Souls, has been a significant gift in my life. Thanks again!"

"Thank you for your strength and courage on your path and for sharing it with the world."

"The Dance of Wounded Souls is an exceptional book. It has helped me a lot. I've read it twice and will do so many more times."

To read some more of the wonderful feedback go to Testimonials page

Telephone Counseling is available with Robert Burney

Latest Phone Counseling Feedback (5-2-15) 

"Dearest Robert, do you remember me? We worked together in 2000? Its 15 years later and I am so much deeper into my relationship with my authentic self and my spiritual guidance. (always a journey). I am more of me now in the world. I thank you for being my first "spiritually based counselor". I look forward to our connection here. I hope you are well and thriving. Joy 2 U!"

"Wow I am so glad you remember me. I benefitted so much from the doorways you opened for me. Infact it feels like at least one of my inner children wants to leap out and say hi. anyway I was able to heal, love and integrate with a lot of my inner children over the years. and also help others like my husband and friends understand their pain from this perspective. Loving, healing, thriving are the words which come up. I really like your new website. I am so glad your healing offerings have resonated with so many people.""

"Robert, I am grateful for the work we are doing, because I know now I that I can cry for that little girl, and have been for quite some time now (even before I was conscious of it). And I know my heart is healing, my shame is being released, and my pain is subsiding because I am offering her the love and attention she wanted and needed but didn't receive. It's not always easy, but it is well worth my time and effort to help my little girl to heal. Thank you for supporting me through this process.  With deep and sincere gratitude"

You are the first therapist that is really helping me and a HUGE blessing in my life...THANK YOU!!!"

“Our sessions have been key in healing my broken heart and relationship with self. I enjoy our time immensely and your insights have given me wings to live.”Thank you for your words. I find myself looking forward to our conversations with happy anticipation knowing that I will encounter acceptance, insight and clarity.

Words cannot describe the importance of our time together.  it’s like I’ve been trapped in a dark, sad, internal dungeon and you, your teachings, and interaction with me have given me hope, answers, freedom, and lasting feelings of joy, happiness, and hope that I have not known before.  I must tell the world that great therapists are the real knights in shining armour not unrecovered codependents who wield guns and engage in physical combat like on television and the movies. :)"

"Thank you Robert. I am so very grateful for you and all the work you share and offer. We did phone sessions almost 5 years ago when my mother passed and I keep your words and guidance dear. My maternal grandmother just passed this week , so I look once to your "voice" and holding presence. God bless"

"Your books give me great hope and enlightenment.  They speak to me because our phone calls have prepared me to receive their messages of truth."

"There are certain Teachers in this Life that are Masterful Guides because they were both born with a gift and also have direct experiential Knowing based on their personal path. I met Robert Burney 10 years ago when I finally ready to look at my life and the affects of codependency and addiction in my family. That one event opened the doors for me and gave me permission to begin having much more compassion and awareness for myself and eventually for those around me.  I strongly encourage you to align with Robert at his intensives or one-one-one. He is a gift and I am grateful to have met him so many years ago.""

For more of these and other testimonials see Phone Counseling Testimonials

Robert Burney
  Robert Burney
On the beach in Cambria January 2010.
Robert & Darien
Darien Fuller
Listening to question at first Intensive
Listening to a question at that first Intensive in April 2006.
Susan Hinesley
Susan Hinesley November 2009
Father's Day
Darien and "Papa" Fathers Day 2009
Susan Hinesley & Robert Burney
My lady and I on October 29, 2005
 Robert Burney
October 2005 on the day I spoke at the Bay Area CoDA Conference in San Francisco. 
Christmas 2008
Christmas 2008
Legos - his favorite.
A look of bliss ~ Christmas 2009

To find out more about the story of the exhuberant, precious source of Joy running down the sidewalk on the left you can check out my web page about my precious step grandson and godson Darien.

Christmas 2005 - My precious step grandson / godson Darien with his Mom Rose and Dad John. 

Darien and Grandpa Robert in Monterey on way home from first Intensive in San Francisco April 2006.
Young Darien
Darien when he was a little guy.
Robert 2004
June 2004

With my son Abraham in 2002 above and in 2010 below.
Abe is now a part of our family here in Encinitas.  The story of how that happened is in the
Update Newsletter for May 2010

Newest Links*added 12-1-2013*
I have added another set of interesting, intriguing and eclectic links - I recommend these sites because I believe they have value - and in some case because they offer interesting alternative perspectives.  I do not necessarily endorse or agree with the views they express. (The words in quotes are their words.):

Codepency Recovery Inner Child Healing Pioneer A site focused on my work that is mobile friendly for all those people using their smart phones and ipads and whatever devices to search the web.

CodependencyRecoveryExpert My new Blog on

Earth Institute "SANCTUARY - Nature, Soul & Spiritual Emergence. Nourish, deepen and discover your soul life to recreate yourself, your sense of the sacred & your natural way in life." A friend strongly recommended this site.

Narcissistic Abuse Recovery This one was recommended by a friend also: Melanie Tonia Evans, a Narcissistic Recovery and Relationships Expert.

Being Nobody, Going Nowhere: Meditations on the Buddhist Path This is a book that one of my phone clients found very helpful - thought I would include it.
Wisdom Commons A site with quotes, poems, proverbs, stories, essays - including some of my quotes.

ToughLove South Africa "A loving solution for families in crisis."

whatiscodependency The site of Darlene Lancer whose books include Codependency for Dummies.

All Treatment "is a drug rehab referral center and substance abuse information resource, and our main goal is to educate and inform the public about the dangers of alcohol and drug addiction." "we are dedicated to providing people with information on drug treatment, intervention, prevention, and other related subject matter. If you or a loved one need help, you can rely on us for high quality information and assistance."
AddictionLibrary "We put together a brief guide about the dangers of alcoholism."
333connect "was established in 2005 for the purpose of sharing holistic alternatives. We want practitioners and like minded individuals To be able to easily find each other."
100 Fantastic Family Health Resources "With the daily challenges that families face on a normal basis, it can be a challenge at times to communicate, eat right, and do activities that bind as a family. That is why I made a list of the most fun and informative blogs covering family health, exercise, communication, and overall aging together. All info that anyone with a family would find useful."
Drug Dangers "Drug Dangers is committed to providing the latest information on a range of medications and medical devices that have serious complications."
To see more recommended links, go to Links page.

Lin at Penmarric web site has sent 4 awards for including this one (YANA stand for You Are Not Alone) and says, "You will find 2 other awards also. One is the YANA [you are not alone] award from my Hugs R us site. This is unrated, and offered to excellent websites like yours, that have a basic mental health theme, and yours certainly qualifies. I am still working my way through it. You have done a wonderful job of putting 'it' all down for your readers and I commend you for your hard work and sincerity. This is my first YANA of 2006.  You will also find my Whimsy award, also non-rated, that I give [on a whim] to websites that I personally like. WOW! I am really at a loss for words - unusual for those who know me. I find great strength reading your pages. They are truly inspirational, and I thank you for writing them." 
To see the other 3 awards and several dozen other beautiful awards my site has been awarded go to my Awards page.

12/30/12 - I haven't applied for any awards for many years now.
Some pages with Handouts of Value
The 10 Commandments of Self Esteem

I.  Thou shalt not consort with people who make thee feel bad about thyself. 

Also includes: The Rules for Being Human and Risking

The Serenity Prayer for Codependents

"It is OK to be relaxed, playful, and frivolous" 

Some versions of the Serenity Prayer, a Personal Bill of Rights, Characteristics of Adults Shamed in Childhood, and some possible signs of Hidden Anger

Twisted Codependent thinking

1. All or nothing. Looking at things in absolute, black and white categories -"Either / or" thinking. 

Also includes: One Day at a Time, As a Person I have the Right to, and a discussion of some metaphysical levels of The Growth / Recovery Process.

Romantic Relationship cover 7-16-12 Announcing the publication of my newest book - or at least the Kindle e-book version (hopefully the hard copy by the end of the month) Romantic Relationships ~ The Greatest Arena for Spiritual & Emotional Growth Codependent Dysfunctional Relationship Dynamics & Healthy Relationship Behavior.

Amazon Kindle Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls and Barnes & Noble Nook version

Newest book Kindle: Romantic Relationships ~ The Greatest Arena for Spiritual & Emotional Growth (Codependent Dysfunctional Relationship Dynamics & Healthy Relationship Behavior) Part 2 of my newest book  Romantic Relationships ~ The Greatest Arena for Spiritual & Emotional Growth is now available: Deeper Within (emotionally) & Further Out (metaphysically) From Fear of Intimacy to Twin Souls 

Announcing the publication of Robert’s newest eBook: The Law of Attraction - Misunderstood & Misinterpreted. This eBook is available now in Amazon Kindle format.  The follow up eBook The Metaphysics of Emotions - emotional energy is real is also available in Amazon Kindle format.
Kindle E-Book 
Book Cover Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in The Light
Book 1: Empowerment, Freedom, and Inner Peace through Inner Child Healing
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Contact RobertLogo of Joy to You & Me Enterprises, publisher of Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls
Privacy Statement
Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls by Robert Burney is copyright 1995.  Material on Joy2MeU web site (except where otherwise noted) is copyright 1996 thru 2025  by Robert Burney PO Box 1028  Cambria CA 93428.