"Osama bin Laden was emotionally traumatized in childhood by being the youngest child in a huge family - the only child of the fifth wife, the only one whose mother was Syrian instead of Saudi. The environment he was raised in was very privileged and extremely wealthy - and included a codependent disdain for the lower classes, the masses. . . . . . .George W. Bush grew up in an emotional wasteland that was also very privileged and wealthy. He was taught to define himself according to the codependent paternalistic attitude that is the modern day version of the Divine Right of Kings. His family was also part of the ruling class - the class of elite robber barons who have held the real power in the United States for well over 100 years. . . . . . .
Osama bin Laden turned down his families offer of 20 billion dollars to return home and give up this silly religious stuff. George W. Bush accepted his families offer to return to the fold."
*** "Einstein was able to make huge jumps in knowledge because he was willing to surrender to expanding his intellectual paradigm by trusting his intuition to guide his imagination into seeing the puzzle of life from larger perspective. He was able to think outside of the box - and make huge breakthroughs in understanding - because he learned to follow his intuitive, mystical guidance to higher levels of consciousness that afforded him expanded perspectives of the puzzle.Albert Einstein stated that there were dimensions beyond the concrete three-dimensional one that humans experience."
*** "When we give power away to other people because our relationship with self is dysfunctional, we actually allow cords of energy to tie us to those people. These cords (ribbons, cables, tethers, threads, strands) of energy exist on the Etheric plane - which is where the Life Force energy runs through the chakra system.We can literally be drained of our Life Force by these dysfunctional connections to other people. All of us learned to allow ourselves to both be drained of Life Force by others as well as to steal Life Force energy from others to survive."
*** "On an energetic level, abandonment means getting unplugged from our energy source. Abandonment feels life-threatening because the cords that bind us to other people, and feed us Life Force energy, gets unplugged and we do not know how to access that energy for ourselves. That is why it is so important to learn to plug in internally, access the Transcendent emotional energy of Love, Light, Joy, and Truth that is available to us within."
to a page of Joy2MeU The Web Site of Spiritual Teacher, codependence counselor, grief therapist, author, Robert Burney and Joy to You & Me Enterprises![]() Go to Home Page Robert is the author of the Joyously inspirational bookThe Dance of Wounded Souls ![]() |
Attack on America - A Call for Higher ConsciousnessWe are at war with ourselves because we are judging and shaming ourselves for being human. We are at war with ourselves because we are carrying around suppressed grief energy that we are terrified of feeling. We are at war within because we are "damming" our own emotional process - because we were forced to become emotionally dishonest as children and had to learn ways to block and distort our emotional energy. We cannot learn to Love ourselves and be at peace
within until we stop judging and shaming ourselves for being human and
stop fighting our own emotional process, until we stop waging war on ourselves.
. . . . . . . We are at war within our self because we have been unable to heal the emotional traumas we suffered in childhood - and we were programmed to define and interpret life out of a polarized intellectual paradigm that caused us to judge and shame ourselves for being human. We were also taught to look outside for our definition and worth - to look outside for something/someone to fix us/affirm our worth, or to blame for our internal suffering. We project the war within us externally in our attempts to overcome the incredible pain and shame we feel at the core of our being. Osama bin Laden was emotionally traumatized in childhood by being the youngest child in a huge family - the only child of the fifth wife, the only one whose mother was Syrian instead of Saudi. The environment he was raised in was very privileged and extremely wealthy - and included a codependent disdain for the lower classes, the masses. He revolted against his family by aligning himself with the lower classes and adapted a religious fanaticism that made him feel superior and worthy - he is right and they are wrong. He now uses the lower classes as tools in his sick game of ego and power. His disdain for "common" people allows him to murder his own people by using them as tools to murder his enemies. George W. Bush grew up in an emotional wasteland that was also very privileged and wealthy. He was taught to define himself according to the codependent paternalistic attitude that is the modern day version of the Divine Right of Kings. His family was also part of the ruling class - the class of elite robber barons who have held the real power in the United States for well over 100 years. He rebelled against his family also - drinking, using drugs and blowing off his education. His paternalistic views of the common people allow him to send poor prisoners to death without a qualm - and to keep impersonally bombing innocent civilians as part of his noble self image. (To actually fight the war where it needs to be fought to accomplish the stated goals - on the ground, face to face, up close and personal - would result in a lot of casualties and would erode his support and affect his ratings in the poll. That in turn would hurt his chances to take advantage of the present situation by pushing through legislation like the sweeping anti-terrorist bill and the pro-energy legislation that will allow further rape of the environment.) Osama bin Laden turned down his families offer of 20 billion dollars
to return home and give up this silly religious stuff. George W.
Bush accepted his families offer to return to the fold. And the rest
of us are being affected by their role playing, their crusades to prove
to themselves that they are worthy and deserving of respect.
Dancing in the Labyrinth
This page is no longer available on the regular web site. To view this page, it is now necessary to pay a fee for access to the Dancing in Light section of Joy2MeU.com On this page are quotes from, and section headings of, the original article. The page with information on how to subscribe is Dancing in Light. |
November 2, 2001: I am publishing this online book in the manner I am - with the only access being through Chapter 1, and search engines (including my site search engine) blocked from indexing any but the first chapter and the index page - as a strategy of self protection. Obviously, I am making statements in this work that could bring a lot of negative attention were they to be viewed by certain elements who are stuck in a very black and white perspective of current events. I will talk some more about some things that are happening in that regard in a later chapter.I am willing to take a risk in this regard because I believe in the importance of manifesting this information - these alternative perspectives - into the Collective Consciousness at this time. I don't really think that a lot of people are going to actually read this online book anytime soon, or that it will be published in book form in the foreseeable future. I am doing it as part of what I believe is my mission to expand the paradigm and contribute to changing the condition of polarity in the lower mind. To me - rather I am a mystical messenger or a delusional psychotic - my mission, my relative Truth, requires me to take the risk of becoming a target. If my path leads to some negative consequences then so be it - but I don't need to be stupid about it and go to the extreme of advertising my willingness to be a target. ;-) That would be going to the other extreme - would be out of balance and reactive. It would be codependent.
There are numerous levels involved in what I am doing - the most basic of which is that I feel a need to do this for me and my healing, it feels like a perfect part of the unfolding of my path. That is the bottom line. As I have been saying, there are numerous levels to everything - including motives for taking action.
Just as important a consideration for me - as minimizing the risk of calling attention to myself as a target - is trying to keep the information on my web site as accessible as possible to any wounded souls that may find some comfort and hope in my writing. People who are new to my site, or to recovery, may be turned off by some of the interpretations I share in this book - and many of you may be confused by the sharing I do about multiple levels from metaphysical perspectives.
As I have said elsewhere in my writing, I make an attempt to communicate in ways that are as understandable as possible to people on different levels of awakening. This is something I really focus on trying to accomplish - but something that ultimately I have to surrender to being powerless to control. I do the best I can to communicate - and then let it go.
Anyway, this little digression has a purpose. I have decided that the writing I mentioned above, with some examples of the actual process of grieving rather than just the theory, includes information that I want to make accessible from the web site. I am making a regular web page out of that part of this chapter. It is part of this online book, but will be published as a web article that fits into the inner child healing section of Joy2MeU. I believe that I will be doing the same with an upcoming chapter where I talk about my approach to the inner child healing process - the blueprint I have discovered for integrating Spiritual Truth into our emotional process and finding some balance in this life adventure. The remainder of this Chapter will be devoted to different metaphysical levels as a follow up to that information. The link that I will provide here to that article will open in a separate browser window if you want to read that page now.
Metaphysical and Metempirical
Multi-Dimensional Reality
November 8, 2001 - I will publish the next chapter it as soon as it has manifested. It will still only be possible to access the pages through the previous chapter, and when posted will be announced on the New page.
Chapters 2 through 11
of Attack on America - A Spiritual Healing
Perspective are now only available in
the pay to view Dancing
in Light component of Joy2MeU.com - or in the Joy2MeU