“My goal in working with people is to empower them to be in-dependent. To teach people how to have internal boundaries so that they can separate the messages coming from the old tapes and old wounds from the messages of intuitive Truth from their Spirit - so that they can start learning how to relax and trust their Spirit to guide them. . . . The telephone / Zoom / Skype counseling has proven a wonderful venue for being able to help individuals to see where they are at on their own personal path with some clarity and compassion - from people who are just starting recovery to people who have been on a healing, recovery, spiritual path for many years.” - Robert Burney
Special offers for Telephone Counseling
Spiritual Teacher and codependency counselor Robert Burney, whose work has been compared to John Bradshaw's "except much more spiritual" and described as "taking inner child healing to a new level," has developed innovative, powerful techniques and tools for emotional healing and Spiritual integration. Robert, whose process is firmly grounded on Twelve Step Recovery Spiritual Principles, specializes in teaching individuals how to become empowered by having internal boundaries. In his Joyously inspirational Spiritual book - Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls - and on his web site Joy2MeU (Joy2MeU Home) - he explains how dysfunctional relationships with self and life learned in early childhood can be healed enough to allow individuals to change their experience of life into an easier, more Loving and enjoyable journey.Telephone counseling (which I started offering in March 2000) has proven a powerful method for helping people implement the blueprint for inner child healing that I have developed. The various aspects of the work are known to most everyone who has been working on these issues at all - what is unique about my approach is that all of the tools are brought together in a focused system for achieving integration and balance. I describe my approach on the pages of this web site - but the leap from reading about it to implementing it can be difficult. Even someone who has a very good therapist right now (or is a very good therapist), can still find it very beneficial to do some phone sessions with me to learn this approach.
What I do is not traditional counseling, it is more directive in that I am going to be teaching you how to own the power to change how you relate to your self, to life, and to other people by helping you to understand your own internal process from a new perspective and learn how to set internal boundaries so that you can change your patterns and take power away from the old tapes and childhood wounds. So, what I normally like to do is take the first 2 to 2 1/2 hours (a brief overview of what I cover in my day long Intensive Training workshop - and am now offering in two 3 hour sessions a week apart on Zoom - my Life Changing Zoominar) to help you understand both the wounding and recovery process from a new perspective that will empower you to stop feeling like the victim of your own thoughts and own feelings and learn to set internal boundaries - during that time, I do most of the talking with you asking questions for clarity. After that you do most of the talking about your issues and patterns and I help you to integrate the new perspective so that you can relate to your self with more compassion and love - and can start changing how to you relate to life and other people to a way that works better than the way you learned in childhood.
It is possible to get started with the purchase of an hour and a half initial session or a package of at least 3 one hour sessions. The approach to the inner child healing that I talk about on my web site is one I pioneered - and is not widely known yet. The tools, techniques, and perspectives that I have combined in my blueprint for inner child healing are designed to empower people to start having a more Loving relationship with self - and the phone work has proven to be effective in helping people to do that in a matter of weeks.
If someone wants to just call to talk about some specific issues or ask some questions you can purchase a one hour session on the phone counseling page.
Purchase using the PayPal link for either PayPal or secure credit or debit card processing.
Initial Consultation + 3 follow up sessions
One and one half hour initial session (normally $97.50) + 3 one hour follow up sessions (normally $195) = normally $292.50 special offer $225.00
4 1/2 hours for $225 = $50 per hour
Initial consultation + 2 follow up sessions + Book: Codependence: Dance of the Wounded Souls (19.25) = normally $251.75 special offer 199.95 ($207.95 international)
Initial + 2 sessions + Book: $199.95 US Initial + 2 sessions + Book: $207.95 International Phone Counseling + Both of my Joyously Inspirational and Transformational Books
Initial consultation + 2 follow up + Both Books (normally $47.95 for both mailed Priority US ) $280.45 special $219.95 ($237.95 Global Priority)
Counseling - initial + 2 + Both Books $219.95 US Counseling - initial + 2 + Both Books $237.95 US
Special offers for hour long sessions
4 hour long telephone counseling sessions
4 one hour sessions normally $250.00 special offer $200.00 (less than $50 per hour)
4 hour long phone sessions: $200.004 hour long phone sessions + Book: Codependence: Dance of the Wounded Souls (normally 19.25) normally 266.25 special offer $219.95 ($227.95 international)
4 hour phone sessions + Book: $219.95 US 4 hour phone sessions + Book: $227.95 US
4 hour long phone sessions + Both Books ($47.95 for both mailed Priority ) normally $297.95 special offer $235.95 ($253.95 international)
"4 hour phone sessions + Both Books: $235.95 4 hour long phone sessions + Both Books international: $253.95 5 one hour sessions for $237.50 ($47.50 per hour)
Five one hour sessions for $225.00 normally $305 Save over $80.00 (off of combination price - over $125.00 less than buying individual sessions.)
5 one Hour Sessions: $237.50 6 one hour sessions for $270.00 ($45 per hour)
Six one hour sessions for $270.00 normally $350 Save over $80.00 (off of combination price - over $150 less than buying 6 individual sessions.)
6 one Hour Sessions: $270.00 Telephone sessions are conducted weekdays in morning and afternoon PST (so early afternoon to evening EST.) Sessions can be used for up to one year from date of purchase. My boundaries include: that I reserve the right to charge for any session missed or canceled without at least 12 hours notice; and that I wait 30 minutes from the time an appointment is scheduled to begin and if the person has not called by then they will be charged for it. Discounted combination package deals are non refundable but can be applied to a workshop and/or books, tapes, CDs, and subscription areas of Joy2MeU.com or sessions can be transferred to another person.
"I have to tell you...my phone sessions with YOU (thank goodness I took MANY notes and reviewed them hundreds of times), and your book, have helped change my "thinking" more than I ever dreamed. I am so very grateful for the AWARENESS... of so many things that YOU made me aware of...then: YOU taught me how to ACCEPT and then move on to ACTION (rather than reaction!)...and now my life is so different! I am still learning and always will be...I am a work in progress!! But, most days I like ME....unlike my past feeling about me. YOU help me put into ACTION the things I read about and talk about with other codependents. THANK YOU." - a comment posted on Facebook Sept. 15, 2010 by former phone counseling client
"i HIGHLY recommend Robert's book and counseling! I really can't say enough about how helpful and instrumental were his teaching and counsel to provide me the tools, inspiration and perspective to break free from codependency which was SO pe...rvasive in my life. Truly we are ALL born with this disease, the "original sin" as it were! I am proud to say I'm taking one day at a time and well into my healing and recovery! :) With Robert's teachings, my life opened up in ways I never thought possible. I can earnestly say that if it weren't for the healing work I've done this year, I would not be in the position I am now to align with the Universe to pursue and actualize my life's purpose...to see dreams come to fruition which were previously merely hopes.
Robert's teachings help to empower people with Truth, to embolden in order to find our own Way, and to release us from bondages of grief, anger and fear. The work is not easy; it requires sincerity, perseverance, rigorous honesty and the willingness to change, adapt and grow. ALL worth it in my book!!!!!
Thank you Robert from the bottom of my heart for your generous spirit and willingness to offer guidance through your own life wisdom to others. My Spiritual Brother, you helped to change my life. I am grateful for the gift you are in my life. May the Universe continue to bless you with all joy, peace and love. All the best for 2011!" - comment from another former client posted on Posted on Facebook December 21, 2010"There has been a significant and striking shift in my internal world, and I certainly can attribute your guidance as the catalyst for such an event!:)!! Thanks again for all your guidance, it really has changed my life in a very significant way. I am very grateful our paths have crossed."
"The work I did with you is so amazing, and is the main reason that I am handling everything as well as I am right now. . . Thanks again for all of the skills you have taught me. I use them every day."
"I wonder if you remember me...I was your client back in 2004 and 2005...I just wanted to write to you and let you know that since our work together, I have continued my healing journey and it has led me to some very interesting places in the world and inside myself.... Over and over I come back to your work to remind myself of the TRUTH that your work continues to ignite in my heart." - Phone Counseling Testimonials
"The telephone counseling has proven a wonderful venue for being able to help individuals to see where they are at on their own personal path with some clarity and compassion - from people who are just starting recovery to people who have been on a healing, spiritual path for many years. I have now worked with people who have grown up on every continent on the planet, people of every race, of different sexual preferences, from a multitude of cultural backgrounds. Human internal emotional dynamics are the same for all human beings - the external details just provide different flavors of codependency, different facets to the wounding. As long as a person is not completely closed minded out of their black and white programming that there is only one "right" way to heal, one "true" path to God - they can benefit from the approach to healing that I share with them. The people that I have worked with represent a wide variety of beliefs, including: Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, agnostic, Pagan, Wiccan, Native American, and Jewish - as well as Christians of almost all varieties. There is a saying that I like: religion is for people who are scared of hell, spirituality is for people who have been there. Anyone who is sick and tired of living in a hell of emotionally suffering - and is open to seeing life from a larger perspective - can change the quality of their life by doing this work."
Biography page for Robert Burney While updating this page on March 6th, 2003, I added a correction to that biography page to make clear that I have not worked with anyone who grew up on Antarctica. ;-)
HomeSite Index
Codependence Pages Index
Inner Child Healing Pages Index
Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls by Robert Burney is copyright 1995. Material on Joy2MeU web site (except where otherwise noted) is copyright 1996 thru 2021 by Robert Burney PO Box 1028 Cambria CA 93428.
"Codependence is being at war with ourselves - which makes it impossible to trust and Love ourselves. Codependence is denying parts of ourselves so that we do not know who we are.Recovery from the disease of Codependence involves stopping the war within so that we can get in touch with our True Self, so that we can start to Love and trust ourselves."
"Feelings are real - they are emotional energy that is manifested in our body - but they are not necessarily fact.
What we feel is our "emotional truth" and it does not necessarily have anything to do with either facts or the emotional energy that is Truth with a capital "T" - especially when we our reacting out of an age of our inner child.
If we are reacting out of what our emotional truth was when we were five or nine or fourteen, then we are not capable of responding appropriately to what is happening in the moment; we are not being in the now.
If we are reacting out of what our emotional truth was when we were five or nine or fourteen, then we are not capable of responding appropriately to what is happening in the moment; we are not being in the now.
When we are reacting out of old tapes based on attitudes and beliefs that are false or distorted, then our feelings cannot be trusted.When we are reacting out of our childhood emotional wounds, then what we are feeling may have very little to do with the situation we are in or with the people with whom we are dealing in the moment.
In order to start be-ing in the moment in a healthy, age-appropriate way it is necessary to heal our "inner child." The inner child we need to heal is actually our "inner children" who have been running our lives because we have been unconsciously reacting to life out of the emotional wounds and attitudes, the old tapes, of our childhoods."
"It was vitally important for me to learn how to have internal boundaries so that I could lovingly parent (which, of course, includes setting boundaries for) my inner children, tell the critical parent/disease voice to shut up, and start accessing the emotional energy of Truth, Beauty, Joy, Light, and Love. It was by learning internal boundaries that I could begin to achieve some integration and balance in my life, and transform my experience of life into an adventure that is enjoyable and exciting most of the time."
(Quotations in this color are from Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls)