"I am writing this article because I believe that the way the Law of Attraction is being taught by most people who are teaching it today is not ultimately Loving. I believe it is being taught in a way that makes many of the people hearing it feel ashamed; in a way that causes people to focus on reaching a destination at the expense of not being present in the now; in a way that reinforces the delusion that there is something inherently wrong with being human, with human beings. It is also being taught by most spiritual teachers in a way that discounts and devalues emotions and emotional healing."
"Part of what is so sad about these teachers who are so righteous about teaching Love is that they are still buying into the concept that there is something shameful about being human. How much difference is there between Jerry Falwell saying that the terrorist attack is punishment for abortion and gay rights, and these spiritual teachers saying it was caused by human beings forgetting who they really are. The Human Condition was not caused by human beings!!! . . . . . These wise teachers, these mystical messengers have gotten it that We are ALL ONE and that LOVE is our True essence - but they are still giving out black and white messages that support polarity and the belief that there is something shameful about being human."
"There is a huge difference between allowing fear to define our life and feeling fear at times. A major component of the approach to healing that I teach is to set a boundary between emotional and mental so that we can stop allowing the fear and shame we learned in childhood to dictate and define our lives by learning to have compassion for our own emotional wounds at the same time we are learning to align ourselves mentally with the Higher Truth that is Love. . . . The thing that sparked me into "ranting and raving" in my article on New Age Misinterpretations of Metaphysical Truth was a statement from Marianne Williamson that "What is not love is fear." That is not only black and white but simplistic and linear as if Love and fear were the same type of emotional energy."
"The Law of Karma is not just about this lifetime. That is evidently what is believed in the Science of Mind beliefs. That Karma just relates to cause and effect as it pertains to creating your reality out of your beliefs in this lifetime. That minister was going on one day about all that Truly exists is Love and The Law - he kept hammering on it. Basically saying that if you aren't creating anything you want in your life than you are not aligned with Love because you aren't applying the Law of Attraction. He was giving out the message that anyone listening who wasn't living the life they wanted to live was doing something wrong, was not aligned with Love. I kept wanting to scream at him - yes the Law, but what about the Law of Karma. The Law of Karma trumps the Law of Attraction."
"We are co-creators in our lives - not the sole creators. We cannot create anything we want in life. . . . the way the Law of Attraction is being taught does a disservice to many people who buy into the illusion that they can create anything they want in their lives; who get caught up in the destination thinking to the extent they aren't being present for the journey today; who feel ashamed because of how their life has unfolded because of the negative thinking they were programmed with; who get the message that they are doing something wrong if they feel fear or have a disease or don't have financial abundance in their lives."On this page Spiritual teacher shares his belief that the Law of Attraction is being taught in ways that are not ultimately Loving.
to a page of Joy2MeU The Web Site of Spiritual Teacher, codependence counselor, grief therapist, author, Robert Burney and Joy to You & Me Enterprises Robert is the author of the Joyously inspirational bookThe Dance of Wounded Souls ![]()
By Robert Burney On January 3rd of 2009 I will have 25 years in twelve step recovery
- a quarter century clean and sober. An amazing
miracle. I have scheduled one of my Intensive workshops
for that day - because it is the Saturday after New Years and
fits into my practice of scheduling the workshops on Holiday
weekends. When I discovered that Saturday was the 3rd, I smiled
and took it as a perfect part of the Divine Plan. Perhaps some
of you will join me on that day to celebrate that anniversary.;-) Unfortunately there is still wide misunderstanding about the 12 step programs - including people who claim it is a cult. I received a hate e-mail last week (October 2008) from someone who said I should be taken out and shot for misleading people - and included a link to a site that claims Alcoholics Anonymous is cult. It is sad that someone has been so wounded in their experience of AA that they would send this kind of profanity laced threat. Unfortunately the way the 12 steps are practiced in AA - and sometimes in other 12 step programs - can manifest in ways that are not aligned with the Spiritual Principles that are the True foundation the 12 step process. There are also people who don't understand the concepts of powerlessness and surrender - which in the 12 step process are applied in a way that helps people align with Metaphysical Law.
As I state so often in my writing and in my book, in order to change
our relationship with anything, we need to change our perspective
of it. Perspective is a key to Recovery. I
had to change and enlarge my perspectives of myself and my own
emotions, of other people, of God and of this life business.
Our perspective of life dictates our relationship with life.
We have a dysfunctional relationship with life because we were taught
to have a dysfunctional perspective of this life business, dysfunctional
definitions of who we are and why we are here. The perspective I was taught of God growing up was abusive and punishing. The idea that I could find a concept of a Higher Power that was Loving was incredibly liberating.
I count my conscious codependency recovery as starting on the day
that I realized that my relationship with myself and life
was still being dictated subconsciously by the image of God as I
had been led to understand 'him' in childhood - even though I had
personally discarded that concept consciously in my late teens.
The religion I was subjected to in childhood taught me that
life was about sin and punishment - and I was a sinner who deserved
to be punished. (The Story of "Joy to You & Me") That
day (June 3rd, 1986) was the day that I really got on a gut level
something that I had heard and known intellectually - that the Law
that governs life is cause and effect, not sin and punishment. That
was the day that I made a conscious decision to do whatever it took
to change the subconscious and emotional programming that had caused
me to live life in a really painful, unloving way. Given the freedom to search for a concept of a Higher Power that
was Loving and on my side - instead of lurking in the shadows
waiting to punish me for being human - started me on a quest
to find out how there could possibly be a Loving Higher Power in
the Universe. That Spiritual quest eventually led me to a
multitude of places and the study of a multitude of belief systems
from Native American Spirituality, to Mythology, to Eastern & Middle
Eastern Beliefs, to Quantum Physics, etc. Because of the spiritual
abuse I experience growing up I resisted such things as the Course
in Miracles and didn't even know at the time I wrote my book that there
were New Thought Churches who interpreted the bible metaphysically.
(Numerous times when I spoke someone would come up to me afterwards
and say that obviously I had studied the Course in Miracles - just as other
people would assume I was a Sufi, or has studied other spiritual beliefs
or authors that I had not - the reason for that is we are all drawing Truth
from the same Source.) As I am writing this today, October 24th 2008, I realize that in
some ways this was a gift because it caused me to open to a
larger paradigm than is taught in New Thought Churches which
have been around for quite a few years, or the Course in Miracles. It
was also a larger perspective than the multitude of "new age" spiritual
teachers that have appeared in the years since my book was published. In the article I quoted above A Higher Power of my own understanding 2 - the beginning of empowerment, I talk about a mind boggling, paradigm smashing book that I was guided to read when I was only about 3 months sober. It was that book that helped me to understand that the key to finding a concept of Higher Power that was Loving, the key to finding a way of living that worked, was recognizing that multiple levels come into play in the experience of being human. It was in trying to understand the paradox caused by those multiple levels of reality that I started to study metaphysics. I realized in writing this today, that when I published my book, I did not even mention the word metaphysics in it. The word I used was supernatural. One of the reasons that our perception of, and relationship with this life business has been so out-of-balance is that we have lacked the ability to discern between different levels. The twisted, distorted perspective of life that humans have evolved is, in part at least, the result of trying to apply the Truths of one level to the reality of another. . . . . . . . . . This inability to discern between different levels of realty is part (along with the planetary conditions which will be addressed shortly) of the reason that many religious teachings are twisted, distorted, grotesquely warped misinterpretations of what were originally symbolic, metaphoric, allegorical attempts to explain the unexplainable. Western Civilization (in reaction to earlier ages when it was out of balance to the other extreme of allowing superstition to rule) does not acknowledge that multiple levels of reality exist and as a result, has been way out of balance towards the left brain way of thinking - rational, logical, concrete, what you see is all there is. Since what is seen is a three dimensional illusion, anything that does not fit neatly into that three dimensional world has been labeled as not being real. Logically then, according to Western thought, the supernatural does not exist - it is only imagination and superstition - therefore anyone who believes in the supernatural is crazy. Because emotional energy could not be seen or measured or weighed, and was not sanctioned by the AMA, emotions were discounted and devalued. Western Civilization has discounted anything that does not fit into the three dimensional framework, into a single perspective that twists, distorts, and enmeshes the levels of reality, and has shamed, ridiculed, and persecuted the individuals and groups who challenged this rigidly rational perspective. At the same time Western Civilization has been based on insane, irrational concepts like "love is shameful and manipulative" and "god is a male who fights wars. It seems to me today, that ironically my using the word metaphysics possibly didn't become normal for me until something that occurred while I was writing a series of articles on the True Nature of Love in early 1999. That definition fit with the definition of mystic that I had looked up in 1988 - which I share in the following quote from that same series of articles on The True Nature of Love that I wrote in 1999. I was planning on using at least a portion of this quote here to qualify that in this article, I am not saying that my version of Truth is right and others are wrong. "So, this brings us to the more Metaphysical and Mystical aspects of this article. I get uncomfortable in writing about my understanding of levels that are beyond human understanding for numerous reasons. The biggest one is that it is not really possible to explain the unexplainable. It is also not necessary to understand the metaphysical levels in order to do the healing. And as I have mentioned previously, some of us tend to focus on such areas as metaphysics, past lives, astrology, extrasensory or extraterrestrial phenomena as a way of avoiding doing the emotional healing - as a way of avoiding healing our internal relationship with self. Focusing on some of these areas can sometimes be almost as addictive as focusing on other people, or success, or any of the myriad of people, places and things that our disease would rather have us focus on than to deal with our own pain.So, in the article below, when I take issue with the way spiritual teachers and New Thought Churches and others are teaching the Law of Attraction - I am not saying they are wrong. They are teaching Truth - they are just not teaching a large enough perspective of it in my opinion. In the quote below from my online book about the terrorist attach of September 11, 2001, I quote from the foreword to my book - and state that I have so far not encountered a spiritual paradigm as large as the one I was guided to on my spiritual path. "One of the reasons for the human dilemma, for the confusion that humans have felt about the meaning and purpose of life, is that more than one level of reality comes into play in the experience of being human. Trying to apply the Truth of one level to the experience of another has caused humans to become very confused and twisted in our perspective of the human experience. It is kind of like the difference between playing the one-dimensional chess that we are familiar with, and the three-dimensional chess played by the characters of Star Trek - they are two completely different games.As I say in this first chapter of the online book about the terrorist attack of 9/11 (a chapter I posted online on September 22, 2001), it is vital to change the dysfunctional intellectually programming - the false beliefs and attitudes. The teachings of the Law of Attraction are very valuable in helping people start changing the intellectual paradigm that is governing their relationships with self and life in order to start owning their power to be a positive co-creator in their lives. It is also however necessary to deal with the repressed emotional energy in my belief. On this page I will be addressing the ways in which the Law of Attraction is being taught that I believe are not Loving. I am also posting a second page at this time to address the ways in which so many of these teachers and teachings discount emotions in ways that I do not believe are healthy or Truth. I will include a link to that page here - and at the end of this article. I am going to be sharing long excerpts from various articles of mine here as I focus on what I see as misinterpretation and misunderstandings in the teachings of the Law of Attraction - and I am posting a separate page The Metaphysics of Emotions to focus on the emotional component.
Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in the Light Book 2: A Dysfunctional Relationship with Life, Attack on America: A Spiritual Healing Perspective & Call for Higher Consciousness, The True Nature of Love series of articles, and the article My Spiritual Belief System and the New Millennium can be found in Dancing in Light a subscription are of the Joy2MeU web site. Quotes from the Dance of Wounded Souls Trilogy and the journal of my personal recovery can be found in another subscription area The Joy2MeU Journal |
Abusive therapists, healers, and teachers
Enlarging the New Age Paradigm
Polarity / Black & White thinking
Codependent, shaming New Agers, Twelve Steppers, Spiritual Seekers, Health Fanatics
The Law of Karma Trumps the Law of Attraction
or We cannot create anything we want in our lives
Dance of Karma
January 7, 2013 - I have now published this article as an ebook (links below) - and I am not sure if I will ever publish is as a hard cover book - but have moved the bulk of this article to the subscription area of my site that I call Dancing in Light.
Dancing in Light is also where articles quoted within this article can be found: Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in the Light Book 2: A Dysfunctional Relationship with Life, Attack on America: A Spiritual Healing Perspective & Call for Higher Consciousness, The True Nature of Love series of articles, and the article My Spiritual Belief System and the New Millennium can be found in that subscription are of the Joy2MeU web site.
There are now Special offers for Subscription Areas of Joy2MeU.com: Joy2MeU Journal and Dancing in Light
The Law of Attraction - Misunderstood & Misinterpreted as an eBook is available now in Amazon Kindle format and Barnes & Noble Nook, as of 1/16 Kobo ereader
The follow up eBook The Metaphysics of Emotions - emotional energy is real is also available in Amazon Kindle format and Barnes & Noble Nook format, as of 1/16 Kobo ereader
April 2015 - Announcing the publication of an Audiobook of Robert Burney’s eBook The Law of Attraction - Misunderstood & Misinterpreted now available on Audible, Amazon, and iTunes.
Spiritual Belief System
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