This page offers information about a division of the Joy2MeU web site which includes two online books:Joy2MeU is the web site of Robert Burney and his self publishing company Joy to You & Me Enterprises. Robert is a counselor and therapist who was guided to develop a pioneering approach to inner child healing / codependence recovery in his own codependency recovery of 20 years. His work has been compared to John Bradshaw's "except much more spiritual" and portrayed as "taking inner child healing to a new level." He is a Spiritual teacher and guide who has been described as "a metaphysical Stephen Hawking." Robert Burney is the author of the Joyously inspirational Spiritual book Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls
Codependency Recovery: Wounded
Souls Dancing in The Light
Book 2:
A Dysfunctional Relationship with Life
Attack on America
- A Spiritual Healing Perspective and Call for Higher Consciousness
It also includes articles from a series on: The True Nature of Love
and a special article entitled:
My Spiritual Belief System
and the New Millennium
in January & February 2013 The Law of Attraction - Misunderstood & Misinterpreted
& The Metaphysics of Emotions - emotional
energy is real
to a page of Joy2MeU The Web Site of Spiritual Teacher, codependence counselor, grief therapist, author, Robert Burney and Joy to You & Me Enterprises![]() Go to Home Page
Robert is the author of the Joyously inspirational bookThe Dance of Wounded Souls ![]() book ordering info |
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subscription as long as is in existence - for $24.95. Purchase using
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Added in 2013: The Law of Attraction - Misunderstood & Misinterpreted New 1/13 and The Metaphysics of Emotions - emotional energy is real New 2/13 |
The pages that are still available on the regular site are active links in this table of contents list. Below the table of contents are introductory descriptions of each of the 4 different works that make up Dancing in the Light. The pages that are exclusively available in Dancing in Light will be accompanied by a quote or quotes from the page - and in some cases section headings from that page. Skeleton pages of the chapters and articles moved to this division of Joy2MeU still exist on the regular site - and are linked on the site index and other pages - but only a few quotes from those pages and the section headings are included on those regular web site pages.
Wounded Souls Dancing in the Light Book 2 A Dysfunctional Relationship with Life Codependency Recovery: Author's Foreword Chapter 1 The codependency movement is NOT ruining marriages! Chapter 2 Love & Romance, Marriage and Divorce Chapter 3 Emotional Honesty Chapter 4 false self image Chapter 5 Codependency = conditioned programming Chapter 6 ego strength and self worth Chapter 7 Multiple levels of selfishness Chapter 8 Codependents as Emotional Vampires Chapter 9 Codependency = Emotional Anorexia Chapter 10 Normal Families are Dysfunctional Chapter 11 Codependent Counselors Therapists Chapter 12 Codependency in New Age Movement Chapter 13 The Music of Love is not shaming Chapter 14 Spiritual Manifesto Chapter 15 Masculine and Feminine The Law of Attraction - Misunderstood & Misinterpreted
New 1/13
The Metaphysics of Emotions - emotional energy is real New 2/13 |
A Spiritual Healing Perspective & Call for Higher Consciousness Attack on America - Chapter 2 Attack on America - Chapter 3 Attack on America - Chapter 4 Attack on America - Chapter 5 Attack on America - Chapter 6 Attack on America - Chapter 7 Attack on America - Chapter 8 Attack on America - Chapter 9 Attack on America - Chapter 10 Attack on America - Chapter 11 Part 3, Love as a Vibrational Frequency Part 4, Energetic Clarity Part 5, Romantic Relationships Part 6, Twin Souls, Souls Mates, Kindred Spirits |
Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in The LightEmpowerment, Freedom, and Inner Peace through Inner Child HealingCodependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in The LightBook 2: A Dysfunctional Relationship with LifeWhen I was writing the first draft of my process level - how to - book about the inner child healing approach that I developed in my recovery, I thought that the actual explanation of the process would be the second part of the book. I believed that part 1 would be an explanation of the dynamics of codependency in terms of cause and effect. That is, how and why the wounding takes place, and the dynamics of the dis-ease of codependency - the ego's emotional / behavioral defense system - which creates a continuing vicious cycle of cause and effect in a person's relationships. Learning how to relate to self, life, and other people in early childhood from people who were wounded in their childhood, traps us in an ongoing cycle of shame, blame, and self abuse. That is what makes doing the inner child healing work so vital to changing the quality of our life experience.So, the online book I ended up calling: Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in The Light Book 2: A Dysfunctional Relationship with Life. The book grew to 15 chapters so far - and as such will most likely need be a separate book when and if I can get it published in book form. Book 1 - about the process of setting internal boundaries that is the key to my inner child healing approach I developed - I am calling: Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in The Light Empowerment, Freedom, and Inner Peace through Inner Child Healing. That book is contained in essence in the pages of my site that are focused on inner child healing - and the articles that will form the core of it are available in E-book form from Suite 101 for $19.95. (E-Book on inner child work) |
Codependency Recovery: Wounded
Souls Dancing in the Light
Book 2 A Dysfunctional
Relationship with Life
"The work grew to something quite a bit beyond what I envisioned - and includes 15 chapters as of May 2003. I very happy with, and proud of, the chapters that grew out of this initial source. It has since grown into an in depth look at the phenomena of codependency on multiple levels - which in my opinion, is really much larger and more important than just a response to the silly article by Dr. Harley. So, in early May 2003 I am separating this article from most of the chapters that grew out of it - as I spoke of doing in my February 2003 Update Newsletter.
"I have mentioned in previous Updates that this online book pounced upon me when I wasn't expecting it - and turned into something quite different than the article it started out to be. It has turned into quite a wonderful work in my opinion - and is so much larger and more important in my view than just a response to the internet article that sparked the writing. One of the things I am going to change is the title - which I really dislike.I am going to leave this article as it is presently named, as a two part web article, this page and the next one. I am changing the subtitle of part 2 slightly, but otherwise am not making any changes to either of these pages. There are some places in these two pages where I use some quite harsh language in reference to Dr. Harley and his beliefs - and I am going to leave that language as I wrote it. It doesn't have anything to do with Dr. Harley personally, but rather with the type of ignorant and arrogant white male attitudes that he represents to me. Over a year later, and farther along in my recovery process, I probably would tone down that language some if I wrote these two pages today - not because my beliefs and views have changed, but because I wouldn't be quite so reactive out of my own personal wounds. Sometimes it takes some harsh language to make a point however, and at this time I do not feel compelled to change the language as I originally published it. ~ Robert Burney May 2003 Chapter 1What I am thinking now, is that the chapters I have published will be part two (or book 2 perhaps) of the process level book I started to write several years ago: Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in The Light. Part 1, or the prequel, or whatever it is, will be focused on how to do the inner child healing / spiritual integration work." - Joy2MeU Update February 2003
Detachment Process Level Book Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in The Light A Higher Power of My Own Understanding Evolution of Book 2: A Dysfunctional Relationship with Life Author's Foreword Emotional honesty Insane Expectations - Road Rage Twisted and Distorted is the Dance of the Emotional Cripple Control and fear - thinking to avoid feeling False Self Image codependency = a ridiculous, dysfunctional, tragicomedy Opening our hearts "A dog who was abused as a puppy can unlearn their conditioned reflexes by spending enough time in a safe and loving environment. Although a safe and loving environment can be very valuable to a human being who is healing from their childhood wounding - the emotional trauma they experienced because of behavior modification experiences in early childhood - love from external sources is not enough to heal a person's relationship with self." Pavlov's Dog Codependency = conditioned reactive programming Awakening from the bondage of ego programming Post Traumatic Stress Disorder / Brainwashing / Behavior Modification / Conditioned Reflex relationships horizontal and vertical Animals are trained - Human Beings are emotionally traumatized Ego - consciousness of self True Self Worth Consciousness of Self Humility - essential to growth The Blessed Gift of Alcoholism unhealthy selfish vs healthy selfish Levels of Motivation I say overt because all codependents are emotional vampires to one degree or another as long as we are looking outside of ourselves for self definition and self worth." Mad Dogs and Skunks Emotional Vampires and Sacrificial Lambs Vicim Martyr, Emotional Vampire self pity A note to people with an aging parent (s) Death is a transition It doesn't matter what criteria we are using: looks; intelligence; success; popularity; righteousness (includes religious fanatics, bigots and racists, rebels and outcasts, health fanatics, etc.); etc.; we are taking our feelings of worth from looking down on others. When we are taking our feelings of worth from some arbitrarily defined external criteria - including healthier than, more spiritual than, kinder than, etc. - we are in our codependency. We are nurturing ourselves emotionally by seeing ourselves as "better than" - we are sucking emotional sustenance from our perspective of other people. We are being emotional vampires. As long as we are looking outside to define ourselves and determine our worth we are set up to be emotional vampires - which sets us up to be emotional anorexics." Stopping emotional enmeshment Feelings separate emotionally - not Spiritually Emotional Responsibility Our parents were trapped in the beliefs they grew up with. They were doing the best they knew how with the tools and knowledge they had. They did not have the choice - when we were children - to live their lives differently. We do have choices." Normal is Codependent Cause and Effect Dysfunctional Concept of Family The Baby Otter: A Mother's Day Story This is simply a manifestation of how codependency works." Emotionally Dysfunctional Cultures Emotionally Challenged Counselors and Therapists Grief work vital as part of integration process Emotional Vampires & Black and White Thinking An Age of Healing and Joy Unhealthy Healers and Shaming Teachers in the New Age Movement Higher Consciousness = larger paradigm Abusive therapists, healers, and teachers Enlarging the New Age Paradigm Discussion response Dance, Dance, wherever you may be Codependent, shaming New Agers, Twelve Steppers, Spiritual Seekers, Health Fanatics Moment of Clarity curing cancer / manifesting abundance Dance of Karma Comparison = empowering belief in separation Mystical Magical Spiritual Fable Mixing my metaphors Spiritual Manifesto Expanding the Paradigm - A Cosmic Perspective Masculine ~ Feminine / masculine ~ feminine / male ~ female Feminine and Masculine Principles of Creation The core of the dysfunction in human civilization men and women ~ Adam and Eve Women's Movement |
"In May of 2002, I started Chapter 4 of The codependency movement is NOT ruining marriages! with this note (which I have now removed from that chapter since I am including it here.)As I say in this quote, the online book Attack on America - A Spiritual Healing Perspective and A Call for Higher Consciousness turned into a very personally intimate and controversial work - and I did move the last 8 chapters of Attack on America to my Joy2MeU Journal in March 2002. I originally left Chapters 2 and 3 on the regular site - but have now moved them to this Dancing in Light division of Joy2MeU.A Personal Note from Robert Burney This piece of writing has turned into another online book that I am publishing as it is written. I am feeling compelled to make another attempt to write what feels like a definitive exposition of my work and my beliefs from a different perspective than the online book about the terrorist attack of September 11th that I wrote last fall and early winter. That book turned into a very personally revealing work that also included what could be interpreted as by certain fanatical elements of at least 3 major religious groups as blasphemy, and by some secular groups as very controversial political opinions - which in part, was why I decided to move the bulk of that book to my Joy2MeU Journal." - Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in The Light Book 2: A Dysfunctional Relationship with Life Author's Foreword
Here is what I wrote about this online book in my January 2002 Update.
"I felt compelled by my intuitive guidance to write Attack on America: A Spiritual Healing Perspective & Call for Higher Consciousness.Now, in September 2005, the last 8 Chapters of this book are available someplace other than just the Joy2MeU Journal.I started writing this online book on September 14th of this incredible year of 2001. On September 11th, I was going through my morning routine of checking my e-mail and went to one of the home pages I use to see what was happening in the world. There was a headline about some attack in New York City. I switched on the television and watched the smoke billowing out of the World Trade Center Towers - and knew that life had just changed in some irrevocable way.When I started writing on September 14th, I thought that I was writing perhaps a 2 or 3 part article. The writing took on a life of it's own however, and turned into an online book of over 100,000 words. I still do not know all of the levels of reasons for this piece of writing, or understand all of the levels that I do see.I also knew that the reason I had been blocked from doing any writing for the several weeks prior to the terrorist attack, was because it had not yet been revealed to me what I was going to be writing about. As has happened so often in my path, I got to let go of my expectations - my picture - of how I saw the immediate future unfolding (I no longer waste too much energy on trying to see beyond the next few weeks.) I knew that I was going to be writing about the events taking place, and their impact upon all of us watching in horror and shocked disbelief as our perspective of life as we know it shattered and collapsed in dust along with those towers.
After a few days of watching events unfold while observing the many thoughts and ideas that were boiling and leaping to the surface in the churning, effervescent river of words and images flowing through my mind - and watching the fission and fusion of those mental images with each other, and with the emotional energy created by, connected to, spawning them; I sat down to start writing on the morning of the 14th.
I sat down with some apprehension because I knew momentous events were unfolding - and that I was being called upon to take some risks. As soon as I saw where this writing was heading, I got scared. - Chapter 7 - Attack on America: A Call for Higher Consciousness
I think it is pretty good. I think it is important. And I knew from the beginning that it's importance would probably not be reflected in how many people read it. It has been a little disappointing that very few people have actually read it - but on other levels it has been kind of a relief. I talk about some pretty advanced perspectives of recovery in this online book - and share some very advanced interpretations of the metaphysical levels of this process. I also disclose some things on a personal level to a degree that I have heretofore reserved for my Joy2MeU Journal in it's password protected web site. And some of the opinions and interpretations that I share are controversial - to say the least.
For all of these reasons, I am strongly considering transferring the bulk of the online book to my Joy2MeU Journal. I have tons of information on my web site already, and I am afraid that this online book might confuse new visitors - and distract, or block them, from getting the benefit of the more basic information on the site. My writing - both in style and length - is kind of an acquired taste I think, and this online book fits more easily into my Journal site for reading by the people who resonate strongly with my message and like my style of writing." - January 2002 Update Newsletter 2
The Attack on America - A Call for Higher Consciousness Chapter 2 Their behavior was insane and monstrous. It was evil. Their views of Islam were twisted and perverted." "The twisted, distorted beliefs of the Old Testament - with it's angry, judgmental, vengeful male vision of God - are at the foundation of the beliefs, the intellectual paradigm, that humans in Western Civilization have used to define reality." Polarization Toxic Shame at the Core - The Cosmic Perspective Codependency: A Dance of Black and White Thinking and Toxic Shame Recovery - aligning with Love instead of shame Working the steps, applying the principles in our lives So, what can we do about this? The Attack on America - A Call for Higher Consciousness Chapter 3 "The actions of these terrorists was monstrous and horrifying. But it was not some isolated incident that came out of nowhere, it was not just the product of the very sick and twisted mind of Osama bin Laden. . . . . . The United States of America has some responsibility in setting this dynamic in motion. Innocent people were killed but the United States as a country is not totally innocent. Denying that dooms us to keep repeating our patterns." The United States of America Us vs them America the Codependent honest inventory Unexpected change of course Alternate Perspectives Be Aware Americans "I do not think it is possible for me to overstate the incredible impact that the corruption and contamination at the foundation of Western Civilization has had on the evolution of the planet. The concept of an angry, vengeful male god who is at war with forces of evil - who could send the human children he created to burn in hell forever - is a ridiculous perversion of the concept of a Supreme Being. That god is a weak, spineless punk - in my opinion." Dysfunctional Civilizations Adam and Eve The Spiritual Evolutionary Growth Process We have a Dream "After the events of September 11th, an email message with the same kind of shaming statements went around - attributed to not only Marianne Williamson but also to Neale Donald Walsch, James Twyman, James Redfield and Doreen Virtue. . . . . .A great majority of New Age teachers and writers are still empowering polarity and shame about human emotions by communicating this kind of message. Please stop and think about what you are doing. This message is not aligned with Love and ONENESS. This type of message supports the disease. PLEASE STOP IT!" The United States is the best and the brightest The Concept of Powerlessness A little personal inventory Surrendering to Expanding Consciousness Enlarging the New Age Paradigm "Maybe some of you have heard the joke; If you want to make God smile, make plans. We need to take responsibility for being co-creators of our lives, but we need to realize that we are not in control of the outcome." "Emotions are a vital and elemental part of being human. We need to own all the parts of our being - including our shadow side, our capacity for violence, our ego, our fear and our anger - in order to change our experience of life in a fundamental way. To designate negative value to emotions is to deny our humanity. We are here to integrate Spiritual Truth into the experience of being human, and we cannot do that without owning all parts of human self so that we can heal humanity and change the human experience into one aligned with ONENESS and LOVE instead of aligned with fear and separation." My Recovery Process Human Emotions Wounded Souls Dancing in the Light Grand and Compelling The Dance of Wounded Souls We are Spiritual Beings having a human experience. We are a perfect part of the ONENESS of the Universal Source Energy / God / Goddess / Great Spirit. We are all extensions of, manifestations of, The Universal Source Energy. We have always been a part of the ONENESS - and always will be. A small part of who we Truly are has extended downward vibrationally into an space/time Illusion of reality. Linear time exists only within this Illusion. Within this Illusion our consciousness is experiencing separation and evolving back to consciousness of ONENESS. This Spiritual evolutionary process is experienced as a journey through multiple realities, and multiple lifetimes within these illusions of reality." Age of Atonement being a clear channel For All My Relations relative Truth - finding what works to bring balance and serve Love Mystical Messenger or delusional psycho the intricate perfection of the unfolding of my process Spiritual Beings having a human experience The Attack on America - A Call for Higher Consciousness Chapter 8 George W. Bush grew up in an emotional wasteland that was also very privileged and wealthy. He was taught to define himself according to the codependent paternalistic attitude that is the modern day version of the Divine Right of Kings. His family was also part of the ruling class - the class of elite robber barons who have held the real power in the United States for well over 100 years. . . . . . . Osama bin Laden turned down his families offer of 20 billion dollars to return home and give up this silly religious stuff. George W. Bush accepted his families offer to return to the fold." "When we give power away to other people because our relationship with self is dysfunctional, we actually allow cords of energy to tie us to those people. These cords (ribbons, cables, tethers, threads, strands) of energy exist on the Etheric plane - which is where the Life Force energy runs through the chakra system. We can literally be drained of our Life Force by these dysfunctional connections to other people. All of us learned to allow ourselves to both be drained of Life Force by others as well as to steal Life Force energy from others to survive." At War Within Dancing in the Labyrinth Grieving - examples of how the process works (this link is to a page on Joy2MeU) Metaphysical and Metempirical Multi-Dimensional Reality Etheric plane The Attack on America - A Call for Higher Consciousness Chapter 9 "The rituals of blood sacrifice in the United States include crack pipes and gang initiation. A Palestinian who becomes a terrorist and a kid in South Central LA who joins a gang are reacting to the same basic emotional wounds." "The fourth chakra is the heart chakra. The heart chakra is situated in the middle of the chest next to the heart. It is upon reaching the level of the heart chakra that one starts awakening to the Truth of ONENESS and Love. Opening of the heart chakra allows the flow of Love and compassion into consciousness. The level of the heart is where integration and balance takes place. . . . . . The goal is to be centered in a fourth chakra level of consciousness - grounded in the Truth of Love and ONENESS - and to achieve balance with all of the other levels in relationship to the heart level." Vomiting out grief energy Etheric X-ray Chakra Levels of Consciousness Relative Levels of Consciousness Let Go - and then let go again The Attack on America - A Call for Higher Consciousness Chapter 10 By doing the inner child healing and learning how to be present in the moment - we can start to develop a place within us that is peaceful - a place that Knows Truth and is our place of grounding and safety." "The intellectual framework, the mental context, in which we view our self and life, is by nature not fluid. Any time we define something, we limit it. In order to grow, we need to learn to go with the flow of life and the healing process, by letting go of our intellectual paradigm. People who fight the flow of life and change, end up trapping themselves in progressively smaller intellectual paradigms - they become rigid and controlling and bitter, they stay trapped in self defeating victim behaviors. People who become open to seeing life in a growth context, as a process - build themselves larger paradigms. They change their relationship with life by accepting the inevitability of change - and learning to flow with it, grow from it, and make the best of it." Codependence Recovery / Inner Child Healing / Spiritual Integration & emotional balance The Recovery / Healing / Integration to find Balance Process Codependent Linear / Destination Thinking Learning to "go with the flow" The Attack on America - A Call for Higher Consciousness Chapter 11 For the Earth to evolve into a more peaceful, Loving world, it would seem to be more possible with a much smaller planetary population. Perhaps, these prophecies refer to a cleansing of the planet, and drastic reduction in population, that will take place as part of the shift away from polarity." "The new Age of Healing and Joy that has dawned in human consciousness is the Second Coming of the message of Love. Through doing our individual healing we are contributing towards the healing of the planet. By clearing our inner channels we are able to access the higher vibrational frequencies of Love and Truth, Joy and Light. The more we tune in to Light and Truth, the clearer our inner channel becomes, the closer we get to tuning into the Cosmic / Christ Consciousness energy, the messiah / savior energy within." The Situation in the World Today Blood Sacrifice Blood symbolic of the Life Force Energy Symbolic Blood Sacrifice = Letting Go of anything blocking the flow of the Life Force The Second Coming / Spiritual Awakening Has Begun Join the Revolution - learn to Love |
"The True Nature of Love series is something I started writing in 1999 - shortly after I started my Joy2MeU Journal, and the personal journal I share in it. I started writing both of those bodies of work while I was homeless . . . " - Joy2MeU Update November 2002When I published my book Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls at the end of 1995, I could not possibly have imaged that in 1999 I would be without a place to live for a period of 6 months.
"My healing path has taught me to keep letting go of the future and just do the next thing in front of me one day at a time. I am very grateful at the end of every month that enough money has manifested to pay the rent. And I am willing to accept being homeless again if that is the path my Higher Power lays in front of me.I am very grateful now for that trying period of time now as I say in the quote just above. I continued to live and write about my beliefs, at a time when it did not look like my life was working at all from an external perspective. By being forced to practice "acting as if" everything was unfolding perfectly at a time when it did not feel that way in a very big way, I was able to integrate my spiritual beliefs more deeply and profoundly into my relationship with life - and demonstrate my commitment to my Spiritual Path. I am including the last 4 of the articles in this series in this Dancing in Light section because of the metaphysical levels the writing ventured into exploring.I spent 6 months in 1999 being homeless. Not on the street homeless - I had an office for my computer - but crashing on someone's couch kind of homeless. The lessons in acceptance and patience and letting go that I learned during that time were sacred gifts. The level of faith that it forced me to access and practice, the depth to which I was forced to integrate my Spiritual belief system into my relationship with life, was a manifestation of Love from my Higher Power that I am now - and have been - reaping great benefits from." - Joy2MeU Update January 2002 Newsletter 1
"Codependence is a reflection on the individual
level of the original wound of humankind - feeling abandoned by
God. Feeling unlovable and unworthy and somehow shameful because
of feeling separate from The Source. We are not separate from
the Source - it just feels like it. . . . . . Love is a vibrational
frequency. It is our direct channel to The Source. When
we can tune into that higher energy vibration we are closer to our True
Selves." The level that most people are not aware of, and that is important for the focus of this column, is energetically. When we give power away to other people because our relationship with self is dysfunctional, we actually allow cords of energy to tie us to those people. These cords (ribbons, cables, tethers, threads, strands) of energy exist on the Etheric plane - which is where the Life Force energy runs through the chakra system." "It is letting go of the dream, the idea / concept, of the relationship
that causes the most grief in every relationship break up that
I have ever worked with." "So, how to differentiate between looking outside
for the source and combining our energy with some outside influence to help
us access the Source within." "We are all one at the Highest levels. At the lower levels we are more closely related vibrationally to other beings who are extensions of the Source through the vibrational stream that is our tribe. We are even more closely related to those who are members/emanations of our tributary tribe. As has been stated, all humans are our kindred spirits on multiple levels. For this particular discussion however, the term Kindred Spirit refers to those who are the closest relations to us vibrationally - on the same wave length . . . . ." |
"Recently I received an e-mail from an assistant editor of a Body Mind Spirit magazine in India called Life Positive. She stated that this was India's only New Age type of magazine, and asked for my input for a cover article she was writing about the New Age and what the future held in the New Millennium. She included some questions about changing societies, culture, therapies and the overall evolution of human kind.This page does contain the most straight forward and complete explanation of my belief system that I have written.I responded that there was no way I could answer her questions without explaining my Spiritual belief system - and that would involve a rather lengthy communication in order to provide a context for my answers. She e-mailed back that it was a long article and she would like to hear what I had to say.
What follows on this page is that explanation of my belief system, and my answers to her questions. Bits and pieces of what follows is inserted, or alluded to, on various pages of this web site and in my book, and most of it is included in the first book of my Trilogy which is being published in the Joy2MeU Journal. I have not, however, written quite this direct and complete an exposition of my Spiritual Truth previously.
So, as this millennium draws to a close, here is my Spiritual Belief system as it relates to the evolution of human kind and the New Millennium."
"This polarization of the lower mind caused souls in human body to start seeing the dynamic of life (both collectively and individually) as being a dance of polar opposition. Black and white, good and evil, male and female, emotional and intellectual, physical and spiritual, etc. Rather than seeing the oneness of the dynamic, humans now started perceiving different aspects of the dynamic of life to be in conflict. This perception caused souls to start giving power to, and becoming attached to, the illusionary reality. It resulted in the loss of the power to transcend between dimensions and forms - and eventually created the illusion of souls being trapped in human bodies - in a reality that felt as if it was separate from the Source Energy. . . . . . The inevitable result of the growing belief in separation from the God-Force - and therefore from each other - coupled with the desire to protect oneself from the illusion of fear, pain and death, led to humans acting out in violence against each other. The dance of life for humans, as we have known it, had begun." "Each of us has lived multiple lifetimes. We have experienced every aspect of the human experience. We have all been the perpetrator and the victim, the oppressor and the oppressed, the master and the slave. In order to fully experience the illusion of being human we have all been aligned with forces of darkness and of Light. Planetary conditions dictated the human condition, and we have played all roles within the drama that has been human evolution." "It is old souls who are awakening to enlightenment in this New Age. The majority of people on the planet are not old souls." Some questions that I answered in this article: First, considering the growing crime rate and environmental pollution and the overall rise in negative energies, do you really think that humanity is evolving? Or is more of a regression? |
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