Temporary Special Offers on my books, telephone counseling, MP3 downloads, subscription areas of site, and my life changing workshop

Cover of Book Give the gift of recovery this year by giving some people you care about a personally autographed copy of Robert's Joyously Inspirational Book

3 copies of Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls for the bargain price of $12 each plus shipping save almost $18.00 off of retail price
If you wish these books signed to someone specific please send me an e-mail telling me the names - joy2meu@silcom.com

3 copies of The Dance US 43.20
3 copies of The Dance Canada 59.95
3 copies of The Dance International 68.95

Anyone purchasing 3 books will also be sent a bumper sticker.
Bumper Sticker Joy to You & Me

"The wars outside of us are a reflection of the war within.  Humans have been at war within and without for thousands of years.  The wars, the violence, the rape of mother Earth that is happening, are all caused by the war within being projected outward.

It is all caused by warring on ourselves.  By judging and feeling ashamed of ourselves for being human - and by fighting our own emotional process.

The way to stop the war within is through healing and learning to Love our own inner child/children.  The inner child is the gateway to discovering our True Self - to reconnecting with the Great Spirit.

I have wanted for years to print a bumper sticker that says:
"Work for World Peace - Heal your Inner Child"

Because that is the only way it can be done.  That is the only way that will work." (Quotations in this color are from Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls)

My Books: Go to Sale Books

cover inner child healing book cover romantic relationship book
Special Offers ($7.95 each off of retail price) on my most recently published books: Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in The Light Book 1 Empowerment, Freedom, and Inner Peace through Inner Child Healing, and/or Romantic Relationships ~ The Greatest Arena for Spiritual & Emotional Growth
book cover joyously inspirational spiritual book Also add Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls to order for the other two books and save an additional $5.95

Subscription Areas of Joy2MeU website.
Special Offer for a lifetime* subscription to the Joy2MeU Journal and Dancing in Light subscription areas of my site!
Logo of Joy2MeU Journal Joy2MeU Journal

The Joy2MeU Journal is a publication I started in early 1999. . . . It turned into something . . . very intimately personal.  Starting in 1999 and continuing through the end of 2004 I shared in this Journal a personal journal where I was processing through my fear of intimacy issues.  That very painful process resulted in getting me to a place where I am in a relationship and don't have time to write any more.;-)

This Journal turned into is (as I describe it on my siteindex page):  "a body of work in a password protected part of the site where Robert is publishing the story of his Spiritual Path (11 part), a ongoing personal recovery journal (58 installments), and portions of his Trilogy (14 Chapters of a Magical, Mystical, Spiritual Fable) and Attack on America (11 Chapters) books not available on regular Joy2MeU site."
Information Page and Table of Contents
Dancing in Light
The content that I have chosen to make a part of this Dancing in Light component of the site, is some of the most sophisticated of my writings - dealing with very advanced levels of recovery and some revolutionary and controversial perspectives on metaphysics, spirituality, and enlightenment. Includes two online books:
Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing in The Light
Book 2:  A Dysfunctional Relationship with Life (15 Chapters)
Attack on America - A Spiritual Healing Perspective and Call for Higher Consciousness (11 Chapters)
It also includes articles from a series of 6 articles on: The True Nature of Love and a special article entitled:  My Spiritual Belief System and the New Millennium - also The Law of Attraction - Misunderstood & Misinterpreted & The Metaphysics of Emotions - emotional energy is real
Information & Table of Content
  * lifetime of Joy2MeU.com

Announcing that a new audio version of Codependence The Dance of Wounded Souls A Cosmic Perspective of Codependence and the Human Condition is now available on audible.comnew audio cover

This is a literal audio book with another narrator - not the audio that I did myself which was slightly abridged.  I think that the narrator did a good job - but of course it doesn't have the passion and the points of emphasis that the one I did has.  As one person's feedback stated:

"The audio version is absolutely a mind-blowing audio spiritual experience! You rock, man!! It's one thing to read the articles on the clinically electric computer screen and completely another level of involvement hearing the man himself utter his own words of wisdom and spiritual alchemy. One can tell that you aren't just mumbling through a book you've written; while listening it becomes certain that the message truly is your spiritual truth and not just some neatly packaged intellectual mind job disguising itself in spiritual language. An enormous THANK YOU for sharing your story and perspective for all the world to see, I truly appreciate it, man!"  

This audio book can be synched with the eBook from Amazon Kindle
 Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls

The version that I did is for sale right now as an MP3 download along with the recording of my Spiritual Integration Workshop

Special offers for Life Changing Telephone Counseling are now here: telephone counseling

Intensive Training Day
- special offers here:
life changing workshop

If you want to send me a Christmas Present, it would be gratefully accepted. :-)
"I freely share so much information on my site because - as I say in the article below - I believe it is my Karmic Mission in this lifetime.  I want to share the Joyous message and the precious information that I have discovered - and it is what I need to do for my Recovery and Spiritual Path.  It is not such a great strategy when it comes to finances however.;-)  So Donations to the Cause / Love Offerings / Spiritual Tithes are always appreciated if you feel my sharing has helped you in your Healing / Recovery process and on your Spiritual Path." - Metaphysical Law: Giving and Receiving ~ Donations / Love Offerings

HomeSacred Spiral with tail pointing to right signifying 'going toward.' Site IndexSacred Spiral with tail pointing to right signifying 'going toward.' Codependence Pages IndexSacred Spiral with tail pointing to right signifying 'going toward.' Inner Child Healing Pages Index
Spiritual Belief System Pages IndexSacred Spiral with tail pointing to right signifying 'going toward.' Metaphysical Pages IndexSacred Spiral with tail pointing to right signifying 'going toward.' Alcoholism Pages Index

Miscellaneous Topics Pages IndexSacred Spiral with tail pointing to right signifying 'going toward.' Romantic Relationships Pages IndexSacred Spiral with tail pointing to right signifying 'going toward.' Information Pages Index

Contact RobertLogo of Joy to You & Me Enterprises, publisher of Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls
Privacy Statement

Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls by Robert Burney is copyright 1995.  Material on Joy2MeU web site (except where otherwise noted) is copyright 1996 thru 2017 by Robert Burney  PO Box 1028 Cambria CA 93428.

 Logo of Joy2MeU web site of codependence therapist/Spiritual teacher