"What is so wonderful, what is so Joyous and exciting, is that we now have clearer access to our Spiritual Higher Consciousness than ever before in recorded human history. And through that Higher Self to the Universal Creative God-Force.On this page is a part 3 in a series of articles by codependency therapist/Spiritual teacher about The True Nature of Love.Each and every one of us has an inner channel. We now have the capability to atone - which means tune into - to atone, to tune into the Higher Consciousness. To tune into the Higher vibrational emotional energies that are Joy, Light, Truth, Beauty, and Love."
"The dance of life for humans has been grounded in shame and fear, empowered by belief in separation, lack, and scarcity. These are lower vibrational emotions and beliefs based on the three dimensional illusion that humans experience as reality. As long as the dance of humans harmonizes to music - vibrational emanations - that are rooted in shame, fear, and separation the only way to do the dance is destructively."
"Love is a vibrational frequency. When we can tune into that higher energy vibration we are closer to out True Selves. In The Goddess we are LOVE. LOVE is home. Humans have never felt comfortable in this lower vibrational illusion - we know from a very early age that something is wrong with this place. So we try to alter our consciousness - raise our vibrational frequency."
to a page of Joy2MeU The Web Site of Spiritual Teacher, codependence counselor, grief therapist, author, Robert Burney and Joy to You & Me Enterprises![]() Go to Home Page Robert is the author of the Joyously inspirational bookThe Dance of Wounded Souls ![]() .
This page includes quotes from Codependence:
The Dance of Wounded Souls, quotes from other
articles, columns, and web pages (indented) written by Robert Burney,
and a quote from
The Dance of the Wounded Souls Trilogy.
The internal links within this article open in a separate browser window.
The True Nature of Love - part 3, Love as a Vibrational Frequency"Truth, in my understanding, is not an intellectual concept. I believe that Truth is an emotional-energy, vibrational communication to my consciousness, to my soul/spirit - my being, from my Soul. Truth is an emotion, something that I feel within. |
"One of the fascinating things about the Age of Healing and Joy that has dawned in human consciousness is that the tools and knowledge that we need to raise our consciousness, to awaken to consciousness, have been unfolding in all areas of human endeavor over time, and at an accelerated rate in the last fifty to one hundred years.
One of the most fascinating things to me, and a key in my personal healing process, is in the area of physics. . . . .
. . . . . We are extensions of, manifestations of, this Higher Power temporarily in human form experiencing life in a lower vibrational illusion of three dimensional reality. We are Spiritual Beings having a human experience - not sinful, shameful humans who have to earn the Love of the Source. We are here to experience being human - to go through the school of Spiritual Evolution. . . . .
. . . . . Codependence is a reflection on the individual level of the original wound of humankind - feeling abandoned by God. Feeling unlovable and unworthy and somehow shameful because of feeling separate from The Source. We are not separate from the Source - it just feels like it. . . . . .
September 2005 - Articles 3 through 6 of this series are now exclusively available in the Dancing in Light pay to view component of Joy2MeU.com
The Dance of The Wounded Souls Trilogy Book 1 "In The Beginning . . . " is currently being published in installments in the Joy2MeU Journal. It is possible to read the first two sections (6 chapters) of it in the premier issue of the Joy2MeU Journal The Dance of The Wounded Souls Trilogy Book 1.