Check out our new Landing Site for a brief overview of the work of Codependency Recovery Inner Child Healing Pioneer Robert Burney - including links to his articles on websites that are user friendly on mobile devices.
"We are all kindred spirits in terms of our humanity - in terms of our relationship to the horizontal human experience. We are all kindred spirits with more connection than differences without even taking the vertical - the Spiritual relationship - into consideration."On this page is a part 6 in a series of articles by codependency therapist/Spiritual teacher about The True Nature of Love."I came to realize that an important part of the evolutionary process was the awakening of my soul to wholeness so that my twin soul and I could be reunited. And that our reunion was not necessary for becoming whole - but rather that becoming conscious of wholeness, of Oneness within, was necessary for that reunion to take place."
"Sometimes a person is both a Kindred Spirit/Soul Mate and abusive/unavailable in alignment with our patterns. We do, after all, have a lot of Karma to settle with people from our past lives - and the patterns from our past lives are the reason we have the patterns we do in our present life. Our Kindred Spirits/Soul Mates, other Spiritual Beings who Love us, come into our life to help us remember to protect and take care of our self - by setting boundaries and enforcing them, by breaking off a relationship after two weeks instead of holding on, by standing up for our self and our Truth. (The "jerk" that you are holding a resentment against is on a Spiritual Truth level a teacher who came into your life out of Love to help you learn and grow.)
Karmic settlement can take place from an encounter that lasts minutes or hours as well as a relationship that continues over years. Because you feel a strong energetic connection with someone is not reason to abandon your self. Even if you are sure someone is your Twin Soul, you still need to be willing to let go of them. Perhaps you need to let go of them in this lifetime in order to reunite with them in the next."
to a page of Joy2MeU The Web Site of Spiritual Teacher, codependence counselor, grief therapist, author, Robert Burney and Joy to You & Me Enterprises![]() Go to Home Page Robert is the author of the Joyously inspirational book |
This page includes quotes from Codependence: The
Dance of Wounded Souls, quotes from other articles,
columns, and web pages (indented) written by Robert Burney, and a
quote from The Dance of the Wounded Souls Trilogy.
The internal links within this article open in a separate browser window.
The True Nature of Love - part 6, Twin Souls, Souls Mates, and Kindred Spirits"Quantum physics has now proven that everything we see is an illusion, that the physical world is an illusion. Everything is made up of interacting energy. Energy interacts on a subatomic level to form energy fields which physicists call subatomic particles. These subatomic energy fields interact to form atomic energy fields, atoms, which interact to form molecules. Everything in the physical world is made up of interacting atomic and molecular energy fields. There is no such thing as separation in the physical world. Energy is interacting to form a gigantic, dynamic pattern of rhythmically repeating energy interactions. In other words, a dance of energy. We are all part of a gigantic dance of energy. This Universe is one gigantic pattern of dancing energy patterns." "You are together because you resonate on the same wave lengths, you fit together vibrationally, in such a way that together you form a powerful energy field that helps both of you access the Higher Vibrational Energy of Love, Joy, Light, and Truth - in a way that would be very difficult for either one of you to do by yourself. You are coming together to touch the face of God. You are uniting your energies to help you access the Love of the Holy Mother Source Energy.As I have stated previously in this series, some of the expressions in our language are very accurate when applied to the energetic level of interaction. One of those expressions is about being on the "same wave length" with another person. Since the whole Universe and everything in it is a dance of energy interaction, it follows that there is such a thing as vibrational connection - such a thing as being more on the "same wave length" with some people than with others. We are all more connected than we are different. As human beings, we share a basic emotional process that is the same for all of us. We share connections with other human beings that can allow us to feel on the same wave length with any human being in the right circumstances. We can watch a television show about someone who is completely different from us in terms of race, culture, language, etc. - and still resonate with them emotionally in a moment of tragedy, or triumph. Someone from our home town, who we might pass on the street without a second thought in the normal course of daily life, becomes a kindred spirit when we meet them in a foreign country. Our relationship with a certain subject can cause us to feel a connection to someone else - because of their similar relationship with that concept or group or thing. Some examples: fishing or dogs or skiing or an athletic team or a specific cause or a certain philosophy, etc. Every human being on the planet is someone who we could feel connected to - feel on the same wave length with - in the right circumstances in relationship to some shared feeling, interest, and/or experience. We are all kindred spirits in terms of our humanity - in terms of our relationship to the horizontal human experience. We are all kindred spirits with more connection than differences without even taking the vertical - the Spiritual relationship - into consideration. . . . . This page is no longer available on the regular web site. To view this page, it is now necessary to pay a fee for access to the Dancing in Light section of On this page are quotes from, and section headings of, the original article. The page with information on how to subscribe is Dancing in Light. |
So, this brings us to the more Metaphysical and Mystical aspects of this article. . . . .. . . . . Now, to look at the vertical/Spiritual interaction dynamic of this Illusion which we are experiencing. I am not going to go into a detailed discussions of the different planes of existence in this article. I will just say that on the highest levels we are all ONE. The energy of consciousness is projected outward (downward vibrationally) from the Source. It passes through the level of Cosmic or Christ Consciousness as One emanation. We are all one in Christ Consciousness. It then is projected into the next level which is the Archangelic plane. The emanation becomes 12 different vibrational manifestations on the Archangelic plane. These are the 12 tribes of human kind. . . . . .
. . . . Sometimes a person is both a Kindred Spirit/Soul Mate and abusive/unavailable in alignment with our patterns. We do, after all, have a lot of Karma to settle with people from our past lives - and the patterns from our past lives are the reason we have the patterns we do in our present life. Our Kindred Spirits/Soul Mates, other Spiritual Beings who Love us, come into our life to help us remember to protect and take care of our self - by setting boundaries and enforcing them, by breaking off a relationship after two weeks instead of holding on, by standing up for our self and our Truth. (The "jerk" that you are holding a resentment against is on a Spiritual Truth level a teacher who came into your life out of Love to help you learn and grow.)September 2005 - Articles 3 through 6 of this series are now exclusively available in the Dancing in Light pay to view component of Joy2MeU.comKarmic settlement can take place from an encounter that lasts minutes or hours as well as a relationship that continues over years. Because you feel a strong energetic connection with someone is not reason to abandon your self. Even if you are sure someone is your Twin Soul, you still need to be willing to let go of them. Perhaps you need to let go of them in this lifetime in order to reunite with them in the next. . . . . .
The Dance of The Wounded Souls Trilogy Book 1 "In The Beginning . . . " is currently being published in installments in the Joy2MeU Journal. It is possible to read the first two section of it in the premier issue of the Joy2MeU Journal The Dance of The Wounded Souls Trilogy Book 1.