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Check out our new Landing Site for a brief overview of the work of Codependency Recovery Inner Child Healing Pioneer Robert Burney - including links to his articles on websites that are user friendly on mobile devices.
"It was in only the late 70s and early 80s that researchers were able to identify the Adult Child Syndrome, that family dynamics researchers were starting to speak of the concept of dysfunctional families. Before Betty Ford had the courage to go public with her recovery from alcoholism in the late 70s, there was very little information widely available about alcoholism. Phil Donahue started bringing controversial topics out of the closet in the 70s, and was followed in the 80s by Oprah Winfrey. These were the first times that such subjects as child abuse and incest were openly discussed in American society. Denial, keeping secrets, had been the traditional norm in both families and society. "This is an article by Spiritual teacher / inner child healing pioneer / codependency therapist explaining the historically recent discovery of the dynamics of codependency."We were set up to be codependent. We were trained and programmed in childhood to be dishonest with ourselves and others. We were taught false, dysfunctional concepts of success, romance, love, life. We could not have lived our lives differently because there was no one to teach us how to be healthy. We were doing the best we knew how with the tools, beliefs, and definitions we had - just as our parents were doing the best they knew how."
"The only way to be free of the past is to start seeing it more clearly - without shame and judgment - so that we can take advantage of this wonderful time of healing that has begun.
Codependency has been the human condition. We now have the knowledge and power to change our relationship with ourselves. That is how we can change the human condition."
to a page of Joy2MeU The Web Site of Spiritual Teacher, codependence counselor, grief therapist, author, Robert Burney and Joy to You & Me Enterprises![]() Go to Home Page
Robert is the author of the Joyously inspirational bookThe Dance of Wounded Souls ![]() book ordering info
In February 2004 as I was
putting together some of my articles - that had been originally published
on Suite101 - for an E-Book, I rediscovered several that I had written
for a series on inner child healing that I like a lot. I decided to
add them as pages on my regular web site. This article The
Condition of Codependency was originally published online as Inner Child Healing - Part 20 - The condition of codependency
on November 19, 2001 on my Inner Child / Codependency Recovery topic page
on the Directory.
The Condition of Codependency"The word changed and evolved further after the start of the modern Codependence movement in Arizona in the mid-eighties. Co-Dependents Anonymous had its first meeting in October of 1986, and books on Codependence as a disease in and of itself started appearing at about the same time. These Codependence books were the next generation evolved from the books on the Adult Child Syndrome of the early eighties." ![]() The next article in the Codependence section is: What is codependency / codependence ? |
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The Condition of Codependency was originally published online November 19, 2001 as Inner Child Healing - Part 20 - The condition of codependency on Robert's Inner Child/Codependency Recovery page on the Directory