Check out our new Landing Site for a brief overview of the work of Codependency Recovery Inner Child Healing Pioneer Robert Burney - including links to his articles on websites that are user friendly on mobile devices.
"In order to have healthier relationships - with self, with our inner children / emotional wounds, with other people, with concepts like romance and success, etc. - it is very important to become conscious of, and be willing to change, the intellectual paradigm we are empowering both consciously and subconsciously. Our subconscious intellectual paradigm was adapted by our ego in early childhood in response to our emotional experience of being a child."On this page is an article by inner child healing pioneer on the importance of reprogramming our ego defenses."The people we Loved the most - our Higher Powers - hurt us the most. Our emotional intimacy issues were caused by, our fear of intimacy is a direct result of, our early childhood experiences. Our lives have been lived in reaction to the intellectual paradigms our egos adapted to deal with emotional trauma."
"I have told people for years, that the only reason to do inner child healing work is if we are going to interact with other people. If one is going to live in isolation on a mountain top meditating, it will be fairly easy to feel Spiritually connected. It is relating to other human beings that is messy.
In order to start being able to have healthier relationships with ourselves - and therefore with other people - we need to start changing that ego programming."
to a page of Joy2MeU The Web Site of Spiritual Teacher, codependence counselor, grief therapist, author, Robert Burney and Joy to You & Me Enterprises![]() Go to Home Page
Robert is the author of the Joyously inspirational bookThe Dance of Wounded Souls ![]() book ordering info
In February 2004 as I was
putting together some of my articles that had been originally published
on Suite101 for an E-Book, I rediscovered several that I had written for
a series on inner child healing that I like a lot. I decided to add
them as pages on my regular web site and reorganized my Inner Child Healing pages
index page at the same time.
Reprogramming our dysfunctional ego defenses"Recovery involves bringing to consciousness those beliefs and attitudes in our subconscious that are causing our dysfunctional reactions so that we can reprogram our ego defenses to allow us to live a healthy, fulfilling life instead of just surviving. So that we can own our power to make choices for ourselves about our beliefs and values instead of unconsciously reacting to the old tapes. Recovery is consciousness raising. It is en-light-en-ment - bringing the dysfunctional attitudes and beliefs out of the darkness of our subconscious into the Light of consciousness." ![]() Internal Boundaries - the key to emotional balance |
Child Healing Pages
Belief System Pages
Topics Pages
Relationships Pages
Information Pages
Reprogramming our dysfunctional ego defenses was
originally published online as Inner Child Healing - Part 16 - Reprogramming
our ego defenses on July 21, 2001 on Inner Child / Codependency Recovery
topic page I used to edit on the Directory.