Joy to You & Me Presents a Life Changing Workshop:
A Day Long Intensive Training
in Robert Burney's
Spiritual Integration
Formula for
Inner Healing
"The approach that I discovered in my personal recovery - and developed in my work with others - is the missing integration formula that people in recovery, on a healing / spiritual path, have been seeking for years. We can have lots of intellectual knowledge of what constitutes healthy behavior, and multiple spiritual experiences, but until we can integrate knowing / Knowing into our emotional relationship with self and life it is not possible to fundamentally change our behavior patterns - especially, and most importantly, our behavior patterns in intimate relationships.
There are many teachers, books, etc., these days that will tell you that the goal is to learn to Love your self - but no one really tells you how to do that. That is what the approach to inner healing - that I have been gifted with developing - facilitates. . . . . .
. . . . This work can empower you to not only to find inner peace / stop the war within - to learn to "be" present for your life journey today with the capacity to be happy, Joyous, and free in the moment - but is also the key to healing your fear of intimacy enough to learn how to open up to Love and be healthier in a romantic relationship." - Joy2MeU Update Newsletter March 2006
"What is so valuable, what I believe is unique, about the approach to inner child healing that I have been guided to develop and refine, is that it provides a formula for integrating Spiritual Truth and intellectual knowledge of healthy behavior into one's emotional relationship with life.
It does not matter how much Spiritual Truth, how many mystical experiences of oneness, how in tune with Love, you can feel in certain moments - if you cannot integrate it into your life in a way which changes your emotional experience of life on a moment to moment, day to day basis. You can go to therapy for many years, read all the Spiritual and self help books, go to workshops and seminars and lectures - compile encyclopedic intellectual knowledge of what healthy behavior is - and still be reacting to old wounds in the relationships that mean the most to you.
The missing ingredient for so many people who have been
seeking for many years,
is how to integrate
what you know into
how you feel about
your experience life.
That is what I teach
people - because it is
what I have spent many years learning."
- Co-Creation:
your Power to Manifest
Sept. 5th 2019: A Church Group booked the meeting room at the motel in Gilroy that I normally use, for the rest of 2019. I am not going to schedule any more workshops there for the time being. My only workshops in 2020 will be in Morro Bay as plans stand at the momen.March 17, 2020 - Announcing that a Workshop has been scheduled for
with Spiritual Teacher, inner child healing pioneer Robert Burney author of Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls "This dance of Codependence is a dance of dysfunctional relationships - of relationships that do not work to meet our needs. That does not mean just romantic relationships, or family relationships, or even human relationships in general. The fact that dysfunction exists in our romantic, family, and human relationships is a symptom of the dysfunction that exists in our relationship with life - with being human. It is a symptom of the dysfunction which exists in our relationships with ourselves as human beings. And the dysfunction that exists in our relationship with ourselves is a symptom of Spiritual dis-ease, of not being in balance and harmony with the universe, of feeling disconnected from our Spiritual source." - Quotes in this color are from Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls "I have been telling anyone who will listen about you and your work because it is literally saving my life and I feel it could help millions get well." "Your writing is more insightful and instructive for change than Bradshaw and Melody Beattie of codependence no more. Pia Melody's pretty good but you're more broad thinking in concepts and more compassionate too. I have been in therapy since I was 19, I'm 48 and am just learning about boundaries and not from the help of my therapist unfortunately. She knows inner child work but not how boundaries directly relate to it. Your work has been an invaluable resource as I read it tonight." "I read thru much of your website and I am very inspired by it. I have been feeling that something is missing from the 12-step CoDA meetings and now I know it is true." "Your work is brilliant and from what I've read on your website I am just utterly blown away by this material. It's like finally someone has put this mess of codependance into perspective so it can be healed!" "You have taken inner child healing to a new level. In your brilliantly written book you explain the missing pieces of the puzzle in a way that is amazingly simple and understandable." "I have been one of the lucky people to read your sensational book! . . . This book is truly a masterpiece. . . Wouldn't it be great if every living being on the planet read this book? Global transformation!" To see more feedback go to Testimonials and/or Phone Counseling Testimonials. |
Day Long Intensive Training Workshop
Bay, CA
in the Garden Wedding Chapel
Coalesce A Book Store & More 845 Main Street Morro Bay, CA. 93442 Some of
the comments from
to date:
"I believe you've assembled all of the major pieces of "the puzzle of Recovery" with your work (in a way that has never been done before)." "Robert, Your seminar on codependence was awesome. Your practical techniques for dealing with this disease are incredibly simple and incredibly effective." "You can intellectually understand key points by reading his book, but the training allowed me to really internalize it. It's like the difference between learning how to fly an airplane by reading a book vs. actually getting in the plane." "This training is not only a clear nuts and bolts approach to recovery, but likely a key insight into the next revolutionary model of recovery. I feel as if I have a much clearer map." "Robert Burney's training day was so inspirational and enlightening. He was loving and warm and presented profound life changing material in a very not intimidating way. Magical!" "Exceptionally understandable; very clear. This was LIFE Changing - I am so thankful. I would Absolutely recommend it." "It was very empowering, uplifting
and gave me new hope.
The information was
invaluable." "I really enjoyed Robert Burney's Intensive Training on inner
child work. . . I had many
revelations about my inner child and how
I can reparent and stop the critical parent that has
followed me my whole life. . . Thank you so much Robert.
You are a truly unforgettable person. So glad I said yes
to attending." For more see Testimonials for the Intensive (Updated 3/17/20) |
An Interactive Training Workshop with
"Love is a verb - it needs to be manifested in action not just contemplated intellectually. You can not learn to Love yourself - or be capable of having healthier relationships - without taking action to change your core / foundation relationship with self and life into one that is more aligned with Love. This inner child healing work is an effective and powerful formula that allows you to learn: to be more Loving to self; to gain some freedom from the past; to develop inner peace and serenity; to own your response-ability as co-creator of your life so that you can become a positive co-creator instead of negative (learn to be your own best friend instead of your own worst enemy); to start relaxing and being present for your life in a way that creates a more balanced and enjoyable experience. I highly recommend it." - Inner Child Healing = a path to freedom, serenity, and empowerment The approach to healing shared in this Training Day is one which has evolved in my personal recovery over the past 34 years and in my therapy practice over the past 28 years. I have been guided to develop an approach to inner child healing that offers a powerful, life-changing formula for integrating Love, Spiritual Truth, and intellectual knowledge of healthy behavior into one's emotional experience of life - a blueprint for individuals to transform their core relationship with self and life. My work is firmly grounded on twelve step recovery principles and emotional energy release / grief process therapy. I specialize in teaching individuals how to become empowered to have internal boundaries so they can learn to relax and enjoy life in the moment while healing. It is the unique approach and application of the concept of internal boundaries, coupled with a Loving Spiritual belief system, that make the work so innovative and effective. My belief is that we are Spiritual Beings having a human experience and that the key to healing and Spiritual Awakening (and integrating Spiritual Truth into our emotional experience of life) is reprograming our dysfunctional ego defenses while striving for emotional honesty through grief processing and inner child work. It is not necessary to agree with my Spiritual beliefs to apply the approach I developed to help you transform your experience of life into an easier, more Loving and enjoyable journey. I consider spirituality to be a word that describes one's relationship with life - and anyone, regardless of religious belief or lack of it (who is not completely closed minded), can benefit from doing this work. It is possible to feel the feelings without being the victim of them or victimizing other's with them. It is possible to change the way you think so that your mind is no longer your worst enemy. It is possible to become empowered to have choices in life at the same time you are letting go of trying to control things which you do not have the power to control. Life can be an exciting, enjoyable adventure if you stop reacting to it out of your childhood emotional wounds and attitudes. |
![]() "The point that I am making is that our understanding of Codependence has evolved to realizing that this is not just about some dysfunctional families, our very role models, our prototypes, are dysfunctional. Our traditional cultural concepts of what a man is, of what a woman is, are twisted, distorted, almost comically bloated stereotypes of what masculine and feminine really are." "It is necessary to own and honor the child who we were in order to Love the person we are. And the only way to do that is to own that child's experiences, honor that child's feelings, and release the emotional grief energy that we are still carrying around." "We are transcendent Spiritual Beings who are part of the ONENESS that is the God-Force. We always have been and always will be. We are perfect in our Spiritual Essence. We are perfectly where we are supposed to be on our Spiritual Path. And from a human perspective we will never be able to do "human" perfectly - which is perfect. We have been trying to do human perfect according to a false belief system in order to get Spiritual. It does not work. It's dysfunctional." "It was vitally important for me to learn how to have internal boundaries so that I could lovingly parent (which, of course, includes setting boundaries for) my inner children, tell the critical parent/disease voice to shut up, and start accessing the emotional energy of Truth, Beauty, Joy, Light, and Love. It was by learning internal boundaries that I could begin to achieve some integration and balance in my life, and transform my experience of life into an adventure that is enjoyable and exciting most of the time." "In order to start be-ing in the moment in a healthy, age-appropriate way it is necessary to heal our "inner child." The inner child we need to heal is actually our "inner children" who have been running our lives because we have been unconsciously reacting to life out of the emotional wounds and attitudes, the old tapes, of our childhoods." |
"These "Training Days" are workshops in one dictionary sense of the term - i.e. "A seminar or single session for training, discussion, etc., in a specified field" - but they do not involve the attendees being forced to actively participate in some way.
In other words, people attending these "workshops" are not going to be asked to do exercises, or emotional processing - or be put in a position where they feel they are being pressured to take a risk of revealing themselves or being vulnerable. The "work" that is asked of attendees is to be present and actively listen - to be open to hearing that they can own the power to transform their experience of life into an exciting adventure. Attendees have the opportunity to absorb information that will give them a blueprint / formula for learning to access and manifest Love into their relationship with self in a way that helps them to start experiencing Joy and inner peace and freedom from the past. A formula that includes practical, powerful, effective tools and techniques for helping them overcome their fear of intimacy and change their core relationship with self, life and other people.
These "workshops" are interactive in that participants are encouraged to ask questions that will help them clarify and understand the information being presented - but no one is required to say a word. I once observed a one day workshop given by John Bradshaw in which he actually had people break into small groups and do exercises designed to get them in touch with their inner child wounds. There were more than one hundred people in attendance - and he only provided 3 or 4 facilitators to help people get through any emotional breakthroughs that might be triggered by these exercises. I felt that it was irresponsible - verging on unethical - to have people pressured into doing exercises that were designed to get them into an emotionally vulnerable place, without providing an appropriately safe environment and resources to insure that the experience would not be a traumatic one for the participants.
I do not believe that a one day (6 to 8 hour experience) is an appropriate setting to put people in a position to be emotionally vulnerable with no previous work or knowledge of their issues, or appropriate follow up resources available. . . . So, the bottom line is that these Intensive Training Days I am offering, could be described as lectures - except I associate negative connotations with that word. One of the dictionary definitions of lecture is "to rebuke or castigate authoritatively or at length" - and that is definitely not what I am doing in these Training Days. They are lectures in another dictionary sense of "A discourse delivered aloud for instruction or entertainment." And I believe that though my presentation is designed to be instructional, it is also quite entertaining. What I am really doing in these Intensives is sharing my experience, strength, and hope - sharing with the participants what I have learned, what has worked for me in my recovery. . . . .
. . . . . We have the power to change our relationship with self and life - which changes how we relate to others. That is what this work is all about - becoming empowered to become positive co-creators in our own lives so that we can transform our life adventure into an exciting adventure instead of a pain-filled, fear-driven, heart-breaking, endurance contest. Learning how to be our own best friend instead of always feeling like we are our own worst enemy - feeling like the victim of our own thoughts and feelings. There is a lot of information involved - highly concentrated - because there are multiple levels, facets, and dimensions involved in our relationship with self, life, and everything in life. But once we make a shift in perspective, that information starts falling in place in a logical, rational way - the pieces of the puzzle become more visible because we are viewing the whole experience of life, and our relationship with self, in a larger context.
It is not necessary to learn a whole bunch of new information - we just need to open up our intuitive inner channel to remembering what we already Know on some level. When we stop viewing life from the emotional perspective of a wounded child, from the perspective of the dysfunctional programming our ego adapted to help us survive - then we can get more clearly in touch with our Spiritual Self. And what I teach people is a practical, powerful, effective formula for opening up to remembering, and accessing, intuitive Truth.
"Truth, in my understanding, is not an intellectual concept. I believe that Truth is an emotional-energy, vibrational communication to my consciousness, to my soul/spirit - my being, from my Soul. Truth is an emotion, something that I feel within.
It is that feeling within when someone says, or writes, or sings, something in just the right words so that I suddenly feel a deeper understanding. It is that "AHA" feeling. The feeling of a light bulb going on in my head. That "Oh, I get it!" feeling. The intuitive feeling when something just feels right . . . or wrong. It's that gut feeling, the feeling in my heart. It is the feeling of something resonating within me. The feeling of remembering something that I had forgotten - but do not remember ever knowing."
That is why I get
so many people
writing to
me saying they are amazed
that I am saying things
that they have been
thinking. We are accessing
the same Source.
It has just been my path
to painstakingly learn how the
internal dynamics
of this disease operate,
and what works to facilitate
recovery from it - because
it was necessary for my own
recovery. Someone at the last
Intensive in LA said something
very similar to something I shared
in my very first Newsletter
for my original web site in 1998.
"I had someone in a workshop
say to me one time "Boy, you
really know this stuff! You
have really studied this, you are
kind of like an Olympic athlete or
something in this area." My
immediate reaction - as it so often is
- was to react out of my disease: "That's
because I was so sick." But then
I caught myself and changed it to wounded."
- Joy to You & Me Newsletter I
- July 1 1998
The person in LA said something like, "Boy, I am glad you were so f---ed up so that you really had to learn this stuff to be able to teach it to us."
The reality is that the 6 hours or so that I talk in this Intensive only allows me time to touch on some of the information that I have to share. In sharing the information, I go off on tangents in which I tell stories from my recovery on how I learned whatever aspect of the process I am talking about at the time. (Each Intensive is a different experience because the group consciousness is different - and the questions asked are different. The tangents I go into can be in regard to romantic relationships, inner child healing, fear of intimacy, setting boundaries, metaphysics, spirituality, grief processing, parenting, etc. - that is part of what I meant when I mentioned the different dimensions, facets, and levels.) The feedback so far, shows that these tangents in which I share my experiences are some of the most valuable information that I am sharing in the Intensives. It is the personal sharing that helps people to really understand the information about the wounding and recovery dynamics I am sharing. As one person in the San Diego Intensive put it: "You can intellectually understand key points by reading his book, but the training allowed me to really internalize it. It's like the difference between learning how to fly an airplane by reading a book vs. actually getting in the plane. . . . . . . . Your willingness to show up for your own recovery will help you to open up to manifesting more Joy, Love and serenity in your life experience - by helping you to remember Truth and access your True Self, and by giving you the tools to integrate that Knowledge into your relationship with self and life. Attending an Intensive Training Day has the potential of being a life changing transformational experience that could mark a milestone in your journey / a new beginning / a new chapter in your life - one in which your dance through life becomes significantly more of an adventure that includes experiences of Love and Joy, instead of an ordeal defined by fear and pain, guilt, and shame." - Joy2MeU Update Newsletter August 2006
Belief System Pages Index
Metaphysical Pages
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Topics Pages
Romantic Relationships
Pages Index
Pages Index