Check out our new Landing Site for a brief overview of the work of Codependency Recovery Inner Child Healing Pioneer Robert Burney - including links to his articles on websites that are user friendly on mobile devices.
"Many people use meditation as a form of antidepressant to stay disassociated from their feelings. There are also many people who use wonderful tools like positive affirmations and positive visualization to discount and deny emotions. Meditation and chanting, affirmations and visualization, music and dancing, movement and exercise, etc., are tools that can be very helpful in maintaining some balance on our recovery journey / spiritual path - but can also be used in ways that deny feelings. Positive affirmations and visualization are vital in changing our perspective of life away from the negative programming of childhood into alignment with Metaphysical Law / the Law of Attraction - but it is vital to honor our emotions and emotional process if we truly want to start having some freedom from the past."On this page is an article by grief therapist/codependence counselor/Spiritual teacher about the Metaphysics of emotional energy.
" . . . . . . . not only does traditional science, medicine, and psychology discount emotions - treat them as a chemical reaction or an extension of thought, but many of the so called New Age teachers do the same. Emotions are, on one level, chemical reactions - just as on another level, our emotional reactions are very much influenced by our mental attitudes. But emotions are also energy that exists in a very real way on the etheric plane in the emotional body. To discount the level in which emotions are energy is very dysfunctional in my belief. To discount the emotional energy that was generated in our childhood, and still exists in our being, is to discount our own experiences and being - to say nothing of being very dangerous to our physical and mental health."
"When we give power away to other people because our relationship with self is dysfunctional, we actually allow cords of energy to tie us to those people. These cords (ribbons, cables, tethers, threads, strands) of energy exist on the Etheric plane - which is where the Life Force energy runs through the chakra system. . . . . . . On an energetic level, abandonment means getting unplugged from our energy source. Abandonment feels life-threatening because the cords that bind us to other people, and feed us Life Force energy, gets unplugged and we do not know how to access that energy for ourselves. That is why it is so important to learn to plug in internally, access the Transcendent emotional energy of Love, Light, Joy, and Truth that is available to us within."
"What so many people who are teaching the Law of Attraction don't seem to understand however - or at least don't communicate it in how they are teaching it - is that changing that ego programming now does not make the emotional energy from the past disappear. We cannot just start being in the Now and let go of the past (except in the moment - the more we heal the more ability we have to let go of the past and be present in the moment for more moments of the day.) We have repressed, suppressed, pressurized emotional energy within us in relationship to our emotional wounds. That is why it is so important to do the grief work to release some of that energy - to take power from those emotional "buttons" that dictate our reactions in intimate relationships. We can't just start being spiritual in our relationships with other human beings without healing those emotional wounds from the past - releasing some of that repressed emotional energy."
"I want to again emphasis that it is not necessary to understand all of this metaphysical stuff. What is important is to feel the resonance of Truth that will help you remember that it is all perfect when looked at from a large enough paradigm. Emotional energy is generated in our emotional body on the Etheric plane. That is where the chakra system exists. Many of you have probably had energy work done that helps you to understand that there is Truth in the ancient Chinese techniques of acupuncture. That there are energy junctions in our body - that are not acknowledged in traditional Western medicine - that do affect our physical bodies."
to a page of Joy2MeU The Web Site of Spiritual Teacher, codependence counselor, grief therapist, author, Robert Burney![]() Go to Home Page
Robert is the author of the Joyously inspirational bookThe Dance of Wounded Souls. ![]()
The Metaphysics of Emotions - emotional energy is realThat there are so many resources these days that are teaching people that they need to learn to love themselves and stop allowing the past to dictate how they are living life today is a wonderful sign of the new Age of Healing & Joy that has dawned in human consciousness on the planet that I talked about in my book. That is the very good news. We have now entered a very special time in human history. An Age of Healing and Joy has dawned in human consciousness on this planet. We now have tools, knowledge, and most importantly, clearer access to healing energy and Spiritual guidance than has ever before been available in recorded human history on this planet. The not so good news is that far too many of those teachers and organizations are teaching a lot of Truth mixed with some misinterpretations and false beliefs. The teachings of all the Master Teachers, of all the world's religions, contain some Truth along with a lot of distortions and lies. Discerning Truth is often like recovering treasure from shipwrecks that have been sitting on the ocean floor for hundreds of years - the grains of Truth, the nuggets of gold, have become encrusted with garbage over the years." "There is Truth all around us. We can find messages everywhere once we start picking the baby out of the bathwater - once we begin to be willing and open to feeling and trusting the emotional energy communications of Truth from our Souls. The teachings of all of the Master Teachers, of all religions, philosophies, mythologies, fairy tales, even comic books, have Truth in them. Too many of the people who are teaching really wonderful concepts and Truths, are in my opinion still reacting out of their own personal codependency. "Mystical messengers and Master Teachers are Spiritual Beings in human body who were/are open to accessing Higher Truth in relationship to some part of this puzzle of life. We are all Spiritual Beings in human body who have the capacity to tune into Mystical Truth, into intuitive guidance - to whatever degree is necessary for our Karmic mission in this lifetime. None of us are, none of them were, perfect humans - we are all perfect in our Spiritual Essence.In the article I referred to in the first paragraph that I am writing this article as a companion to - The Law of Attraction - Misunderstood & Misinterpreted - I talk about some of the reasons I believe these mystical messengers / spiritual teachers are giving out messages that are affected by codependency. Those include black and white thinking and shame about being human, but the discounting of emotions is the one that this article is addressing. Emotions are real. Emotions are energy that is manifested into the body in a dimension, on a level, that cannot be seen or measured in any concrete way. Traditional Western medical science has discounted emotions because it can't be measured or detected as tangible, physical substance. "Traditional Western medical science has ignored and discounted the spiritual and emotional components of being. The traditional medical perspective in relationship to any physically or psychologically manifested dis-ease is limited by a left brain (concrete, rational) intellectual paradigm which is entirely focused on that which can be seen, measured, quantified. Therefore, any spiritual, emotional, and mental dis-ease is seen as resulting from biochemical, physiological, physical conditions. Doctors (which includes psychiatrists of course) - and other traditional medical and mental health professionals - were trained to identify mental and emotional problems as biological and to see the solution as chemical.In the quote above I use the word empirical - a word that I mention in my article on the Law of Attraction that led me to the word metempirical - beyond experience, beyond evidence and observation. It is actually very easy to observe when someone is having feelings - but there isn't any measurable, discernible substance to those emotions, thus they have been discounted in Western Civilization. In the quote from my book within the following quote, I mention that this is a swing to the other extreme from earlier periods of Civilized history. In that quote from my book - as I also mentioned in my Law of Attraction article - I used the word supernatural. If I were writing that paragraph today I would use the word metaphysical. "Metaphysical means beyond the physical - that is beyond the concrete three-dimensional reality that we experience, that can be seen and measured. One of the reasons that emotions have been so discounted in Western Civilization has been because it is not possible to take an x-ray and see that we have unresolved grief from the past that is knocking our system out of balance and causing us to be depressed. Emotions have also been discounted in Eastern Civilization although the Eastern approach to medicine and science is much more Holistic in general and does acknowledges the existence of energies of a metaphysical nature." - Energetic Attraction - emotional familiarity or Karmic connection?I mention in this last quote that Western Civilization is not holistic in it's approach to mental health - it discounts the emotional and spiritual components as I mentioned in the earlier quote. Our mental health system not only does not promote healing - it actually blocks the process. The mental health system in this country is designed to get your behavior and emotions under control so that you can fit back into the dysfunctional system. Drugs that are designed to disconnect you from your feelings block the healing process. Mental health professionals who need to have you see them regularly in order to be financially supported, need to have you be dependent upon them, need to keep you a patient in order to survive. Any counselor, therapist, psychologist - and especially psychiatrist - that is adhering to training that takes the traditional perspective of emotions will most likely not have done their own emotional healing, and because of that will not be comfortable with any "patient" being very emotional.What is so sad to me - and sometimes makes me angry so that I rant and rave - is that it is not just traditional mental health professionals that discount emotions, but also New Age and alternative healers and spiritual teachers. New Age is in many ways a synthesis of Western and Eastern beliefs and practices. What too many of the people involved in New Age don't understand is this: the reality that both traditions discount emotions is a symptom of a larger dysfunction caused by the planetary conditions that dictated the course of human evolution on this planet. Eastern beliefs though more holistic in general and accepting of the metaphysical energies that are the focus of acupuncture (to name one example, Feng Shui, Chi, etc. ), have also discounted emotions - as something that one should rise above. In order to become "enlightened" it was thought that one must rise above being human and feeling messy human emotions. Both Western and Eastern beliefs are out of balance and codependent in my belief. All civilizations are dysfunctional to varying degrees, as are subcultures within those civilizations. They just have different flavors of dysfunction, of imbalance. As an example: In much of Asia the individual is discounted for the good of the whole - whether that be family or corporation or country. The individual takes his or her self-definition from the larger system. That is just as out of balance and dysfunctional as the Western Civilization manifestation of glorifying the individual to the detriment of the whole. It is just a different variety of dysfunction. The goal of this dance of Recovery is integration and balance. That means celebrating being a tree while also glorying in being a part of the forest. Recovery is a process of becoming conscious of our individual wholeness and our ONENESS with all. When I am working with people, teaching them my approach to inner healing, I always asked if they have been involved in Eastern meditation practices. The reason that I ask that is to be able to tell them that when I talk about how important the observer perspective is to codependency recovery I am not talking about the passive observer that is taught in meditation practices. The type of observer perspective I teach people is pro-active and intervening - not just passively observing thoughts and feelings but actually taking action to change the internal programming that we do have the power to change. "By cultivating this detached perspective - detached from our ego experience of being human - we can observe both the mental and emotional levels of our being from a more discerning perspective. It facilitates changing the intellectual programming and taking some of the terror out of healing the emotional wounds. It allows us to set internal boundaries within, and between, the mental and emotional levels of our being.I teach people to develop an observer / witness perspective that is pro-active and intervening, that actually becomes our Recovery Control Center / our Conscious Recovering Adult Observer perspective - so that we change how we are relating to our own internal process instead of just reacting to old tapes and old wounds. When we are reacting out of our childhood emotional wounds, then what we are feeling may have very little to do with the situation we are in or with the people with whom we are dealing in the moment. In order to start be-ing in the moment in a healthy, age-appropriate way it is necessary to heal our "inner child." The inner child we need to heal is actually our "inner children" who have been running our lives because we have been unconsciously reacting to life out of the emotional wounds and attitudes, the old tapes, of our childhoods. . . . Until we heal our wounds, until we become honest and clear in our emotional process, we are not able to be discerning. We are not capable of responding to life in the now - we are only able to react out of old grief, out of old tapes. We need to develop a detached, objective observer perspective in order to become more aware of our own internal cause and effect - so that we can change the ego programming and transform how we relate to our own emotions by recognizing them as energy that needs to flow. "I have had many clients who have practiced sitting in meditation for many years, who were taught to use meditation as a way of repressing the feelings - "observing" the feelings is not the same as owning and feeling and experiencing. Just as some "new age" or Metaphysical people use Spiritual Truths as another tool to deny the feelings (I have worked with many people who thought they had no right to be angry at their parents because they "chose" them - that choice was made in alignment with the need to settle Karma, not of totally free selection, and in no way negates our need to own our right to be angry about how their behavior affected us. Just the other day a friend told me that her boyfriends mother refuses to take any responsibility for what happened in his childhood because he "chose" her.) so too have meditation practices of observing the feelings been used by some to avoid feeling the feelings. Many people use meditation as a form of antidepressant to stay disassociated from their feelings. There are also many people who use wonderful tools like positive affirmations and positive visualization to discount and deny emotions. Meditation and chanting, affirmations and visualization, music and dancing, movement and exercise, etc., are tools that can be very helpful in maintaining some balance on our recovery journey / spiritual path - but can also be used in ways that deny feelings. Positive affirmations and visualization are vital in changing our perspective of life away from the negative programming of childhood into alignment with Metaphysical Law / the Law of Attraction - but it is vital to honor our emotions and emotional process if we truly want to start having some freedom from the past. I am in this article going to using some quotes and excerpts from some of my writing to try to communicate about the metaphysics of emotional energy as I understand it. I am not going to do a lot of additional writing about it at this time, just a few comments to introduce or sum up the quotes I will be using. As I made a point of stating in my article on the Law of Attraction, it is not necessary to understand all of this, what is important is to be open to larger concepts that can help us find a more enjoyable, balanced, and functional way to relate to this human adventure we are experiencing - a way of living that helps us to be more Loving to our selves and others, that helps us to manifest more Love into human consciousness on the planet."I want to again emphasis that it is not necessary to understand all of this metaphysical stuff. What is important is to feel the resonance of Truth that will help you remember that it is all perfect when looked at from a large enough paradigm. Emotional energy is generated in our emotional body on the Etheric plane. That is where the chakra system exists. Many of you have probably had energy work done that helps you to understand that there is Truth in the ancient Chinese techniques of acupuncture. That there are energy junctions in our body - that are not acknowledged in traditional Western medicine - that do affect our physical bodies.In December of 1999 I published an article entitled My Spiritual Belief System and the New Millennium. That article is now completely available only in a subscription area of my site but the following quote can be found on the part of the page that is still available. "So, as this millennium draws to a close, here is my Spiritual Belief system as it relates to the evolution of human kind and the New Millennium. I am publishing this here for the world to see, not out of some delusion that I know everything, but rather to share with you a perspective that gives me comfort because it supports my need to believe that the ultimate governing principle in the Universe is Love. My belief system developed out of my need to find a paradigm that would support the belief that Unconditional Love is the Ultimate Truth. This belief system not only resonates in my heart as Truth - it also gave me permission to start believing that I am Lovable and Loved.In the Law of Attraction article a quote is included from the Author's Foreword of my book that sums up part of the reason I am writing this article. I will include a paragraph of it here just to reiterate that purpose. I share this message with you, the reader of this book, in the hopes that it will help you to remember the Truth of who you are, and why you are here. This information is not meant to be absolute or the final word - it is meant as an alternative perspective for you to consider. A Cosmic Perspective that just might help to make life an easier, more enjoyable experience for you. ![]() Codependency Recovery: Wounded Souls Dancing
in the Light Book 2: A Dysfunctional Relationship with Life,
Attack on America: A Spiritual Healing Perspective &
Call for Higher Consciousness, The True Nature of Love
series of articles, and the article My Spiritual Belief
System and the New Millennium can be found in Dancing in Light a
subscription area of the Joy2MeU web site. Quotes from the
Dance of Wounded Souls Trilogy and the journal of my
personal recovery can be found in another subscription area The Joy2MeU Journal
Metaphysical = beyond the physical
Mystical messengers and Master Teachers
emotional energy is real
Metaphysical = beyond the physical
Dysfunction both Eastern & Western
A Larger Perspective
Feeling the Feelings - grief / emotional energy release
Energetic Clarity
quantum physics
Etheric plane
Tuning into Love instead of fear and shame
Etheric X-ray
Multiple Levels / Perspectives
Progress not perfection
Spiritual Beings having a human experience
Child Healing Pages
Belief System Pages
Topics Pages
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